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Verified Boot

1. Introduction

The purpose of this section is to define the fundamental concepts and key terminology that will be utilized throughout the document. A clear understanding of them is essential for ensuring consistency and precision.

Trust, chain of trust, root of trust


A characteristic of an entity that indicates its ability to perform certain functions or services correctly, fairly and impartially, along with assurance that the entity and its identifier are genuine.

~ NIST SP 800-152, Appendix B, Glossary 1:

The confidence one element has in another that the second element will behave as expected.

~ NISTIR 8320, section 1.2 Terminology, under "Trust" 2

It's worth noting that the "element" or "entity" in these definitions might not only be a software or hardware component, but also a person or an organization as well. A person using their computer Trusts its hardware, software, firmware, the UEFI Secure Boot certificate issuers, the PKI Certificate Authorities and more.

Root of Trust (RoT)

The Root of Trust (RoT) is a hardware, firmware, or software component, that is trusted inherently, implicitly and undeniably. The trust towards the Root of Trust cannot be proven. Otherwise the software, hardware, or person proving, that the Root of Trust can be relied on, would be the actual Root of Trust. The security of the whole system depends on the Root of Trust and compromising it makes all the subsequent security measures ineffective. The main purpose of the Root of Trust is to verify if the next hardware, firmware, or software component to which control is to be passed can be trusted. 3 4 5 6

Chain of Trust (CoT)

A Chain of Trust (CoT) is a sequence of hardware, firmware, or software components, where every component in the sequence is verified to be trusted by the previous component in the chain. The only exception is the Root of Trust , which is the first link in the chain, and the first component that is able to verify the trust to some other component. A Chain of Trust is not a physical construct kept in memory, but a history of trust transitioning during the lifetime of a computer system. Once a trusted component passes control to one that is not verified to be trusted, the Chain of Trust ends. 5 3

Trusted Computing Base (TCB)

Totality of protection mechanisms within a computer system, including hardware, firmware, and software, the combination responsible for enforcing a security policy.

~ CNSSI 4009, Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Glossary 7

The meaning of the Trusted Computing Base is different from a Chain of Trust, in that a Chain of Trust means a sequence of components, that transition their trust onto each other without necesarily specifying the role of the components. The Trusted Computing Base, on the other hand, refers to all the hardware, firmware and software components that play a crucial role in the system's security, without specifying any relations between them.

The Trusted Computing Base, just like the Chain of Trust, can consist of a different number of components at any given point in the process of booting th system. When analyzing the boot process, the TCB is increasing in size with every new component appended to the Chains of Trust that is important for the security, or might impact it in any way.

The components belonging to the Trusted Computing Base include a number of the initial elements of all the Chains of Trust in a system, and the Roots of Trust in particular - the elements which form the "Base" for providing security functionalities.

A bug or a vulnerability of a part of the Trusted Computing Base impacts the security of the system, while a flaw of a component from outside the TCB does not. Because of that the size and complexity of the TCB should be minimal to reduce the risk of undetected vulnerabilities and make it easier to perform security audits.

Categorization of chains/roots of trust

Multiple Chains and Roots of trust can be distinguished based on the used mechanisms and type of integrity assurances provided by them.

The list and the definitions are not strict and some documents and implementations may call and group the trusted components in different ways. The most frequently recognized Chains and Roots of trust are described in this section. 8

RTM (Root of Trust for Measurements)

The Root of Trust for Measurements (RTM) is the first hardware, firmware, or software component able to measure the integrity of other components, and to document the history of the measurements. 9 6 It is the Root of Trust for the Chain of Trust of all the components performing integrity measurements. The history of measurements and the digests of the measured components need to be saved in a tamper-resistant log, the integrity and authenticity of which can be verified.

The Root of Trust for Measurements is the most important component for performing the process of measured boot.

The Root of Trust for Measurements is the most important component for performing the process of measured boot. Depending on the time of initialization, we can differentiate:

  • Static Root of Trust for Measurements (S-RTM)
  • Dynamic Root of Trust for Measurements (D-RTM)
S-RTM (Static Root of Trust for Measurements)

An RTM where the initial integrity measurement occurs at platform reset. The S-RTM is static because the PCRs associated with it cannot be reinitialized without a platform reset.

~ Trusted Computing Group Glossary, Version 1.1, rev 1.0 9

D-RTM (Dynamic Root of Trust for Measurements)

A platform-dependent function that initializes the state of the platform and provides a new instance of a root of trust for measurement without rebooting the platform. The initial state establishes a minimal Trusted Computing Base.

