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💧 Integration of TCRs, CPM and Ocean Tokens in Solidity

Dockerhub TravisCI Ascribe Greenkeeper
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🐲🦑 THERE BE DRAGONS AND SQUIDS. This is in alpha state and you can expect running into problems. If you run into them, please open up a new issue. 🦑🐲

Ocean Keeper implementation where we put the following modules together:

  • TCRs: users create challenges and resolve them through voting to maintain registries;
  • Ocean Tokens: the intrinsic tokens circulated inside Ocean network, which is used in the voting of TCRs;
  • Marketplace: the core marketplace where people can transact with each other with Ocean tokens.

Table of Contents

Get Started

For local developmenty you can either use Docker, or setup the development environment on your machine.


The most simple way to get started is with Docker:

git clone [email protected]:oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts.git
cd keeper-contracts/

docker build -t oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts:0.1 .
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts:0.1

or simply pull it from docker hub:

docker pull oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts 

Which will expose the Ethereum RPC client with all contracts loaded under localhost:8545, which you can add to your truffle.js:

module.exports = {
    networks: {
        development: {
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 8545,
            network_id: '*',
            gas: 6000000

Local development

As a pre-requisite, you need:

Clone the project and install all dependencies:

git clone [email protected]:oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts.git
cd keeper-contracts/

# install dependencies
npm i

# install RPC client globally
npm install -g ganache-cli

Compile the solidity contracts:

npm run compile

In a new terminal, launch an Ethereum RPC client, e.g. ganache-cli:


Switch back to your other terminal and deploy the contracts:

npm run migrate

# for redeployment run this instead
npm run migrate -- --reset

Testnet deployment

Follow the steps for local deployment. Make sure that the address 0x2c0d5f47374b130ee398f4c34dbe8168824a8616 is having enough (~1) Ether.

If you managed to deploy the contracts locally do:

export INFURA_TOKEN=<your infura token>
export KOVAN_NMEMORIC=<your kovan nmemoric>
npm run migrate:kovan

The transaction should show up on:

The contract addresses deployed on Kovan testnet:

Contract Address
OceanAuth 0xfA65f2662224Dd340a2dea0972E70BA450E94e3C
OceanDispute 0x6071e51DB7a3CCc81e0ae1D05908c6F958a59f5B
OceanExchange 0x018F8A880A11f8c7Ec4112D9CA20D9256e7d64CD
OceanMarket 0xb8277FC2A46C11235775BEC194BD8C12ed92343C
OceanRegistry 0xD9Ca6e9aD36E70A0a2A995a7BDD02017459dD45b
OceanToken 0x656f2Ab5D4C4bC2D5821fd959B083fd50273C2f1


To facilitate the integration of the Ocean Keeper Smart Contracts, Python and Javascript libraries are ready to be integrated. Those libraries include the Smart Contract ABI's. Using these libraries helps to avoid compiling the Smart Contracts and copying the ABI's manually to your project. In that way the integration is cleaner and easier. The libraries provided currently are:

  • JavaScript npm package - As part of the @oceanprotocol npm organization, the npm keeper-contracts package provides the ABI's to be imported from your JavaScript code.
  • Python Pypi package - The Pypi keeper-contracts package provides the same ABI's to be used from Python.
  • Java Maven package - It's possible to generate the maven stubs to interact with the smart contracts. It's necessary to have locally web3j and run the scripts/ script


Run tests with npm test, e.g.:

npm test -- test/Auth.Test.js

Code Linting

Linting is setup for JavaScript with ESLint & Solidity with Solium.

Code style is enforced through the CI test process, builds will fail if there're any linting errors.


Use Case 1: Register data asset

const Market = artifacts.require('OceanMarket.sol')
// get instance of OceanMarket contract
const market = await Market.deployed()
// generate resource id
const name = 'resource name'
const resourceId = await market.generateId(name, { from: accounts[0] })
const resourcePrice = 100

// register data asset on-chain
await market.register(resourceId, resourcePrice, { from: accounts[0] })

Use Case 2: Authorize access with OceanAuth contract

Here is an example of authorization process with OceanAuth contract.

accounts[0] is provider and accounts[1] is consumer.

Note that different cryptographic algorithms can be chosen to encrypt and decrypt access token using key pairs (i.e., public key and private key). This example uses URSA to demonstrate the process for illustration purpose.

const Token = artifacts.require('OceanToken.sol')
const Market = artifacts.require('OceanMarket.sol')
const Auth = artifacts.require('OceanAuth.sol')
const ursa = require('ursa')
const ethers = require('ethers')
const Web3 = require('web3')
// get instances of deployed contracts
const token = await Token.deployed()
const market = await Market.deployed()
const auth = await Auth.deployed()
// consumer request some testing tokens to buy data asset
await market.requestTokens(200, { from: accounts[1] })
// consumers approve withdraw limit of their funds
await token.approve(market.address, 200, { from: accounts[1] })
// consumer generates temporary key pairs in local
const modulusBit = 512
const key = ursa.generatePrivateKey(modulusBit, 65537)
const privatePem = ursa.createPrivateKey(key.toPrivatePem())
const publicPem = ursa.createPublicKey(key.toPublicPem())
const publicKey = publicPem.toPublicPem('utf8')
// consumer initiate a new access request and pass public key
await auth.initiateAccessRequest(resourceId, accounts[0], publicKey, expireTime, { from: accounts[1] })
// provider commit the access request
await auth.commitAccessRequest(accessId, true, expireTime, '', '', '', '', { from: accounts[0] })
// consumer sends the payment to OceanMarket contract
await market.sendPayment(accessId, accounts[0], price, expireTime, { from: accounts[1] })
// provider encrypt "JSON Web Token" (JWT) using consumer's temp public key
const encJWT = getPubKeyPem.encrypt('JWT', 'utf8', 'hex')
// provider delivers the encrypted JWT on-chain
await auth.deliverAccessToken(accessId, `0x${encJWT}`, { from: accounts[0] })
// consumer generate signature of encrypte JWT and send to provider
const prefix = '0x'
const hexString = Buffer.from(onChainencToken).toString('hex')
const signature = web3.eth.sign(accounts[1], `${prefix}${hexString}`)
// provider verify the signature from consumer to prove delivery of access token
const sig = ethers.utils.splitSignature(signature)
const fixedMsg = `\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n${onChainencToken.length}${onChainencToken}`
const fixedMsgSha = web3.sha3(fixedMsg)
await auth.verifyAccessTokenDelivery(accessId, accounts[1], fixedMsgSha, sig.v, sig.r, sig.s, { from: accounts[0] })

New Version

The script helps to bump the project version. You can execute the script using as first argument {major|minor|patch} to bump accordingly the version. Also you can provide the option --tag to automatically create the version tag.


We use GitHub as a means for maintaining and tracking issues and source code development.

If you would like to contribute, please fork this repository, do work in a feature branch, and finally open a pull request for maintainers to review your changes.

Ocean Protocol uses C4 Standard process to manage changes in the source code. Find here more details about Ocean C4 OEP.

Prior Art

This project builds on top of the work done in open source projects:


Copyright 2018 Ocean Protocol Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.