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This is a 1Bitsy driver for LCD displays and a rudimentary 2D graphics library. It can do full screen animation with 60 Hz refresh.


The specific LCD screen targeted is the Adafruit 2090. It has a 240x320 resolution, and it uses the Ilitek ILI9341 driver chip. Note that this display scans in portrait order -- native orientation makes it 240 pixels wide and 320 high.

Other screen sizes should be easy to support. Other driver chips will require some work.

The interface is 8 bit parallel. See doc/pinout for details.

The 1Bitsy's MCU, an STM32F415RGT6, makes life interesting by not having enouth RAM to store a full frame of video. So the screen is rendered in sections called pixtiles. Each screen refresh requires at least three pixtiles to be rendered.

Graphics — Overview

(say something here)


The basic unit of graphics memory is the pixtile. It represents a rectangular block of pixels. Each drawing function draws into a pixtile. A pixtile has:

  • an origin: integer x and y coordinates for the tile's top left corner.
  • a size: integer width and height.
  • a stride: number of pixels between rows.
  • pixels: memory to store width × height pixels

The pixel format in a pixtile is RGB 565. Each pixel is 16 bits.

  • Red has the five most significant bits: 0xF800.
  • Green has the six middle bits: 0x07E0.
  • Blue has the five least significant bits: 0x001F.

Opacity values, also known as alpha, are given as uint8_t, where 0 is transparent and 255 is 100% opaque. Alpha values are not stored in pixtiles.


The pixel at coordinates (x, y) is centered at point (x + 1/2, y + 1/2) So integer coordinates are at pixel boundaries.

Coordinates are always given in 32 bit floating point format, so they always have subpixel accuracy.

User coordinates are translated by the pixtile's origin. Aside from that, the graphics library does not provide any transformations. If transformations are needed, do them in application code.


Drawing functions follow a name scheme.


If a drawing function has several modifiers, they are listed in lexical order, separated by underscores.

For example, gfx_fill_triangle_aa_unclipped fills a triangle with antialiased edges, without clipping.


The verb is either fill or draw. Fill means paint the primitive's interior with a solid color. draw draws a roughly one pixel wide outline around the primitive. draw emphasizes speed over quality.


There are five primitives at present: pixel, span, line, triangle, and trapezoid. I would like to add primitives for circles, ellipses, arcs, aligned rectangles, quadratic and cubic beziers, general polygons, and more. But there are five primitives at present.

A pixel is a single dot on the screen.

A span is a contiguous span of pixels on a scan line.

A line is a straight line. It does not have an interior, so it can't be filled, only outlined.

A triangle is exactly what it sounds like.

A trapezoid is a trapezoid whose parallel sides are scan line aligned. It is the most primitive solid shape; triangles are decomposed into trapezoids to render. The application can decompose arbitrary polygons into trapezoids.


There are several modifiers. Not all modifiers are implemented for all primitives.

aa means anti-aliased.

blend means the primitive will be blended against the background with a scalar opacity (alpha) value.

unclipped means the primitive will not be clipped to the destination pixtile. The caller guarantees the primitive does not extend outside the pixtile; if it does, the program will probably crash.

Video Output

The Rendering Loop

The basic rendering loop updates the application's animation state, renders a a frame, and repeats. Here is pseudocode.

void main_loop(void)
    while (1) {

To draw a frame, the application allocates a pixtile, renders all primitives that intersecct that pixtile, and repeats until the whole screen is rendered. Use alloc_pixtile to allocate a pixtile, and send_pixtile to send it to the screen.

Here is more pseudocode.

static void draw_frame(void)
    size_t h;

    for (size_t y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y += h) {
        h = MIN((size_t)PIXTILE_MAX_HEIGHT, SCREEN_HEIGHT - y);
        pixtile *tile = alloc_pixtile(0, y, SCREEN_WIDTH, h);

static void draw_tile(pixtile *tile)
    /* for each primitive, */
    /*     draw that primitive. */

Hardware — Details

The MCU has two on-chip RAM regions. Close-Coupled Memory (CCM) is 64KB of low latency RAM. It is not visible to the DMA controllers. System RAM (SRAM) is 128KB of slightly slower RAM. It is visible to DMA.

So we store program data (data, heap and stack) in the CCM, and we use all of SRAM for DMA buffers. Even so, the DMA buffers are smaller than the screen, so an application has to render the screen in pieces.

The good news is that the ILI9341 does store a complete video frame in memory. The bad news is that reading it is slow, about 4.6 MB/sec. You could read some small regions to implement sprite compositing or something, but you'll give up 60 Hz refresh if you read a significant part of the screen.

I have not implemented reading ILI9341 memory.

The ILI9341 supports RGB 888 color, aka 24 bit color, but to reduce memory use, this library renders everything to RGB 565, aka 16 bits.