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683 lines (590 loc) · 20.8 KB


SBE can be interacted with using SBE IO/FIFO. Among other operations it provides GETSCOM, PUTSCOM, MODIFY and PUT_UNDER_MASK, which are referred to as SBE SCOM.

SCOM addresses of a slave CPU with less than 32 bits can also be accessed via FSI SCOM, but full range (64-bits) is needed during initialization and SBE SCOM is the only way of getting to them until XSCOM is up (i.e., before SMP is on).

SBE interactions are carried out over FSI.

Analysis assumptions

  • Interested only in GETSCOM and PUTSCOM.

Relevant sources in Hostboot

  • src/usr/sbeio/ directory



 * @brief enums for primary SBE response
enum sbePrimResponse
    SBE_PRI_INVALID_COMMAND             = 0x01,
    SBE_PRI_INVALID_DATA                = 0x02,
    SBE_PRI_USER_ERROR                  = 0x03,
    SBE_PRI_INTERNAL_ERROR              = 0x04,
    SBE_PRI_FFDC_ERROR                  = 0x40, /* FFDC Package Present */

 * @brief enums for secondary SBE response
 *   @TODO via RTC: 129763
enum sbeSecondaryResponse
    SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL              = 0x00,
    SBE_SEC_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED             = 0x02,
    SBE_SEC_INVALID_ADDRESS_PASSED            = 0x03,
    SBE_SEC_OS_FAILURE                        = 0x0C,
    SBE_SEC_FIFO_ACCESS_FAILURE               = 0x0D,
    SBE_SEC_HW_OP_TIMEOUT                     = 0x10,
    SBE_SEC_PCB_PIB_ERR                       = 0x11,
    SBE_SEC_FIFO_PARITY_ERROR                 = 0x12,
    SBE_SEC_TIMER_ALREADY_STARTED             = 0x13,
    SBE_SEC_BLACKLISTED_MEM_ACCESS            = 0x14,
    SBE_SEC_MEM_REGION_NOT_FOUND              = 0x15,
    SBE_SEC_INPUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW             = 0x18,


 * @brief enums for SBE command class
enum fifoCommandClass
    // ...
    SBE_FIFO_CLASS_SCOM_ACCESS         = 0xA2,
    // ...

 * @brief SBE FIFO FSI register addresses
enum fifoRegisterAddress
    SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_DATA_IN    = 0x00002400,
    SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_STATUS     = 0x00002404,
    SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_SIG_EOT    = 0x00002408,
    SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_REQ_RESET  = 0x0000240C,
    SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_DATA_OUT   = 0x00002440,
    SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_STATUS     = 0x00002444,
    SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_RESET      = 0x00002450,
    SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_ACK_EOT    = 0x00002454,
    SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_MAX_TSFR   = 0x00002458,

enum sbeFifoUpstreamStatus
    // ...
    // Upstream FIFO is full
    UPFIFO_STATUS_FIFO_FULL =0x00200000,
    // ...

enum sbeUpstreamEot
    FSB_UPFIFO_SIG_EOT =0x80000000,

enum sbeFifoDownstreamStatus
    // Reserved
    // Parity Error: dequeuing operation has detected a data parity error
    // Reserved
    // SBE is requesting a FIFO reset
    // Service Processor (SP) is requesting a FIFO reset
    // through downstream path
    // A fifo entry has been dequeued with set EOT flag
    // Reserved
    DNFIFO_STATUS_RESERVED9 =0x00400000,
    // Downstream FIFO is full
    DNFIFO_STATUS_FIFO_FULL =0x00200000,
    // Downstream FIFO is empty
    // Number of currently hold entries
    // Valid flags of ALL currently hold entries
    // EOT flags of ALL currently hold entries

