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A* Algorithm for Maze Solving


Final path

A* is an algorithm to find the shortest path in a maze. The maze is represented as image with black walls and white spaces for the robot to walk in it.


  • Start point is (xs, ys)
  • Goal point is (xg, yg)

The algorithm starts at the goal point and label every valid neighboring cell (not an obstacle) with the value 1 (means 1 step from the goal) and so if a cell with cost n it means it's n steps from the goal. To discover less number of cells, the algorithm combine the cost with heuristic function. The function is the manhattan distance from the point to the start. This means the algorithm will be in favor of the cells closer to the start point.


Map is loaded with 2 versions the original and balck and white image for the maze.

The algorithm is implemented in the AStar function. The function takes the map, start and goal points and return the path from the start to the goal. The function uses the PriorityQueue to store the cells to be visited. The cells are stored with the cost and the heuristic value. The algorithm is implemented as follows:

while priority_queue:
        current_cost, current_node, path = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)
        if current_node in visited:

        path = path + [current_node]
        if current_node == start:
            return path
        for neighbor in neighbors(map, current_node):
            if neighbor not in visited:
                if safe_radius !=0:
                    if nearest_obs(map, neighbor) < safe_radius:
                # Add the heuristic cost to the priority queue
                heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (current_cost + 1 + np.linalg.norm(np.array(neighbor) - np.array(start)), neighbor, path))
    return None  # If no path exists

The function neighbors is used to get the valid neighbors of a cell. The function nearest_obs is used to get the distance to the nearest obstacle from a cell to avoid the robot to get too close to the obstacles.

def nearest_obs(map: np.ndarray, point: tuple) -> int:
    Returns the distance to the nearest obstacle from the given point.

        map: The map of the maze.
        point: The point to find the distance to the nearest obstacle from.

        int: The distance to the nearest obstacle from the given point.
    dist = 1
    while True:
            # Sum of cells in the side of the square of size 2*dist + 1
            sum_cells = np.sum(map[point[0]-dist, point[1]-dist:point[1]+dist+1]) + np.sum(map[point[0]+dist, point[1]-dist:point[1]+dist+1]) + np.sum(map[point[0]-dist+1:point[0]+dist, point[1]-dist]) + np.sum(map[point[0]-dist+1:point[0]+dist, point[1]+dist])
        except IndexError:
            dist += 1
            if dist >= 9:
                return 10
        num_cells = np.ceil((2*dist +1) **2 - (2*dist - 1) **2)
        # print(sum_cells, num_cells)
        if np.ceil(sum_cells / 255) < num_cells:
            return dist
        if dist >= 9:
            return 10
        dist += 1


Just clone the repo and run the file and the algorithm will find the path from the start to the goal. The paht will be displayed in the image.



  • -f, --file: The path to the map image. Default: <Maze_img/maze.png
  • v, --video: whether to show the animated video of the path or not. Default: False
  • r, --safe_radius: The safe radius around the obstacles. Default: 7 pixels. 0 means no check and if more than 0, the value should be less than 8.
  • -s, --start: The start point. Default: (5, 195)
  • -g``--goal: The goal point. Default: (405,215
python -f Maze_img/maze.png -v -r 7 -s 5 195 -e 405 215