After installing the required modules by running “npm install”, run the server with “node server.js”. You don't have to start the database as it is already running in the cloud.
The server starts listening on the port 3000. Go to your browser and go to the URL "localhost:3000"
After registering or signing in with your account or through Google (redirects you to a Google website to get user permission) or Minecraft, you have the options of listing the available servers, seeing the user list, looking at other profiles or editing your account to give more information about yourself.
In the server list page, you can search servers, sort them according to their names, maps, players etc.
Also users can see the recommended servers listed with ranks, based on their likes. Servers with higher ranks, are more likely to be the users preference.
You can also filter them by typing into the search box on the upper right corner or into the fields under the list.
From the menu at the upper left corner, you can choose the number of servers to view per page.
Once you go into a server page, you can see who is online, a list of plugins that the server has, information about the server (version, number of players etc.), and a dynamic map of the server which also displays each player's location on it.
You can also write a comment as well as see other peoples comments.
If you'd like to register your own server, go to the create server page, just enter the ip, and the website will collect the server information and create a page for it. If the port is not entered, it sets it to default which is 25565.
Once you are done creating/viewing servers, you can logout from the drop down menu at the upper right corner with your username written on it.
If you log in as an admin, you can delete servers, see user information, and promote users. Only the superadmin can demote users.
Admins can see more detailed information about the users, such as the device they logged in from, their login locations and times, their ips, and pages users visit.
The website is accessible at: https://infinite-cove-8574.herokuapp.com/
Our video can be found at https://youtu.be/1PVSkfkBR9E