The bots position is published to /mineros/local_position/pose
as a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
call /mineros/findy
service with mineros_inter/BlockInfo
message with the x and z coordinates set. The service will return a geometry_msgs/Pose
message with all cordinates of the ground floor of the x and z position
call /mineros/block_info
service with mineros_inter/BlockInfo
message with the x, y and z coordinates set. The request has the following params:
geometry_msgs/Pose block_pose
: the position of the block
mineros_inter/BlockPose block
: the info about the block This contains an Item msg, this uses block ids as the id not item ids.
I added this here as it naturally belongs in both
call the /mineros/mining/find_blocks
service with the FindBlocks request. The request has the following params:
uint16 blockid
- the id of the block, use mineflayer mc data plugin to get the iduint16 max_distance
- the radius to searchuint16 count
the desired amount of blocks to find
geometry_msgs/PoseArray blocks
- Array of matching blocks found