 * @brief enums for FIFO SCOM Access Messages
enum fifoScomAccessMessage
    SBE_FIFO_CMD_GET_SCOM            = 0x01,
    SBE_FIFO_CMD_PUT_SCOM            = 0x02,
    SBE_FIFO_CMD_MODIFY_SCOM         = 0x03,

enum { MAX_UP_FIFO_TIMEOUT_NS = 90000*NS_PER_MSEC }; //=90s

 * @brief Struct for FIFO Get SCOM request
struct fifoGetScomRequest
    uint32_t wordCnt;
    uint16_t reserved;
    uint8_t  commandClass;
    uint8_t  command;
    uint64_t address;  // Register Address (0..31) + (32..63)
    fifoGetScomRequest() : wordCnt(4), reserved(0)
    { }

 * @brief Struct for FIFO Put SCOM request
struct fifoPutScomRequest
    uint32_t wordCnt;
    uint16_t reserved;
    uint8_t  commandClass;
    uint8_t  command;
    uint64_t address;     // Register Address (0..31) + (32..63)
    uint64_t data;        // Data (0..31) + (32..63)
    fifoPutScomRequest() : wordCnt(6), reserved(0), data(0)
    { }

 * @brief Struct for FIFO Get SCOM response
 * The actual number of returned words varies based on whether there was
 * an error.
struct fifoGetScomResponse
    uint64_t     data;          // Data (0..31) + (32..63)
    statusHeader status;
    struct       fapi2::ffdc_struct ffdc;  // ffdc data
    uint32_t     status_distance; // distance to status
    fifoGetScomResponse() {}

 * @brief Struct for FIFO Put SCOM and Put SCOM under mask response
 * The actual number of returned words varies based on whether there was
 * an error.
struct fifoPutScomResponse
    statusHeader status;
    struct       fapi2::ffdc_struct ffdc;  // ffdc data
    uint32_t     status_distance; // distance to status
    fifoPutScomResponse() {}

 * @brief Struct for FIFO status
struct statusHeader
    uint16_t  magic;     // set to 0xC0DE
    uint8_t   commandClass;
    uint8_t   command;
    uint16_t  primaryStatus;
    uint16_t  secondaryStatus;


// Get SCOM via SBE FIFO
errlHndl_t getFifoScom(TARGETING::Target * i_target, uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t & o_data)
    errlHndl_t errl = NULL;

        // set up FIFO request message
        SbeFifo::fifoGetScomRequest  l_fifoRequest;
        SbeFifo::fifoGetScomResponse l_fifoResponse;
        l_fifoRequest.commandClass = SbeFifo::SBE_FIFO_CLASS_SCOM_ACCESS;
        l_fifoRequest.command = SbeFifo::SBE_FIFO_CMD_GET_SCOM;
        l_fifoRequest.address = i_addr;

        errl = SbeFifo::getTheInstance().performFifoChipOp(i_target,
                                                           (uint32_t *)&l_fifoRequest,
                                                           (uint32_t *)&l_fifoResponse,
        //always return data even if there is an error
        o_data =;
    while (0);

    return errl;

// Put SCOM via SBE FIFO
errlHndl_t putFifoScom(TARGETING::Target * i_target, uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t i_data)
    errlHndl_t errl = NULL;

    // set up FIFO request message
    SbeFifo::fifoPutScomRequest  l_fifoRequest;
    SbeFifo::fifoPutScomResponse l_fifoResponse;
    l_fifoRequest.commandClass = SbeFifo::SBE_FIFO_CLASS_SCOM_ACCESS;
    l_fifoRequest.command = SbeFifo::SBE_FIFO_CMD_PUT_SCOM;
    l_fifoRequest.address = i_addr;    = i_data;

    errl = SbeFifo::getTheInstance().performFifoChipOp(i_target,
                                                       (uint32_t *)&l_fifoRequest,
                                                       (uint32_t *)&l_fifoResponse,

    return errl;


// These functions are used by the code below, but aren't reproduced here. //

 * @brief write FSI
errlHndl_t SbeFifo::writeFsi(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
                     uint64_t   i_addr,
                     uint32_t * i_pData);

