Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Court config id |
currentTerm | BigInt! | Current term |
termDuration | BigInt! | Term duration |
feeToken | ERC20! | Token used for fees |
anjToken | ERC20 | Anj token |
jurorFee | BigInt! | Juror fees |
draftFee | BigInt! | Draft fees |
settleFee | BigInt! | Settle fees |
evidenceTerms | BigInt! | Evidence terms |
commitTerms | BigInt! | Commit terms |
revealTerms | BigInt! | Reveal terms |
appealTerms | BigInt! | Appeal terms |
appealConfirmationTerms | BigInt! | Appeal configuration terms |
maxRulingOptions | Int! | Maximum ruling options |
penaltyPct | Int! | Penalty pct |
finalRoundReduction | Int! | Final round reduction |
firstRoundJurorsNumber | BigInt! | First round juror’s number |
appealStepFactor | BigInt! | Appeal step factor |
maxRegularAppealRounds | BigInt! | Maximum number of regular appeal rounds |
finalRoundLockTerms | BigInt! | Final round lock terms |
appealCollateralFactor | BigInt! | Appeal collateral factor |
appealConfirmCollateralFactor | BigInt! | Appeal confirm collateral factor |
minActiveBalance | BigInt! | Minimum active balance |
minMaxPctTotalSupply | BigInt! | Min-max pct total supply |
maxMaxPctTotalSupply | BigInt! | Maximum pct total supply |
fundsGovernor | Bytes | Funds govenor address |
configGovernor | Bytes | Config govenor address |
feesUpdater | Bytes | Fees updater |
modulesGovernor | Bytes | Modules govenor address |
brightIdRegister | BrightIdRegisterModule | Brightid register in relation to court config |
jurorsRegistry | JurorsRegistryModule! | Juror registry in relation to court config |
subscriptions | SubscriptionModule | Court config subscriptions |
modules | [CourtModule!] | Court config modules |
terms | [CourtTerm!] | Court config terms |
moduleAddresses | [String!]! | Module addresses |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Court term id |
startTime | BigInt! | Court start time |
randomnessBN | BigInt! | Randomness batch number |
randomness | Bytes | Randomness generator address |
court | CourtConfig! | Court configurations |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block court term was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Token id |
name | String! | Token name |
symbol | String! | Token symbol |
decimals | Int! | Token Decimals |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Court module id |
type | CourtModuleType! | Court module type |
address | Bytes! | Court module address |
court | CourtConfig! | Court configurations |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Dispute id |
subject | Arbitrable! | Dispute subject |
evidences | [Evidence!] | Evidence in relation to dispute |
createTermId | BigInt! | Dispute term id |
possibleRulings | Int! | Possible rulings for dispute |
finalRuling | Int! | Final ruling for dispute |
lastRoundId | BigInt! | Last round id |
state | DisputeState! | Current state of dispute |
settledPenalties | Boolean! | Checks wether penalties are settled |
metadata | String! | Dispute metadata |
rawMetadata | Bytes! | Raw metadata |
disputable | Disputable | Disputable info in relation to dispute |
rounds | [AdjudicationRound!] | Dispute rounds |
jurors | [JurorDispute!] | Jurors in relation to dispute |
txHash | String! | Transaction hash |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block dispute was created |
ruledAt | BigInt | Dispute ruling timestamp |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Disputable id |
dispute | Dispute! | Dispute |
title | String! | Title of dispute |
agreement | String! | Disputable aggreement |
actionId | BigInt! | Action id |
challengeId | BigInt! | Challenge id |
address | Bytes! | Disputable address |
disputableActionId | BigInt! | Disputable action id |
defendant | Bytes! | Defendant address |
plaintiff | Bytes! | Plaintiff address |
organization | Bytes! | Organization address |
actionContext | String! | Action content |
rawActionContext | Bytes! | Raw action content |
challengeContext | String! | Context of the challenge |
rawChallengeContext | Bytes! | Raw context of the challenge |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Arbitrable id |
disputes | [Dispute!] | Disputes where arbitrable |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Evidence id |
arbitrable | Arbitrable! | Arbitrable evidence |
dispute | Dispute! | Dispute in relation to evidence |
data | Bytes! | Evidence data identifier |
submitter | Bytes! | Address of the submitter |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block evidence was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Adjudication round id |
number | BigInt! | Adjudication round number |
dispute | Dispute! | Dispute in relation to adjudication round |
state | AdjudicationState! | Current state of adjudication |
stateInt | Int! | State int |
draftTermId | BigInt! | Draft term id |
draftedTermId | BigInt | Drafted term id |
jurorsNumber | BigInt! | Juror’s number |
settledPenalties | Boolean! | Check wether penalties are settled |
jurorFees | BigInt! | Juror fees |
jurors | [JurorDraft!] | Jurors in relation to adjudication round |
