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A command center for Mochimo miners

Mochimo Farm Manager aggregates statistics from your miner in a simple web interface

What is Mochimo ?

Mochimo is a quantum proof, scalable, ASIC-resistant POW cryptocurrency. You can download the Mochimo miner from the official repository.

What is Mochimo Farm Manager ?

The nature of Mochimo blockchain (1 CPU = 1 Vote) requires to setup several miner through virtualization/dockerization in order to fully use the processing power of a multi-core CPU. An alternative solution is to setup multiple low resource host (usually rented through a cloud provider). Whatever solution you choose, the end result will be multiple independent miners which makes monitoring very tedious.

Mochimo Farm Manager brings all your miner together in a simple web interface (both standard HTML and API). A large panel of monitoring features is available:

  • Aggregation of mining statistics (HPS, Block Solved, Height & Difficulty, running processes, etc)
  • Remote start/stop capabilities
  • Expected Time to Reward calculation (expected time before solving a block given the current HPS of the farm).
  • Customizable network consensus calculation (, miner specific, farm wide)
  • Detection of lagging miner and automatic restart
  • Detection of stopped miner and automatic start
  • Automatic reboot of a miner after specified uptime is reached
  • etc...

Tip: You don't need to run the full Mochimo Farm Manager to compute Network Estimates and/or the Expected Time to Reward. Use the estimate command.

java -jar mochimo-farm-manager-version.jar estimate --height 2423 --diff 38 --hps 200000
Height: 2423.0
Block Reward:   5.483720450999266 MCM
Difficulty:     38.0
Estimated Network HPS:  815,661,444.94
Mining HPS:     200,000.00
Contribution:   0.024519977159798145 %
Estimated Time to Reward:       15 days, 22 Hrs, 20 Minutes, 28 Seconds

How does Mochimo Farm Manager works ?

Mochimo Farm Manager is performing an SSH connection to each miner in the farm on regular intervals. Once the connection is established, it will remotely execute several command to get the status of the miner (CPU load, running processes, etc) and will close the connection. There is no need to run it on the miner's host, your day to day PC will do just fine.

Download, Install & Configuration

This software is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the Mochimo Foundation. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.

❗ Use a dedicated user to run and monitor your miner. Avoid naming it 'mochimo'. Do not use root.

Part 1 - Configure the miner
  1. Edit and set the path to the bin folder of the miner (ex: /home/mysuer/mochi/bin)
  2. Upload to your miner's host. Even though the location does not matter, I recommend the bin folder
  3. Give executing permission to chmod +x
  4. Run ./ on the miner's host. This command will create a file name miner.log that contains the output of the running miner. You will not be able to interact with the miner at this point but you can still monitor it by reading the content of miner.log. Use the command tail -f -n100 miner.log to read the log (it will update automatically when a new line is written)
Part 2 - Configure Mochimo Farm Manager
  1. Install Java (version 8 or higher)

  2. Download the latest release of Mochimo Farm Manger here. Note: the executable jar mochimo-farm-manager-version.jar is only available in the release package. If you clone the repository, you will need to build the jar yourself with Maven

  3. Create a farm configuration file based on the example example_mining_farm.json:

    • networkConsensus: specify the method to compute the network consensus

      1. uses (this is the default method)
      2. farm: average statistics from each miner
      3. miner MINER_ID: use statistics from miner MINER_ID
    • id: unique ID of the miner

    • host: ip and port for ssh connection. example:

    • user: username for SSH connection

    • password or privateKeyPath: SSH authentication can be made with password or a path to private key

    • startCommand: start command of the miner. Set the path to that you uploaded to the host in Part 1

    • stopCommand: stop command of the miner. If not specified, a kill command is send

    • logCommand: command to retrieve miner's log. Edit the existing command by replacing /home/myuser/mochi/bin/miner.log by the path to miner.log (there is two instance to replace)

    • policy: policy can be set for automatically restart the miner on specific events. A policy is composed of triggers:

      1. maxLag LAG: reboot the miner if the difference between its height and the network consensus height is greater or equal to LAG
      2. maxDowntime AMOUNT: start the miner if it has been down more than AMOUNT of time. AMOUNT can be seconds, minutes or hours (ex: 30s, 5M, 3H)
      3. maxUptime AMOUNT: reboot the miner after AMOUNT of time

      Triggers can be combined to create a policy. For example -> "policy":"maxLag 3, maxDowntime 1H, maxUptime 12H":

      • Reboot if the height difference reaches 3
      • Start if downtime reaches 1 hour
      • Reboot if the uptime reaches 12 hours

      Check the formatting of your config file in a JSON validator (Remove sensitive information before doing so). A badly formatted config file will generate an error when starting the farm manager (

  4. Higly Recommended: encrypt your configuration file java -jar mochimo-farm-manager-version.jar encrypt plain_text_config.json encrypted_config.json

  5. Start the farm manager java -jar [path to the mochimo farm manager jar] start [path to your config file] [path to the html folder]
    For example java -jar "C:/Users/ortis/Downloads/mochimo-farm-manager-0.5/mochimo-farm-manager-0.5.jar" start "C:/Users/ortis/Downloads/mochimo-farm-manager-0.5/my_farm.json" "C:/Users/ortis/Downloads/mochimo-farm-manager-0.5/html"

  6. Access the dashboard http://localhost:8888

There are several start option available. Make sure to check them out java -jar mochimo-farm-manager-version.jar start -h

Mochimo Farm Manager also provides a REST API:


  • Webservice API
  • Web interface
  • Dashboard
  • Start/Stop command
  • Configuration file encryption
  • Detect lagging miner and restart
  • Start/Stop task scheduling
  • Email notification


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ETH & ERC-20: 0xaE247d13763395aD0B2BE574802B2E8B97074946

BTC: 18tJbEM2puwPBhTmbBkqKFzRdpwoq4Ja2a

BCH: 16b8T1LB3ViBUfePCMuRfZhUiZaV7tUxGn

LTC: Lgi89D1AmniNS8cxyQmXJhKm9SCXt8fQWC