 * @Brief perform SBE FIFO chip-op
 * @param[in]  i_target        Target to access
 * @param[in]  i_pFifoRequest  Pointer to request
 * @param[in]  i_pFifoResponse Pointer to response
 * @param[in]  i_responseSize  Size of response in bytes
 * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure.
errlHndl_t SbeFifo::performFifoChipOp(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
                                      uint32_t * i_pFifoRequest,
                                      uint32_t * i_pFifoResponse,
                                      uint32_t i_responseSize)
    errl = writeRequest(i_target, i_pFifoRequest);
    if (errl) return errl;

    errl = readResponse(i_target, i_pFifoRequest, i_pFifoResponse, i_responseSize);
    if (errl) return errl;

 * @brief send a request via SBE FIFO
 * @param[in]  i_target         Target to access
 * @param[in]  i_pFifoRequest   Pointer to FIFO request.
 *                              First word has count of unit32_t words.
 * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure.
errlHndl_t writeRequest(TARGETING::Target * i_target, uint32_t * i_pFifoRequest)
    errlHndl_t errl = NULL;

    // Ensure Downstream Max Transfer Counter is 0 since
    // hostboot has no need for it (non-0 can cause
    // protocol issues)
    uint32_t l_data       = 0;
    errl = writeFsi(i_target,SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_MAX_TSFR,&l_data);
    if (errl) return errl;

    //The first uint32_t has the number of uint32_t words in the request
    uint32_t * l_pSent    = i_pFifoRequest; //advance as words sent
    uint32_t   l_cnt      = *l_pSent;
    for (uint32_t i=0;i<l_cnt;i++)
        // Wait for room to write into fifo
        errl = waitUpFifoReady(i_target);
        if (errl) return errl;

        // Send data into fifo
        errl = writeFsi(i_target,SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_DATA_IN,l_pSent);
        if (errl) return errl;


    //notify SBE that last word has been sent
    errl = waitUpFifoReady(i_target);
    if (errl) return errl;

    l_data = FSB_UPFIFO_SIG_EOT;
    errl = writeFsi(i_target,SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_SIG_EOT,&l_data);
    if (errl) return errl;

 * @brief poll until upstream Fifo has room to write into
 * @param[in]  i_target         Target to access
 * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure.
errlHndl_t waitUpFifoReady(TARGETING::Target * i_target)
    uint64_t l_elapsed_time_ns = 0;

    while (true)
        // read upstream status to see if room for more data
        uint32_t l_data = 0;
        errlHndl_t errl = readFsi(i_target,SBE_FIFO_UPFIFO_STATUS,&l_data);
        if (errl) return errl;

        if (!(l_data & UPFIFO_STATUS_FIFO_FULL))

        // time out if wait too long
        if (l_elapsed_time_ns >= MAX_UP_FIFO_TIMEOUT_NS)
            die("waitUpFifoReady: timeout waiting for upstream FIFO to be not full");

        // try later
        nanosleep( 0, 10000 ); //sleep for 10,000 ns
        l_elapsed_time_ns += 10000;

    return NULL;

 * @brief read the response via SBE FIFO
 * @param[in]  i_target         Target to access
 * @param[in]  i_pFifoRequest   Pointer to FIFO request.
 * @param[out] o_pFifoResponse  Pointer to FIFO response.
 * @param[in]  i_responseSize   Size of response buffer in bytes.
 * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure.
errlHndl_t readResponse(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
                        uint32_t * i_pFifoRequest,
                        uint32_t * o_pFifoResponse,
                        uint32_t   i_responseSize)
    auto l_pFifoRequest = reinterpret_cast<SbeFifo::fifoGetSbeFfdcRequest *>(i_pFifoRequest);
    SbeFifoRespBuffer l_fifoBuffer(o_pFifoResponse, i_responseSize/sizeof(uint32_t));

    errlHndl_t errl = NULL;