~ Trusted Computing Group Glossary, Version 1.1, rev 1.0 9

The D-RTM, if supported by the platform, may start at any point after boot by initializing the state of the platform without requiring a reboot. In general, the D-RTM launches after an S-RTM, but the trust-chains anchored in each RTM are independent.

~ Trusted Computing Group, TCG PC Client Platform Firmware Integrity Measurement, V1.0, rev 43, 3.1.2 Overview of Roots of Trust

RTR (Root of Trust for Reporting)

A computing engine capable of reliably reporting information provided by the RTM and its measurement agent(s) or held by the RTS.

~ NIST SP800-155, section 3.6.4, Appendix B - Glossary 6

The RoT for Reporting (RTR) is a RoT that reliably provides authenticity and non-repudiation services for the purpose of attesting to the origin and integrity of platform characteristics. It necessarily leverages the RTM and RTS. A principal function of the RTR is to provide an unambiguous identity, statistically unique for the endpoint.

~ Trusted Computing Group, TCG PC Client Platform Firmware Integrity Measurement, V1.0, rev 43, 3.1.2 Overview of Roots of Trust

The role of the Root of Trust for Reporting is to provide the functionality to reliably present the data from the Root of Trust for Storage protected medium. It has to verify the integrity and authenticity of the data and make sure that the data is only presented to authorized entities. The reports received from the RTR can be used to decide if a threat was detected in the process of measured boot.

RTS (Root of Trust for Storage)

A computing engine capable of maintaining a tamper-evident summary of integrity measurement values and the sequence of those measurements.

~ NIST SP800-155, section 3.6.4, Appendix B - Glossary 10

TCG defines the RoT for Storage (RTS) as the combination of a RoT for Confidentiality (RTC) and a RoT for Integrity (RTI). The RTS provides for confidentiality and integrity of data stored in TPM shielded locations. In the context of this specification, the RTS maintains a tamper-evident summary of the integrity measurement values and the sequence of those measurements. It does not include the details of the sequence of integrity measurements, but rather holds cumulative integrity results for those sequences. These cumulative integrity values can either be used to verify the integrity of a log containing the integrity measurement values and the sequence of those measurements, or it can be used as a proxy for that log.

~ Trusted Computing Group, TCG PC Client Platform Firmware Integrity Measurement, V1.0, rev 43, 3.1.2 Overview of Roots of Trust

These definitions are exhaustive. The role of the RTS is to maintain the summary and the history of integrity measurements 11 while keeping its integrity, confidentiality and protecting it from modifications other than by performing further measurements. The measurement history might be a list of digests of measured components and a cumulative hash of all the measured components, which can be used to verify if the reported sequence of measurements is valid.

RTV (Root of Trust for Verification)

An RoT that verifies an integrity measurement against a policy

~ Trusted Computing Group Glossary, Version 1.1, rev 1.0 9

A root of trust for verification is an immutable location, such as a boot ROM, which cryptographically verifies the first mutable firmware in the system. The verification is done using digital signatures before the mutable firmware is executed.

~ ARM Base Boot Security Requirements, Issue 1.3, section 4.5 - Secure Boot 12

The Root of Trust for Verification is responsible for verifying components and enforcing the security policies depending on the results of the verification.

The verification consists of calculating the digest of a component and verifying it using a certificate, or comparing it against an expected value. The process of verification requires for the RTV to include a secure database of trusted certificate issuers and/or trusted digests, which can be extended by additional components added later to the Chain of Trust for Verification. Depending on the result of the verification and the used policies, the RTV might authorize the component being verified to be executed, or not. This may result in stopping the process of booting the device.

The difference between verified boot and measured boot

Verified boot and measured boot are two fundamentally different concepts, which serve different purposes in a computer system and are not mutually exclusive. The two mechanisms don't compete nor substitute each other, but they can work in tandem and one can complement the other.

Verified Boot

Verified boot can be used to ensure that no unverified components are executed during boot. This is done by verifying the authenticity of the components using signatures and certificates or by comparing their digests to a list of expected and trusted values.

To verify if a code should be executed, verified boot depends on the RTM to calculate digests and the RTV to verify and decide whether they should be executed or not.

