This document outlines a microservices-based reference architecture designed to handle distributed transactions, asynchronous processing, and workflow orchestration using The architecture incorporates key components like a Vue.js frontend, an API Gateway, and dedicated microservices with independent databases. It leverages patterns such as the Saga pattern for distributed transaction management, retries with exponential backoff, and long-running async workflows.
- User Interface: Vue.js frontend provides the interface for user interactions.
- Asynchronous API Calls: Communicates with the API Gateway using async requests (e.g., Axios, Fetch API).
- Authentication & Session Management: Manages user authentication (e.g., JWT) and session storage.
- Real-time Updates: Uses Websockets for real-time communication and notifications.
- Entry Point: Serves as the entry point for all client requests.
- Gateway Pattern: Routes requests to the appropriate microservice or initiates workflows in
- Security: Manages authentication, authorization, and rate-limiting.
- Workflow Delegation: Delegates complex workflow management, retries, and error handling to
Workflow Orchestration: manages the orchestration of complex workflows across microservices, handling task sequencing and parallel execution. It is responsible for managing workflow state persistence and execution history.
Saga Pattern for Distributed Transactions: Temporal uses the Saga pattern to manage distributed transactions, ensuring that either all operations succeed or compensating transactions are executed when failures occur.
Asynchronous Task Handling: Temporal manages asynchronous processes such as payment processing and inventory checks, without blocking resources.
Circuit Breakers: Temporal monitors calls to external services and triggers circuit breakers when services are unresponsive, halting the workflow or initiating compensations.
Retry Mechanism: Temporal automatically retries failed operations based on pre-defined retry policies, ensuring resilient task execution.
Compensation Logic: In case of failure (e.g., insufficient inventory or payment failure), Temporal invokes compensation transactions like canceling the order or refunding payments.
State Persistence: Temporal handles workflow state persistence independently, storing workflow execution history and state data within its own layer.
Long-Running Processes: Temporal manages long-running processes that span multiple microservices, ensuring that the workflow is resilient to failures and can recover from errors.
Microservice A (Customer Service): Manages customer profile data, including creation and updates.
Microservice B (Inventory Service): Manages product catalog and inventory data, including product availability and stock management.
Docker Containers: All components, including the API Gateway, microservices, Temporal workers, and Temporal server, are containerized using Docker.
Docker Compose: Docker Compose is used to orchestrate and manage the deployment of these containers, ensuring a modular, scalable architecture.
graph TD
subgraph Client Layer
A1[Vue.js Frontend]
subgraph Gateway Layer
A2[Custom API Gateway]
subgraph Workflows
A3[Temporal Orchestration]
A4[State Management, Retries, long-running processes, Failure Handling]
A5[Saga Pattern & Compensation]
subgraph Microservices
B1[Customer Service]
B2[Inventory Service]
B3[Order Service]
B4[Notification Service]
subgraph Data Layer
D1[Customer DB]
D2[Inventory DB]
D3[Order DB]
D4[Notification DB]
A1 -->|Async Request| A2
A2 -->|Triggers Workflow| A3
A3 -->|Manages Workflows| A4
A4 -->|Orchestrates Service Calls| B1 & B2 & B3 & B4
B1 --> D1
B2 --> D2
B3 --> D3
B4 --> D4
A4 --> A5
A5 -->|Compensate on Failure| B3 & B2 & B1
A3 -->|Final Response| A2 -->|Send Result| A1
Vue frontend sends asynchronous requests to the API Gateway. The Gateway processes the requests, authenticates them, and either routes them to a microservice or triggers a workflow in Temporal.
For complex, long-running processes (e.g., order processing), the Gateway initiates a Temporal workflow, passing the necessary context and data.
Temporal orchestrates communication between the microservices (e.g., User, Product, Order, Notification), handling retries, compensation logic, and circuit breaker functionality if a service is unavailable.
Each microservice interacts with its own database, storing or retrieving data. For example, the Order service updates the order status, and the Product service updates inventory levels.
Upon completion or compensation of the workflow, the API Gateway sends the result back to the Vue frontend.
participant Vue.js
participant API Gateway
participant Temporal Orchestrator
participant Order Service
participant Inventory Service
participant Payment Service
participant Notification Service
Vue.js->>API Gateway: Send Order Request
API Gateway->>Vue.js: Acknowledge Order Received (Initial Response)
API Gateway->>Temporal Orchestrator: Start Order Workflow
Temporal Orchestrator->>Order Service: Create Order
Order Service-->>Temporal Orchestrator: Order Created
alt Product In Stock
Temporal Orchestrator->>Inventory Service: Reserve Product
Inventory Service-->>Temporal Orchestrator: Product Reserved
else Product Out of Stock
Temporal Orchestrator->>Temporal Orchestrator: Trigger Compensation (Saga)
Temporal Orchestrator-->>Order Service: Cancel Order
alt Payment Successful
Temporal Orchestrator->>Payment Service: Process Payment
Payment Service-->>Temporal Orchestrator: Payment Processed
else Payment Failed
Temporal Orchestrator->>Temporal Orchestrator: Retry Payment (with backoff)
Temporal Orchestrator->>Order Service: Cancel Order if retry fails
Temporal Orchestrator->>Inventory Service: Release Product if retry fails
Temporal Orchestrator->>Notification Service: Send Notification to User
Notification Service->>Vue.js: Async Notification of Order Status
Notification Service-->>Temporal Orchestrator: Notification Sent
- Saga Pattern/Compensation: For distributed transaction management.
- Retry with Exponential Backoff: Automatic retries with progressive delays.
- API Gateway/BFF: Central point for client requests.
- Database per Service: Independent databases for each service.
- Event Sourcing: Every state change will be documented in Temporal.
- Central Exception Tracking: Not included.
- Circuit Breaker: Managed via Temporal workflows.
- Shared Database: Each service has its database.
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation). Data is not separated for read and write operations.
- Choreography: Orchestration is preferred.
- Externalized Configuration: No external service to manage configurations.
- Messaging: Not needed as Temporal handles asynchronous calls.
- Service Discovery: Services are invoked directly.
- Distributed Tracing: Not in scope.
- Access Token: Security by API Gateway, back office Microservices are not secured.
To see the further improvements proposed, please refer to the file.