    // EOT is expected before the response buffer is full. Room for
    // the PCBPIB status or FFDC is included, but is only returned
    // if there is an error. The last received word has the distance
    // to the status, which is placed at the end of the returned data
    // in order to reflect errors during transfer.

    bool l_EOT = false;

    while (l_fifoBuffer) // keep reading data until an error or until the
                         // message is completely read.
        // Wait for data to be ready to receive (download) or if the EOT
        // has been sent. If not EOT, then data ready to receive.
        uint32_t l_status = 0;
        errl = waitDnFifoReady(i_target, l_status);
        if (errl) return errl;

        if (l_status & DNFIFO_STATUS_DEQUEUED_EOT_FLAG)
            l_EOT = true;
            uint32_t l_data = 0;
            // read next word
            errl = readFsi(i_target,SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_DATA_OUT,&l_data);
            if (errl) return errl;


    // EOT is expected before running out of response buffer
    if (!l_EOT)
        die("EOT not received before downstream buffer full.");

    //notify that EOT has been received
    uint32_t l_eotSig = FSB_UPFIFO_SIG_EOT;
    errl = writeFsi(i_target,SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_ACK_EOT,&l_eotSig);
    if (errl) return errl;

    // Determine if successful.
    if (!l_fifoBuffer.getStatus())
        die("The distance to the status header is not within the response buffer.");

    // Check status for success.
    const statusHeader * l_pStatusHeader = l_fifoBuffer.getStatusHeader();
    if (l_pStatusHeader->magic != FIFO_STATUS_MAGIC ||
        l_pStatusHeader->primaryStatus != SBE_PRI_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL ||
        l_pStatusHeader->secondaryStatus != SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL)
        // Status header does not start with magic number or
        // non-zero primary or secondary status

    return NULL;

 * @brief poll until downstream Fifo has a value to read or has hit EOT.
 * @param[in]  i_target         Target to access
 * @param[out] o_status         Down load door bell status
 * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure.
errlHndl_t waitDnFifoReady(TARGETING::Target * i_target, uint32_t & o_status)
    uint64_t l_elapsed_time_ns = 0;

    while (true)
        // read downstream status to see if data ready to be read
        // or if has hit the EOT
        errlHndl_t errl = readFsi(i_target, SBE_FIFO_DNFIFO_STATUS,&o_status);
        if (errl) return errl;

        if (!(o_status & DNFIFO_STATUS_FIFO_EMPTY) ||
            (o_status & DNFIFO_STATUS_DEQUEUED_EOT_FLAG) )

        // time out if wait too long
        if (l_elapsed_time_ns >= MAX_UP_FIFO_TIMEOUT_NS)
            die("timeout waiting for downstream FIFO to be not empty");

        // try later
        nanosleep( 0, 10000 ); //sleep for 10,000 ns
        l_elapsed_time_ns += 10000;

    return NULL;


Includes declarations from src/usr/sbeio/sbe_fifo_buffer.H.

 * @brief A class for managing duel input buffers for sbeio fifo response
 *        messaging.
 * Sbeio messaging uses a pair of buffers for parsing fifo response
 * messages. The first buffer is a caller supplied buffer that must be large
 * enough to hold required data for a given message response. For example,
 * a read command will have a response that will contain the data read and a
 * status header. A write command will have a response that will contain
 * only a status header detailing the result of the command. In addition,
 * response data can include FFDC data upon an error. The user supplied
 * buffer does not need to be big enough to hold the extra data since this
 * information is processed by the messaging code before returning to the
 * caller. As a result, a second buffer which should be large enough to
 * to contain any FFDC information is processed in parallel with the caller
 * supplied buffer in order to capture a full response.
class SbeFifoRespBuffer
     * @brief Constructor.
     * @param[in] i_fifoBuffer -   The caller supplied buffer.
     * @param[in] bufferWordSize - The size of the caller supplied buffer in
     *                             uint32_t units.
     * @param[in] i_getSbeFfdcFmt - A bool indicating if this is for a get SBE
     *                              FFDC request with a special buffer format.
    explicit SbeFifoRespBuffer(uint32_t * i_fifoBuffer, size_t bufferWordSize,
                               bool i_getSbeFfdcFmt = false);