Measured Boot

The purpose of measured boot is not to decide whether to execute the firmware or software components, but to perform the process of BIOS Integrity Measurements,10 to document the process, and to allow analyzing it for unexpected events after the fact.

Measured Boot depends on the RTM to calculate the digests of executed components and the RTS for storing the measurements and their summary. The RTR can then be used to inspect what software components were executed during the boot process and decide whether the sequence is expected or if a potential security threat happened.

Comparison of verified boot and measured boot

Criterion verified boot measured boot
Short description Verifies code signatures before passing execution Documents what code was executed
Time of measurement Before execution After execution
What it allows Blocking untrusted components Documenting what was executed
Required RoTs and CoTs Verification Measurement, Storage and Reporting


Difference between integrity and authenticity verification

Integrity Verification


A property whereby data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner since it was created, transmitted, or stored.

~ NIST SP 800-152, Appendix B Glossary 1

Data integrity is most of the time assured using hash digests of the data, which are sent or stored alongside it. Hash digests are often just called digests in the context of data integrity.


The output of a hash function (e.g., hash(data) = digest). Also known as a message digest, digest or harsh value.

~ NIST IR 8202, Appendix B -- Glossary 13

Hash function:

A function that maps a bit string of arbitrary length to a fixed-length bit string. Approved hash functions satisfy the following properties: 1. One-way – It is computationally infeasible to find any input that maps to any pre-specified output. 2. Collision resistant – It is computationally infeasible to find any two distinct inputs that map to the same output.

~ NIST SP 800-175, section 1.5 Terms and Definitions 14

To verify the integrity of the data, the digest has to be calculated once more and compared against the one received. When creating digests using a strong hash function, even the smallest change to the data will result in a completely different value of the digest and chaining the data in such a way that won't change the digest is not feasible computationally.

Only verifying integrity does not guarantee the origin of the data is genuine. A bad actor could modify both the data and the digest if the digest is not protected or already known from a different source.


The property of being genuine and being able to be verified and trusted; confidence in the validity of a transmission, a message, or message originator.

~ NIST SP 800-137, Appendix B Glossary 15

Verifying authenticity is verifying the identity of an entity. It is performed by comparing the digest against a known one, or by using asymmetric cryptography. The private key of an asymmetric cryptography keypair is often called the identity. In this context, proving an identity is proving to be in possession of the private key.

The simplest way an entity can prove its identity is to encrypt a well known data using its private key. If decrypting the data with a public key yields the same data, then it must have been encrypted using the corresponding private key.

Verifying authenticity requires one to be in possession of a public key, that is trusted to correspond to the private key of the to-be authenticated entity.

Authenticity itself does not guarantee the integrity of data.

The authenticity of data can be verified without using asymmetric cryptography by comparing the digest to a well known one. The well-known digest must be known in advance and stored in a tamper resistant or tamper evident store. If only a trusted entity is able to add or alter the well-known digest, then by verifying the integrity against it, the data can be verified to be authentic by the trusted entity.

Non repudiation

A service that is used to provide assurance of the integrity and origin of data in such a way that the integrity and origin can be verified and validated by a third party as having originated from a specific entity in possession of the private key (i.e., the signatory).

~ NIST FIPS 186-5 16

Non repudiation is a term used to describe a data, of which both the integrity and the authenticity of some entity responsible for it can be verified. Non repudiation is generally achieved using some form of digital signature.

Digital Signature:

A cryptographic technique that utilizes asymmetric-keys to determine authenticity (i.e., users can verify that the message was signed with a private key corresponding to the specified public key), non-repudiation (a user cannot deny having sent a message) and integrity (that the message was not altered during transmission).

~ NIST SP 800-63, Appendix A - Definitions and Abbreviations 17

A basic digital signature is a digest of data, that has been encrypted using the private key of some entity. Verifying a signature requires:

  • The data in plaintext
  • The digital signature of the data
  • The public key corresponding to the private key of the signer
  • Knowledge of the hash function used to calculate the digest and the type of asymmetric keys used by the signer

The process consists of:

  • calculating the digest using the same hash function as used by the signer
  • decrypting the signature using signer's public key to receive the digest in plaintext
  • comparing the two values

The verification of the signature succeeds if both digests are exactly the same. If the verification succeeds then:

  • Integrity is verified. The received digest is the same as the one calculated from the datum. The data did not change
  • Authenticity is verified. Only the one in possession of the corresponding private key could have encrypted the digest so that it can be decrypted using the public key

2. Definition of requirements

  • 584-645 "Notes"
  • 869-874 "See Also"

Threat model

Functional requirements

  • 646-684 "Firmware and Device Requirements"; ch. 2"

Non-functional requirements

3. Firmware

Implementations of verified boot

Booting the system is a multistep process that might include an arbitrary sequence of components. In order to perform a verified boot of the system, every firmware and software component ran after the Root of Trust has to be verified and verify the next component in the chain. Launching a component that does not implement verified boot and passes execution to unverified code breaks the chain of trust and poses a security risk.


