Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Agreement id |
dao | Bytes! | Dao address |
stakingFactory | Bytes | Staking factory address |
currentVersion | Version | Current version of the agrement |
actions | [Action!] | Agreement actions |
signers | [Signer!] | Agreement signers |
versions | [Version!] | Agreement versions |
disputables | [Disputable!] | Agreement disputables |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Signer id |
agreement | Agreement! | Agreements signed by the signer |
address | Bytes! | Signer address |
actions | [Action!] | Actions in relation to signer |
signatures | [Signature!] | Signatures in relation to signer |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Signature id |
signer | Signer! | Signer in relation to signature |
version | Version! | Signature version |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block signiture was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Action id |
agreement | Agreement! | Agreement in relation to action |
disputable | Disputable! | Disputable in relation to action |
actionId | BigInt! | Unique identifier |
disputableActionId | BigInt! | Disputable action id |
context | Bytes! | Context of the action |
closed | Boolean! | Checks wether action is open or closed |
submitter | Signer! | Signer that submitted the action |
version | Version! | Agreement version |
collateralRequirement | CollateralRequirement! | Collateral requirement for action |
lastChallenge | Challenge | Last challenge |
challenges | [Challenge!] | Action challenges |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block action was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Challenge id |
action | Action! | Challenge action |
challengeId | BigInt! | Unique challenge identifier |
context | Bytes! | Context of the challenge |
endDate | BigInt! | Challenge end date |
challenger | Bytes! | Challenger |
settlementOffer | BigInt! | Settlement offer for the challenge |
state | ChallengeState! | Current state of the challenge |
submitterArbitratorFee | ArbitratorFee | Submitter arbitrator fee |
challengerArbitratorFee | ArbitratorFee! | Challenger arbitrator fee |
dispute | Dispute | Challenge dispute |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block challenge was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Dispute id |
disputeId | BigInt! | Unique dispute identifier |
ruling | BigInt! | Dispute ruling |
challenge | Challenge! | Dispute challenge |
submitterFinishedEvidence | Boolean! | Check wether submitter finished evidence |
challengerFinishedEvidence | Boolean! | Check wether challenger finished evidence |
evidences | [Evidence!] | Evidence in relation to Dispute |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block dispute was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Evidence id |
dispute | Dispute! | Dispute in relation to evidence |
data | Bytes! | Evidence data |
submitter | Bytes! | Submitter address |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block evidence was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Version id |
agreement | Agreement! | Version agreement |
versionId | BigInt! | Unique version identifier |
content | Bytes! | Version content |
title | String! | Version title |
arbitrator | Bytes! | Arbitrator address |
appFeesCashier | Bytes! | App fees cashier address |
effectiveFrom | BigInt! | Block app version is effective |
signatures | [Signature!] | Signitures in relation to Version |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Disputable id |
address | Bytes! | Disputable address |
agreement | Agreement! | Agreement in relation to dispute |
activated | Boolean! | Check wether dispute is active |
currentCollateralRequirement | CollateralRequirement! | Current collateral requirement |
collateralRequirements | [CollateralRequirement!] | Collateral requirements |
actions | [Action!] | Actions in relation to dispute |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Collateral requirement id |
disputable | Disputable! | Disputable collateral |
token | ERC20! | Token address |
challengeDuration | BigInt! | Duration of the challenge |
actionAmount | BigInt! | Action amount |
challengeAmount | BigInt! | Challenge Amount |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Staking id |
user | Bytes! | User address |
token | ERC20! | Token used for stake |
available | BigInt! | Staking amount avilable |
locked | BigInt! | Amount locked |
challenged | BigInt! | Staking amount challenged |
total | BigInt! | Total amount staked |
movements | [StakingMovement!] | Movement in relation to staking |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Staking movement id |
staking | Staking! | Staking info |
amount | BigInt! | Movement amount |
agreement | Agreement! | Staking agreement |
action | Action! | Action in realtion to stake |
actionState | StakingActionState! | Current state of staking action |
collateralState | StakingCollateralState! | Current state of collateral |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block movement was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Token address |
name | String! | Name of token |
symbol | String! | Token symbol |
decimals | Int! | Decimals value of 18 |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Arbitrator fee id |
token | ERC20! | Token used for arbitrator fee |
amount | BigInt! | Arbitrator fee amount |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Aragon info id |
orgs | [Bytes!]! | Organization addresses |
apps | [Bytes!]! | Apps addresses |
tokens | [Bytes!]! | Token address |