All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- MVVM classes has been moved to separate package Mace
- SignalBus
This version changes radically the way the framework works and how is it used.
- Project name from "Juice" to "Uice".
- A MVVM system.
- Binding mechanisms.
- Operator Binder base class.
- CombineLatest operator.
- Delay operator.
- Map operator.
- Merge operator.
- Scan operator.
- Skip operator.
- StartWith operator.
- Take operator.
- To operator.
- Tween operator.
- ConstantBindings.
- Observable Event.
- A View creation wizard.
- Built-in transitions.
- Tweening library.
- GameObject pooling library.
- View model path property
- GameObject binder
- Animator
- Project name from "Maui" to "Juice".
- The main control pattern. Now the framework features a MVVM approach. (This is HUGE).
- View are now registered as instances instead of prefabs.
- Popup's background is now a Widget instead a fixed shadow.
- Now ObservableVariable's value is not set on creation.
- Event initialization in ObservableCommand's constructor.
- PresenterInitializer class.
- CreateMenu entries to automatically create new Screen class files.
- Project structure from Package to Plugin.
- Event naming to follow .NET conventions.
- Project name from Muui to Maui.
- Root namespace from Muui to Maui.
- A compilation error when targeting .Net Standard 2.0.
- NullReferenceExceptions in UIFrame hierarchy when initializing Presenters on Awake.
- A try/catch clause to Transition.Animate calls.
- WhileHiding method to allow Screens to react to Hide actions.
- The behavior of the popup shadow to hide while closing the last one.
- Widget element.
- A fade transition to Popups's background shadow when shown/hidden.
- HideScreen method to BasePresenter.
- A new property for Popups to be closed on background shadow click.
- Method in BaseTransition to prepare animations.
- Pragma directives to avoid warnings in projects.
- Now the screens are disabled immediately after registration.
- Transitions return a Task instead of callbacks on termination.
- SignalBus class as an event dispatch mechanism.
- OnPropertiesSet call of BaseWindowController subclasses when properties are set.
- Screen registration in layers.
- ObservableVariable.
- ObservableCollection.
- ObservableDictionary.
- ObservableCommand.
- file.
- Package name to comply to the naming conventions of Unity Packages.
- Muui Framework. The barebones of a basic UI framework to be used atop Unity's uGui.
- Basic Unit Test cases to prove the system works.