Legacy BIOS firmware is highly implementation dependent. It is common for BIOS firmware to implement a subset of BIOS interrupt calls18 compatible with the ones used in the first IBM PCs, but it is not required.

Not every BIOS firmware implements verified boot and the implementations are not guaranteed to have a compatible API or ABI. Some common open-source non-UEFI BIOSes that work towards verified boot include:

  • coreboot - implements both verified boot1920 and measured boot21
  • skiboot - implements verified boot and exposes the API as the Secure and Trusted Boot Library 22
  • seabios - exposes the 1Ah BIOS interrupt, an ABI defined by the TCG23 that allows interacting with TPM and performing verification and measurements by the next launched component24
  • Slim Bootloader - implements both verified and measured boot25


The UEFI specification defines the UEFI Secure Boot protocol26 as a security mechanism that can be used as a part of verified boot process. The protocol allows to verify the authenticity and integrity of UEFI drivers as well as the operating system before the hand-off.

What makes Secure Boot special is that the process is very well documented in the UEFI specification. Different UEFI BIOS implementations can differ in how exactly it is implemented and whether additional functionalities are provided, but thanks to the common specification, and standard set of UEFI Services, any UEFI compatible Operating Systems can be easily booted on any UEFI BIOS implementation.

UEFI Secure Boot causes some controversy27 due to the fact that most hardware comes with Microsoft keys enrolled, and that most firmware and operating systems come signed by those keys. The Debian Wiki 28 explains how this fact, depending on the implementation, does no harm to security nor freedom, as the keys can be modified.


Heads consists of a custom coreboot2930 firmware and a minimal Linux kernel embedded in the SPI chip31. It is a complete package of firmware components that allows to boot the operating system securely.

The main point of Heads is to move the authority to verify the trust towards a computer system from an OEM or a corporation back to the user.

Heads32 uses measured boot to measure the integrity of the whole system. This includes the proprietary binary blobs provided by the CPU vendors. The measurements are saved inside the TPM module serving as an RTS for the purpose of verifying if the system's integrity was not compromised when booting next time. Additionally Heads implements verified boot by signing and verifying its components using keys controlled by the user, preferably in the form of a hardware token33. The user keys are not only used to authenticate the user to the system, but also to authenticate the system to the user.

Firmware protections against changing settings in its UI

Changing the BIOS firmware settings via its UI is the easiest way to affect the firmware and it's security. It requires next to no technical knowledge or preparations.

Typically two factors are used to authenticate changes in firmware settings using the UI:

  • Physical presence - Because the UI is presented on a screen and the inputs are incoming from an external device it is often safe to assume that a person, not malicious code, is accessing the settings, and so the changes may be treated as authenticated as done intentionally by a user.
  • BIOS Password - In scenarios where a higher security is required most BIOS firmware implementations34353637 provide a way to set up a password which protects the settings from being changed by an unathorized user.

Firmware protections against changing firmware's flash chip

The processes of verified boot and measured boot can be used to detect that the system's security might have been compromised and react to it accordingly.

Protecting the firmware's flash chip from being modified, on the other hand, is a precaution that might save the device from being compromised or tampered with. Making the chip read only should make it impossible to add an untrusted component to the boot process. Such protections only apply to modifying the flash chip via the integrated programmer that can be operated by the CPU and the software running on it. They don't protect the flash chip from being reprogrammed by physically connecting an external programmer device to it.

