Made with <3 by Amazing Cow.
This is a Game Core for 2048 Game.
You can use it as a "lib" for making 2048 Game in C++ concentrating your efforts in making a cool game interface and letting the logic of the game alone.
As usual, you are very welcomed to share and hack it.
Check out the ./test_game/main.cpp
to a peek of how use this lib.
We strive to make our source code fully documented.
While there are a myriad of comments, one might find useful take a look at:
Anyway if you didn't understand something let us know sending a mail to
[email protected] with the subject filled with the
name of this repo.
This project uses:
- AmazingCow's CoreRandom
- AmazingCow's CoreCoord
- AmazingCow's CoreGame
This software is released under GPLv3.
Check the TODO file for general things.
This projects uses the COWTODO tags.
So install cowtodo and run:
$ cd path/to/the/project
$ cowtodo
That's gonna give you all things to do :D.
Check our repos and take a look at our open source site.