     * @brief append a uint32 to the next buffer insert position.
     * @param[in] i_value - The value to add to the buffers.
     * @return True if the value was able to be stored in at least the local
     *         buffer, false otherwise.
    bool append(uint32_t i_value);

     * @brief When the DN FIFO Dequeued EOT flag is detected
     *        externally, this method is called to validate
     *        the buffer data and set indexes to the status
     *        and ffdc areas.
    void completeMessage();

     * @brief A simplified state accessor.
     * @return True if the state is MSG_COMPLETE or MSG_INCOMPLETE
     *         False otherwise.
    bool getStatus() const
    { return (MSG_COMPLETE == iv_state || MSG_INCOMPLETE == iv_state); }

     * @brief operator that returns true if the messaging
     *        state is MSG_INCOMPLETE. This indicates that
     *        data is able to be appended to the buffer(s)
    operator bool() const
    { return MSG_INCOMPLETE == iv_state; }

     * @brief Current state of the messaging buffer
    enum State {
        INVALID_CALLER_BUFFER, // Caller buffer too short
        OVERRUN,               // Message larger than local buffer
        MSG_SHORT_READ,        // Message is shorter that header
        MSG_INVALID_OFFSET,    // The message contains an invalid status header offset
        MSG_COMPLETE,          // The message was read in successfully
        MSG_INCOMPLETE         // The message is being constructed

    static const size_t MSG_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
    uint32_t iv_localMsgBuffer[MSG_BUFFER_SIZE]; /**< local buffer large enough
                                                   to hold FFDC data */

    // ...

constexpr size_t STATUS_WORD_SIZE =

bool SbeFifoRespBuffer::append(uint32_t i_value)
    bool retval = false;

    if(iv_state == MSG_INCOMPLETE)
        if(iv_index < iv_callerWordSize)
            iv_callerBufferPtr[iv_index] = i_value;

        if(iv_index < MSG_BUFFER_SIZE)
            iv_localMsgBuffer[iv_index] = i_value;
            retval = true;
            die("Overran buffer.");
            iv_state = OVERRUN;
         die("Invalid state for append, current state");

    return retval;

void SbeFifoRespBuffer::completeMessage()
    if (MSG_INCOMPLETE != iv_state)

    // Message Schema:
    //  |Return Data (optional)| Status Header | FFDC (optional)
    //  |Offset to Status Header (starting from EOT) | EOT |

    // Final index for a minimum complete message (No return data and no FFDC):
    //  Word Length of status header + Length of Offset (1) + Length of EOT (1)
    if (iv_index < STATUS_WORD_SIZE + 2)
        // Complete call caused short read.
        iv_state = MSG_SHORT_READ;

    // |offset to header| EOT marker | current insert pos | <- iv_index
    // The offset is how far to move back from from the EOT position to
    // to get the index of the Status Header.
    iv_offsetIndex = iv_index - 2;

    // Validate that the offset to the status header is in range
    if (iv_localMsgBuffer[iv_offsetIndex] - 1 > iv_offsetIndex)
        // offset is to large - would go before the buffer.
        iv_state = MSG_INVALID_OFFSET;
    else if (iv_localMsgBuffer[iv_offsetIndex] < STATUS_WORD_SIZE + 1)
        // Minimum offset (no ffdc) is StatusHeader size + 1
        iv_state = MSG_INVALID_OFFSET;

    // Set The StatusHeader index
    iv_statusIndex = iv_offsetIndex - (iv_localMsgBuffer[iv_offsetIndex] - 1);

    // FFDC handling was removed for simplicity //

    iv_state = MSG_COMPLETE;