On the example of Intel platforms, the supported protections are described in the chipset Platform Controller Hub datasheets and consist of a couple mechanisms:

  • Flash Descriptor Master Region [^Intel_series_9_pch_5-26-2-1]
    • Defines the structure of firmware regions
    • Controls the read and write access to the regions
    • The Master [^Intel_series_9_pch_5-26-2-1] of the region can access it no matter the access setting
    • The CPU is the Master of the BIOS region, so this mechanism is not enough to protect the BIOS from malicious software
  • Global Write Protection [^Intel_series_9_pch_5-26-5-1]
    • Blocks the executed code from writing to the SPI flash
    • System Management Mode (SMM) code can turn it on/off anytime
    • Disabling the protection from non-SMM code launches a System Management Interrupt that can prevent the protection from being disabled
    • SMM BIOS Write Protection [^Intel_series_9_pch_12-1-33]
      • Part of the Global Write Protection mechanism
      • Can prevent non-SMM code from writing to the BIOS chip regardless of the other settings
      • Nowadays known as Enable InSMM.STS (EISS) [^Intel_800_series_pch_vol2]
  • BIOS Range Write Protection [^Intel_series_9_pch_5-26-5-1]
    • Blocks writes to a specific address ranges of the SPI flash chip memory
    • Can only be turned off by a system reset

Intel Boot Guard / AMD Platform Secure Boot

The two technologies are mostly equivalent and serve the purpose of providing Hardware Roots of Trust, which are harder to compromise than software-based ones, and allowing to create uninterrupted Chains of Trust from the hardware up to an operating system.

The two implementations include, but are not limited to:

  • A secure storage for enrolling keys by the OEM. Possibly using electronic fuses38 that make the keys permamently encoded into the CPU
  • Hardware implementations of basic cryptography operations
  • A small read-only code for verifying the firmware

While similar in essence, Intel Boot Guard and AMD Platform Secure Boot use different naming for equivalent steps and elements of the technologies.

Intel Boot Guard

Intel Boot Guard39 is a technology that implements the RTM and the RTV in hardware. The hardware-based RTV works by verifying the initial part of the firmware called the Initial Boot Block (IBB) using the Authenticated Code Module (ACM) code embedded in the CPU by the manufacturer. The IBB is verified using the OEM keys, that are saved in the CPU registers and can be fused to make them permamently read-only. The IBB is the second link of the CTV and continues to extend it by verifying the rest of the BIOS firmware.

AMD Platform Secure Boot

The AMD Platform Secure Boot40 (formerly known as AMD Hardware Validated Boot41), provides the Hardware RTV thanks to the AMD Secure Processor (ASP) (formerly known as Platform Security Processor - PSP), which is logically isolated from the CPU. The ASP executes the ASP boot loader code - a read only code embedded within the ASP, which verifies an initial part of the firmware called the Secure Loader (SL) using keys fused into the CPU. Verifying the SL makes it the second link of the CTV. The Secure Loader then extends the Chain of Trust for Verification by verifying the rest of the BIOS firmware.

4. OS-level approaches at limiting system modification

  • 836-850 "Other Distributions implementing Verified Boot"
  • 851-863 "Immutable Linux Distributions"
  • 864-868 "Forum Discussion"
  • 915-938 "Part 2: Firmware and OS"

Role-based boot modes

Role-Based boot is a term proposed by Kicksecure, it is a concept of booting operating system into different modes based on user roles in order to enhance security. Each role (mode) should have limited variety of workloads it's allowed to perform and limited access to resources. This is similar to principle of least privilege. The aim for role-base boot concept is to develop more secure and flexible OS environments by tailoring boot models to specific user roles for performing permissible range of tasks.

Role-based boot is implemented in Kicksecure and Whonix operating systems. Currently supported boot modes are42:

  • PERSISTENT mode USER - provides persistency for user files. The user operates with standard permissions, but they're not allowed to escalate privileges (e.g. by executing sudo command). All locations remain writable including /tmp and /dev/shm.
  • LIVE mode USER - serves similar role to PERSISTENT mode USER with the difference that any changes made to the filesystem are not persistent and will be lost during reboot.
  • PERSISTENT mode SYSMAINT - Grants access to special system maintenance account, which can escalate privileges in order to perform administrative tasks. Provides a full persistence.

Complete implementation details can be found here.

Another example that implement multiple boot modes, but are not referred to as role-base boot, is ChromeOS. ChromeOS includes following boot modes43:

  • Normal mode - default boot option, performs full verification of firmware and OS components.
  • Recovery mode - Used for OS and read-writable firmware components repair.
  • Developer mode - relaxes some of the restrictions in Verified Boot Mode, allows root access, modification of system components or upgrading firmware.
  • Legacy boot mode - allows for booting alternate OS.


