diff --git a/docs/ccip/index.html b/docs/ccip/index.html
index 2d514f6..2a6db7c 100644
--- a/docs/ccip/index.html
+++ b/docs/ccip/index.html
@@ -13,15 +13,79 @@
let gData;
- fetch('./ccip_info_new.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- gData = data;
+ // Fetch and transform the data
+ const chainsUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartcontractkit/documentation/refs/heads/main/src/config/data/chains.json';
+ const lanesUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartcontractkit/documentation/refs/heads/main/src/config/data/ccip/v1_2_0/mainnet/lanes.json';
+ Promise.all([
+ fetch(chainsUrl).then(r => r.json()),
+ fetch(lanesUrl).then(r => r.json())
+ ])
+ .then(([chainsData, lanesData]) => {
+ // Transform chains data for lookup
+ const chainImageMap = Object.entries(chainsData).reduce((acc, [_, chain]) => {
+ acc[chain.title.toLowerCase()] = "https://docs.chain.link" + chain.icon;
+ return acc;
+ }, {});
+ // Get unique chain names from lanes data
+ const uniqueChains = new Set();
+ Object.entries(lanesData).forEach(([source, destinations]) => {
+ uniqueChains.add(source);
+ Object.keys(destinations).forEach(target => uniqueChains.add(target));
+ });
+ // Create nodes with integer IDs
+ const chainToId = {};
+ const nodes = Array.from(uniqueChains).map((chain, index) => {
+ chainToId[chain] = index;
+ let lookupName = chain.toLowerCase()
+ .replace('ethereum-mainnet-', '')
+ .replace('-1', '')
+ .replace('-mainnet', '')
+ .replace('mainnet-', '')
+ .replace('mainnet', 'ethereum')
+ .replace('bsc', 'bnb chain')
+ .replace('xdai', 'gnosis')
+ .replace('polkadot-astar', 'astar')
+ .replace('matic', 'polygon')
+ .replace('andromeda', 'metis');
+ return {
+ id: index,
+ name: chain,
+ img: chainImageMap[lookupName] || '',
+ // img: "https://icons.llamao.fi/icons/chains/rsz_scroll.jpg",
+ url: 'https://docs.chain.link/ccip/directory/mainnet/chain/' + chain // You might want to update this based on your requirements
+ };
+ });
+ // Transform lanes data into links using integer IDs
+ const links = [];
+ Object.entries(lanesData).forEach(([source, destinations]) => {
+ Object.keys(destinations).forEach(target => {
+ links.push({
+ source: chainToId[source],
+ target: chainToId[target],
+ name: `${source} -> ${target}`,
+ tokens: Object.keys(destinations[target].supportedTokens || {})
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ gData = {
+ nodes: nodes,
+ links: links
+ };
+ console.log(chainImageMap);
+ console.log(gData);
+ // Create a mapping from node id to node object
+ const nodeById = Object.fromEntries(gData.nodes.map(node => [node.id, node]));
+ // create empty array of neighbors if it doesn't exist for each node
+ gData.nodes.forEach(node => !node.neighbors && (node.neighbors = []));
// cross-link node objects
gData.links.forEach(link => {
- const a = gData.nodes[link.source];
- const b = gData.nodes[link.target];
+ const a = nodeById[link.source];
+ const b = nodeById[link.target];
!a.neighbors && (a.neighbors = []);
!b.neighbors && (b.neighbors = []);
@@ -84,7 +148,9 @@
.nodeThreeObject(({ img }) => {
- const imgTexture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(`../images/${img}`);
+ const loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
+ loader.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
+ const imgTexture = loader.load(img);
imgTexture.colorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace;
const material = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({ map: imgTexture });
const sprite = new THREE.Sprite(material);