Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Organization ID |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block organization was created |
config | Config! | Two types to choose (Veneto or Boboli) |
token | Token | Organization’s token |
wrappableToken | Token | Organization wrapped tokens |
proposalCount | Int! | Count of proposals in organization |
proposals | [Proposal!] | Proposals related to organization |
supporterCount | Int! | Count of supporters for a proposal |
honeyLiquidity | BigInt | Initial liquidity amount for new token |
incentivisedPriceOracle | Bytes | 2% of the contract’s balance of the Gardens token |
unipool | Bytes | Unipool farming contract address |
fluidProposals | Bytes | Swarm funding proposal address |
active | Boolean! | Check whether organization is active |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Config ID |
conviction | ConvictionConfig | parameters are set in the Aragon Agreement app |
voting | VotingConfig | parameters are set in the Conviction Voting app |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Conviction config id |
decay | BigInt! | Conviction decay amount |
weight | BigInt! | Number of support votes |
maxRatio | BigInt! | Max threshold amount for proposal |
pctBase | BigInt! | Pct base number |
stakeToken | Token | Staked token |
totalStaked | BigInt! | Total amount staked |
maxStakedProposals | Int! | Maximun number of staked prposals |
minThresholdStakePercentage | BigInt! | Minimum threshold stake amount |
fundsManager | Bytes | Funds manager address |
requestToken | Token | Request token contract address |
stableToken | Token | Stable token contract address |
stableTokenOracle | Bytes | Stable token oracle contract address |
contractPaused | Boolean | Check whether contract is paused |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Voting Config ID |
token | Token | Token adress |
settingId | BigInt! | Setting id |
voteTime | BigInt! | Amount of time allotted to vote |
supportRequiredPct | BigInt! | Min % of voting amount required for a decision vote to pass |
minimumAcceptanceQuorumPct | BigInt! | Min % of the total token supply in support for a decision vote to pass |
delegatedVotingPeriod | BigInt! | Voting period delegates can vote on behalf of delegators |
quietEndingPeriod | BigInt! | Duration before the end of a vote to detect non-quiet endings |
quietEndingExtension | BigInt! | Duration to extend a vote in the case of a non-quiet ending |
executionDelay | BigInt! | The duration for delay before vote can be executed |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block vote was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Proposal ID |
organization | Organization! | Organization related to proposal |
number | BigInt! | Proposal number |
creator | Bytes! | Proposal creator address |
status | ProposalStatus! | Status of the proposal |
statusInt | Int! | Proposal status count |
type | ProposalType! | Proposal type |
typeInt | Int! | Proposal type number |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block proposal created |
weight | BigInt! | Weight of last proposal |
metadata | String | Proposal metadata |
executedAt | BigInt | Block number proposal was executed at |
txHash | String! | Proposal transaction hash |
link | String | Link to proposal |
stakes | [Stake!] | Stake in relation to proposal |
stakesHistory | [StakeHistory!] | Stake history of proposal |
beneficiary | Bytes | Beneficiary address |
convictionLast | BigInt | Amount for last convition |
requestedAmount | BigInt | Requested amount for proposal |
totalTokensStaked | BigInt | Total amount of tokens staked |
stable | Boolean | Check wether proposal is stable |
setting | VotingConfig | Setting config for proposal |
startDate | BigInt | Start date of proposal |
totalPower | BigInt | Total number of votes |
snapshotBlock | BigInt! | Block number of snapshot |
yeas | BigInt | Number of yes votes |
nays | BigInt | Number of no votes |
quietEndingExtensionDuration | BigInt | Duration required before voting starts |
quietEndingSnapshotSupport | VoterState | Snapshot after voting ends |
script | Bytes | Script address of the proposal |
isAccepted | Boolean | Check whether proposal is accepted |
castVotes | [Cast!] | Cast votes |
actionId | BigInt! | Dispute action id |
disputeId | BigInt | Dispute id |
challengeId | BigInt! | Challenge id |
challenger | Bytes! | Challenger to proposal |
challengeEndDate | BigInt! | Date challenge will be accepted or escalated |
settledAt | BigInt! | Time challenge was settled |
settlementOffer | BigInt | Token amount received for settlement |
disputedAt | BigInt! | Timestamp dispute was paused |
pausedAt | BigInt! | Block dispute was paused |
pauseDuration | BigInt! | Duration dispute is paused |
submitterArbitratorFee | ArbitratorFee | Submitter arbitration fee |
challengerArbitratorFee | ArbitratorFee | Challenger arbitrator fee |
collateralRequirement | [CollateralRequirement!] | Collateral requirement for proposal |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Cast id |
supporter | Supporter! | Supporter related to cast |
caster | Bytes! | Caster address |
proposal | Proposal! | Proposal related to cast |
supports | Boolean! | Checke wether support is active |
stake | BigInt! | Stake amount |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block cast is created at |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Stake id |
type | StakeType! | Type of stake |
supporter | Supporter! | Supporter related to stake |
proposal | Proposal! | Propsal related to stake |
amount | BigInt! | Amount staked |
createdAt | BigInt! | Block stake was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Stake history id |
type | StakeType! | Type of stake |
supporter | Supporter! | Supporter |
proposal | Proposal! | Type of proposal |
tokensStaked | BigInt! | Tokens staked |
totalTokensStaked | BigInt! | Total tokens staked |
conviction | BigInt! | Number of conviction votes |
time | BigInt! | Block at which was created |
createdAt | BigInt! | Timestamp at which was created |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | User ID |
address | Bytes! | Address of user |
gardensSigned | [String!] | Number of gardens signed |
supports | [Supporter!] | Proposals user has supported |
representativeFor | [Supporter!] | Proposals user has represented |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Supporter ID |
user | User! | User |
organization | Organization! | Supporter’s organization |
representative | User | Supporter’s representative |
casts | [Cast!] | Supporter’s votes cast |
stakes | [Stake!] | Supporter’s stakes |
stakesHistory | [StakeHistory!] | Supporter stake history |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Address of token |
name | String! | Name of token |
symbol | String! | Symbol of token |
decimals | Int! | Decimals of token |
organization | Organization | Needed for setting honey liquidity |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Proposal ID |
proposal | Proposal | Proposal that was challenged |
token | Token | Token address |
actionAmount | BigInt | Amount to settle challenge |
challengeAmount | BigInt | Amount of deposit required to challenge |
challengeDuration | BigInt | Time set for challenge |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Arbitrator ID |
proposal | Proposal! | Proposal that was challenged |
token | Token! | Token address |
amount | BigInt! | Amount of fee |