Checksum verification

Checksum is a redundancy check for detecting variations in data or data streams. Checksums are created as result of calculating binary values of a block or packet of data using dedicated algorithms. Comparing checksums allows for verifying data integrity, yet it's truthfulness is dependent of algorithm used42.

Checksums and hash codes

Transforming a portion of data of any size, into a code with predefined size is referred to as hashing process. A result of performing a hash function is output in form of a hash code (or simply hash). Hash codes are irreversible by definition, in theory a hash cannot be used to recreate source data.

Checksums are based on hash codes concept, yet they serve different purposes. Checksum algorithms are optimized for calculation speed in expense of security. Checksums are focused on checking data integrity, serving as a digital fingerprints. A hash codes and cryptographic functions are much broader concept that focuses on security and authentication43.

Common hashing algorithms

Common hashing algorithms include44:

  • MD-5 - created in 1991, but now considered compromised as it was discovered how to crack it. A successful collision attacks against it were demonstrated45.
  • SHA family - developed by US government, currently an industry standard. Most recent SHA-3 algorithm uses sponge construct mechanism, which enhances it's security by processing data with random-like transformations46.

Hashing algorithm produce hash values, yet they are often used as a way to verify data integrity, serving a role of a checksum. This is why it is not uncommon to see an output of hashing algorithms being referred to as checksum.

Hash verification in chain of trust context

Hashing functions can be used as a part of chain of trust mechanism. Particular example is Google's Verified Boot found on Android based devices. Verified boot cryptographically verifies executable code and data as the device boots. It does so for both files and partitions using multiple mechanisms, one of them being dm-verity. In Verify Boot implementation hashes are stored on dedicated partitions and are signed by the root of trust47.

Extending chain of trust to OS

A supplementary integrity checks can also be performed on OS level. Following are tool examples that can help perform additional security checks.

debsums is a utility for verifying Debian package files against their checksums. The MD-5 algorithm is used in the process. debsums is primarily intended for determining if installed files were modified or damaged. It also serves limited usage as a security tool48.

debcheckroot is an utility that can perform trusted verification of root file system by comparing package content with the files on a disk. It performs similar role to debsums, the difference is debsums uses locally stored md5sums,debcheckroot on the other hand can verify checksums with multiple source types: online, CD, DVD, etc. While this might make it more reliable, it's primary purpose are integrity checks checks and it's not meant to be used as a security tool49.

AIDE is a file structure integrity checker software. AIDE works by creating database storing file hashes and permissions, which is later used to verify integrity of the files. The files which are monitored can be specified via editing configuration file50.




  • 939-946 Part 3: OS and VMs


  1. NIST SP 800-152, 2

  2. NIST IR 8320A, section 1.2 - Terminology,

  3. NIST IR 8320, Appendix H — Glossary, 2

  4. NIST SP 800-172, Appendix A,

  5. NIST SP 800-193, Appendix B — Glossary, 2

  6. NIST SP 800-155, section 3.6.4, Appendix B — Glossary and Abbreviations, 2 3

  7. Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Glossary,

  8. NIST IR 8320, Appendix A, section 2, Hardware Root of Trust: Intel TXT and Trusted Platform Module (TPM),

  9. TCG Glossary, 2 3 4

  10. NIST SP 800-155, BIOS Integrity Measurement Guidelines, 2

  11. NIST SP 800-155, section BIOS Integrity Measurement Registers,

  12. ARM Base Boot Security Requirements, Issue 1.3,

  13. NIST IR 8202,

  14. NIST SP 800-175,

  15. NIST SP 800-137,

  16. NIST FIPS 186-5,

  17. NIST SP 800-63,






  23. TCG PC Client Specific Implementation Specification for Conventional BIOS, section



  26. UEFI Specification Version 2.10 Erata A, Section 32 - Secure Boot and Driver Signing,


  28. Debian Wiki, "What is UEFI Secure Boot?"





  33. Heads 33c3, section "Code signing",

  34. Dasharo menu overwiew, User password management,

  35. MSI DT BIOS Manual, under "Security",

  36. System76 Technical Documentation, Security,

  37. Gigabyte BIOS Setup User's Guide, Chapter 1, under "Security",





  42. user-sysmaint-split 2

  43. chromeos-boot-modes 2

  44. hashing-algorithm-overview

  45. on-collsons-for-md5

  46. the-state-of-hashing-algorithms

  47. verify-boot

  48. debsums

  49. debcheckroot

  50. aide