wxWidgets wrapper for Haskell
Builds & compiles
- against: wxWidgets (http://www.wxwidgets.org/) 2.9.3 up to and including 3.0.2
- with: Haskell platform (http://www.haskell.org/platform/) 2013.2.0.0, 2014.2.0.0 and 7.10.2-a
- on: MacOSX 10.8.4, 64 bits Haskell platform; Windows XP; Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)
Patches until 2015-10-07 have been merged.
All packages have cabal version
As of 2014-08-11:
- install wxWidgets (2.9.3 ... 3.0.2) directly from a source release or use a platform specific installer.
- if installed from source release configure with ./configure --disable-debug_flag # to avoid debugging popups
- install wxWidgets (2.9.3 ... 3.0.2) directly from a source release or use a platform specific installer.
Development build using cabal-dev inside the wxHaskell directory:
bin/mk-devel # edit the search path in the file so the generated wxdirect is used
Then use via the resulting package configuration cabal-dev/packages-7.6.3.conf (or any other compiler version)
Install globally via cabal
Note: cabal and cabal-dev builds share the same build directory. Should not be a problem though...
- 20130725: homebrew (http://brew.sh/) does not yet install wxWidgets 2.9.5 (by means of 'brew install wxmac').