delayedTerms | BigInt! | Delayed terms of adjudication round |
selectedJurors | BigInt! | Selected jurors |
coherentJurors | BigInt! | Coherent juror |
collectedTokens | BigInt! | Tokens collected for adjudication round |
appeal | Appeal | Adjudication round appeal |
vote | Vote | Vote |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block adjudication round started |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Vote id |
winningOutcome | OutcomeType! | Outcome of vote |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block vote was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Appeal id |
round | AdjudicationRound! | Adjudication round |
maker | Bytes! | Maker address |
appealedRuling | BigInt! | Appealed ruling count |
appealDeposit | BigInt! | Appeal deposit |
taker | Bytes! | Taker address |
opposedRuling | BigInt! | Opposed ruling count |
confirmAppealDeposit | BigInt! | Deposit after appeal confirmation |
settled | Boolean! | Check wether appeal is settled |
settledAt | BigInt | Settled at timestamp |
confirmedAt | BigInt | Appeal confirmation timestamp |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block appeal was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Juror id |
treeId | BigInt! | Tree id |
activeBalance | BigInt! | Active balance of juror |
lockedBalance | BigInt! | Locked balance of juror |
availableBalance | BigInt! | Available balance |
deactivationBalance | BigInt! | Deactivation balance |
withdrawalsLockTermId | BigInt! | Lockterm id for withdrawals |
disputes | [JurorDispute!] | Juror disputes |
drafts | [JurorDraft!] | Juror drafts |
anjMovements | [ANJMovement!] | Juror anjmovement |
claimedSubscriptionFees | [JurorSubscriptionFee!] | Subscription fees claimed |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block juror was created |
uniqueUserId | Bytes | Unique juror id |
registerTime | BigInt | Time of registration |
addressVoided | Boolean | Address void check |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Juror dispute id |
juror | Juror! | Juror address |
dispute | Dispute! | Dispute details in relation to the juror |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Juror draft id |
round | AdjudicationRound! | Adjudication round |
juror | Juror! | Juror address |
weight | BigInt! | Juror draft weight |
locked | BigInt! | Total locked |
rewarded | Boolean! | Reward check |
rewardedAt | BigInt | Reward timestamp |
commitment | Bytes | Commitment transaction hash |
commitmentDate | BigInt | Commitment date |
revealDate | BigInt | Reveal date |
outcome | Int | Verdict |
leaker | Bytes | Leaker address |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block juror draft was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Anjmovement id |
juror | Juror! | Juror address |
type | ANJMovementType! | Anjmovement type |
amount | BigInt! | Amount |
effectiveTermId | BigInt | Term id |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block anjmovement was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Fee movement id |
owner | Bytes! | Owner address |
type | FeeMovementType! | Fee movement type |
amount | BigInt! | Amount |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block fee movement was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Treasury balance id |
owner | Bytes! | Owner address |
token | ERC20! | Token details |
amount | BigInt! | Treasury balance amount |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Register module id |
court | CourtConfig! | Court configurations |
verifiers | [Bytes!]! | Address of verifier |
registrationPeriod | BigInt! | Registration period |
verificationTimestampVariance | BigInt! | Verification timestamp variance |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Juror registry id |
court | CourtConfig! | Court configurations |
totalStaked | BigInt! | Total staked |
totalActive | BigInt! | Total active jurors |
totalDeactivation | BigInt! | Total no of deactivated jurors |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Subscription module id |
court | CourtConfig! | Court configurations |
currentPeriod | BigInt! | Current period of subscription module |
feeToken | Bytes! | Token contract address |
periodDuration | BigInt! | Time duration for subscription |
periodPercentageYield | BigInt! | Period percentage yield |
periods | [SubscriptionPeriod!] | Subscription period |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Subscription id |
feeToken | Bytes! | Token contract address |
donatedFees | BigInt! | Donated fees |
balanceCheckpoint | BigInt! | Balance at checkpoint |
totalActiveBalance | BigInt! | Total active balance |
instance | SubscriptionModule! | Subscription period instance |
jurorClaims | [JurorSubscriptionFee!] | Amount claimed by juror |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block subscription period started |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Subscription id |
juror | Juror! | Juror information |
period | SubscriptionPeriod! | Time duration for subscription |
amount | BigInt! | Subscription amount |