I like pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to follow the code of conduct below
Fork, then clone the repo
Make your modification,
- If you want to add a new gateway, name it ZgatewayXXX, XXX replaced by your gateway communication type, can be more than three letters
- If you want to add a new sensor, name it ZsensorYYY, YYY replaced by your sensor type, can be more than three letters
- If you want to add a new actuator, name it ZactuatorZZZ, ZZZ replaced by your actuator type, can be more than three letters
Review your code, compile it for Arduino Uno and ESP8266
Test it localy on your hardware config
Emit a pull request
Verify the travis CI compilation results
Request for review
I may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.
Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted:
- Comment your code
- Ask eventually for design guidelines
- Write a good commit message.