- Add Google "Terrain" layer in the
group - Add authenticated user organization in hidden fields
- Display an error message if the layer is found in the QGS file, but not in the CFG file
- Consider the opacity of groups for printing, contribution from @mind84
- Distance constraint in the measure tool is not correctly interpreted in the map
- QGIS constraints with geometry
- Rely on the relation ID for children popup positioning
- Fix Javascript error if
is undefined - Fix WKT geometry string provided by QGIS Server in GetFeatureInfo
- Sandbox all iframes except those from the same origin
- Preparing QJazz
- Add
in request to QGIS Server headers :- Useful with latest versions of Py-QGIS-Server and QJazz
- The
is shown in the administration log panel
- Form filter : Also search for
values when empty string is checked - Authenticating layers with QGIS native "auth" config, contribution from @cfsgarcia
- Wrong distance constraint value
- When drawing a single segment, display correct total measure for linestring without distance constraint
- Administrator logs :
- Add new panel about
- Add new panel about
- Tooltip
- Remove CSS
- Use
instead ofaddLayer
- Remove CSS
- Performance issue about opacity and embedded layers
- Improve the logic of the feature detail opening
- Update Jelix to 1.8.16
- Update JavaScript dependencies
- Improve workflow about PHP and End2End tests
- Contributions on source code from @erw-1
- Andromède Océanologie
- Avignon
- Biotope
- Conseil Départemental du Calvados
- Faunalia, contributions on source code from @mind84
- Haute-Saône Numérique
- Keolis Rennes
- Le Grand Narbonne
- Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
- Popup - Add layer ID and feature ID as data attributes in the HTML
- HTML component
- Use a table with additional columns from fields
: Request a maximum number of features- Sort data server-side
- Enable translate a geometry
- Draw: inform user he can hold "Alt" and click to delete a vertex
- Fix CSS : hide only adjacent non-popup-displayed table items, contribution on the source code from @erw-1
- Tail admin logs to always display data
- In case of HTTP request error, log it into the admin logs
- It's easier to debug and see OGC requests to QGIS server
- Remove the print overlay when some dialogs are opened
- Speed up the landing page loading with a lazy loading of each QGIS projects
- Feature toolbar: child layer is pivot
- Put highlight layer in tools layer group
- Include layer opacity info for embedded layers
- JS State Symbology : checking
for WMS parameters <lizmap-features-table>
: lower casesortingOrder
attribute values- Attribute table - Fix bugs
- Remove the need to highlight a line when clicking on the "Create feature" button
- Fix the "Create feature" button not visible in some cases
- Fix the child table not visible in some cases after clicking on a parent feature
- Fix display of error message when launching a Lizmap action
- Editing :
- Make sure the dock with the form is visible before opening the cancellation confirmation dialog
- Hide "select" when launched from attribute table via parent
- Exec a SQL DELETE can return 0 in some cases
- Dataviz
- Update PlotlyJS to v2.35.2 and do custom build to reduce file size
- Fix the print overlay stacking
- Fix order popups following layers order
- To get layer ID and feature ID in a JavaScript code, use data-attributes, instead of the legacy
<input class="lizmap-popup-layer-feature-id">
- Update Jelix to 1.8.14
- Move related child in corresponding div for 1:n and n:m relations in popups
- Rename "only maps" to "Disable landing page"
- Loading of
into a popup - Fix expanded for categorized symbology in group as layer
- Encode layer style in hash, contribution from @mind84
- Set raster layers opacity, contribution from @mind84
- Fix base layer (i) information button
- IGN search string length must be between 3 and 200 chars
- Fix Relation Reference Form control order by value
- Fix enclosing correctly
when requesting QGIS Server with brackets - Minor refactoring of embedded projects referencing during projects loading
- Fix the URL used for the OSM Nominatim search and use
to restrict results - Fix display of the highlight after an OSM and IGN geocoding
:- Improve popup table style
- Fix ordering of rows in the table, contribution from @neo-garaix
- Reset the form filter when changing the dropdown menu
- Show the list of installed modules in the administration panel
- Add a link to QGIS Server individual plugin help URL if available
- Better user experience about a JavaScript error, possible to add
in the URL
- Fix extent when clicking on the zoom to initial extent button
- Fix opening layer group information window, contribution from @cfsgarcia
- Fix reprojection of circle when printing and use a
- Fix: allow tiled WMS when
and the layer is not cached
- Update OpenLayers to 10.2.1
- Valabre
- Villefranche Agglomération
- Permalink: checked groups are not respected when hash is applied
- Get correct connection object for fields quoting : PostgreSQL, SQLite
- Cache : Lookup layer by any name for client and server sides, contribution from @ppetru
- Shifted geometry during editing
- Target
disappeared on hyperlinks in popups - In the Javascript digitizing measure, provide a map projection
- Fix issues on datetime pickers and localization
- Remove unwanted web assets from local configuration
according to the choosing scale
- Use OpenLayers10 map instead of OpenLayers2 for Lizmap Actions
- Update Playwright to 1.46.0
- Some updates on PHPUnit 10
- Load layers as a single WMS layer, contribution from @mind84
- Improve snapping functionalities, contribution from @mind84
- New management of the N to M relations data editor, contribution from @mind84
- Display features at startup when set in URL
- Improvement on the landing page HTML content (logged and not logged user)
- Initialization of group checkboxes based on Lizmap configuration, from @mind84
- Web component
to display a compact list of features - Digitizing
- JS Digitizing: Add erase all
- JS Digitizing component: measure attribute
- Review of the tooltip feature using the new version of the plugin
- Popup: FeatureToolbar in compact table
- New JavaScript API to load external layer straight in the legend tree and in the map
- Option to disable the automatic permalink in the URL
- Enable popup when digitizing is disabled
- UI: Double-clicking on a group in the legend is now propagated to child items
- Handle baselayers visibility in theme
- Popup was not shown in the Atlas container
- Let min/max resolutions be handled by OpenLayers for WMTS
- Drawing tool : keep draw visible when closing minidock
- Dataviz in popup generate two feature toolbar in parent popup
- Apply min and max resolutions to base layers removed by single WMS Layer
- More fixes about XSS
- Tooltip :
- Don't show tooltip tool when device has coarse pointer
- Remove legacy code
- Handle linestring layers
- Fix loading GIF about Lizmap being transformed about color
- Refresh the layer after editing when using the "single WMS tile mode"
- Fix feature filtering when PK is of type string, contribution from @maxencelaurent
- Popup: respect
parameter - Fix cross-site scripting issue with the
parameter - Use proper OpenLayers class for layers issued by Google Maps, contribution from @mind84
- Refresh data button when new OL9 map moves
- Avoid zoom to initial extent on window resize
- Group as layer
- checked by theme
- Layer group not automatically active despite corresponding setting
- Dataviz
- Fix JavaScript when dataviz is not available
- Digitizing :
- Fixing measure not removed from selection to draw
- Lizmap search: order first by
then byitem_label
- Zoom to feature when
- Fixing tiles resolutions
- Geoplateforme WMTS layers have 19 zoom levels
- Fix JavaScript XYZ Grid Tile
- Permalink :
- If geobookmark is the same as the hash there is no hash change event. In this case we run permalink
- Fix permalink after location change
- JavaScript
- Review ESLint configuration
- New
JS component - Some JavaScript and PHP refactoring, code cleaning
- Update OpenLayers to version 10
- Improve migration to OpenLayers 10
- OL 9 map on top now
- Popup
- Locate by layer highlight
- Fire
event at proper time, contribution from @mind84 - Fix JS externalLayer: default OpenLayers icon and events
- Popup: remove remaining OL2 dependencies
- Expose more OpenLayers 10 classes
- Expose some Lit HTML classes
- Update dompurify to 3.1.6
- Update proj4 to 2.11.0
- Update to Jelix 1.8.11-rc.2
- Update translated strings from the Transifex website :
- Faunalia, contributions on source code from @mind84
- Conseil Départemental du Calvados
- FM Projet
- Terre de Provence Agglomération
- Valabre
- Faunalia, contributions on source code from @mind84
- FM Projet
- Terre de Provence Agglomération
- Initialization of group checkboxes based on Lizmap configuration, from @mind84
- Web component
to display a compact list of features
- Enable popup when digitizing is disabled
- Fix project properties when the WMS extent is empty
- Fix Projects switcher in maps
- Fire
event at proper time, contribution from @mind84 - Fix JS externalLayer: default OpenLayers icon and events
- JS:
has to be provided by map state - Fix package
- Update dompurify to 3.1.6
- Update OpenLayers to 10 and proj4 to 2.11.0
- Upgrade to Jelix 1.8.11-rc.2
- FM Projet
- Terre de Provence Agglomération
- Valabre
- Digitizing
- JS Digitizing: Add erase all
- JS Digitizing component: measure attribute
- Refresh data button when new OL9 map moves
- Avoid zoom to initial extent on window resize
- Group as layer
- checked by theme
- Layer group not automatically active despite corresponding setting
- Dataviz
- Fix JavaScript when dataviz is not available
- Digitizing :
- Fixing measure not removed from selection to draw
- Lizmap search: order first by
then byitem_label
- Zoom to feature when
- Fixing tiles resolutions
- Geoplateforme WMTS layers have 19 zoom levels
- Fix JavaScript XYZ Grid Tile
- Permalink :
- If geobookmark is the same as the hash there is no hash change event. In this case we run permalink
- Fix permalink after location change
- Upgrade to Jelix 1.8.11-rc.2
- Improve End2End automatic tests
- Faunalia, contributions on source code from @mind84
- Option to disable the automatic permalink in the URL
- UI: Double-clicking on a group in the legend is now propagated to child items
- Admin - Add legend about warning icon in project table
- Admin - Display the list of warning ID in the admin panel, in the tooltip
- Fix feature filtering when PK is of type string, contribution from @maxencelaurent
- Popup: respect
parameter - Fix cross-site scripting issue with the
parameter - Use proper OpenLayers class for layers issued by Google Maps, contribution from @mind84
- Remove unused button zoom to layer extent
- Popup: remove remaining OL2 dependencies
- Expose more OpenLayers 9 classes
- Expose some Lit HTML classes
- New JavaScript API to load external layer straight in the legend tree and in the map
- Popup: FeatureToolbar in compact table
- Review of the tooltip feature using the new version of the plugin
- Zoom history
- Unused button about the layer extent
- Handle baselayers visibility in theme
- Popup was not shown in the Atlas container
- Let min/max resolutions be handled by OpenLayers for WMTS
- Drawing tool : keep draw visible when closing minidock
- Dataviz in popup generate two feature toolbar in parent popup
- Apply min and max resolutions to base layers removed by single WMS Layer
- More fixes about XSS
- Tooltip :
- Don't show tooltip tool when device has coarse pointer
- Remove legacy code
- Handle linestring layers
- Fix loading GIF about Lizmap being transformed about color
- Refresh the layer after editing when using the "single WMS tile mode"
- New
component - Defer JavaScript scripts loading
- Refactoring of Web Components, about OpenLayers
- Review the way to load JavaScript
- Review ESLint configuration
- Upgrade Jelix to 1.8.9
- Upgrade OpenLayers to 9.2.3
- Load layers as a single WMS layer, contribution from @mind84
- Improve snapping functionalities, contribution from @mind84
- New management of the N to M relations data editor, contribution from @mind84
- Display features at startup when set in URL
- Improvement on the landing page HTML content (logged and not logged user)
- Buttons about zoom history
- Some JavaScript and PHP refactoring, code cleaning
- Update OpenLayers to version 9
- Improve migration to OpenLayers 9
- OL 9 map on top now
- Popup
- Locate by layer highlight
- Update translated strings from the Transifex website :