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Pipeline description for genome assembly.

Table of contents

  1. QC pre-processing on raw data

  2. Assembly

  3. Filtration

  4. Evaluation

1) QC pre-processing on raw data

1.1) Paired end

Trimmomatic was used for paired end filtering.

java -jar trimmomatic.jar PE -threads 1 -phred33 *.raw.180.pair1.fastq *.raw.180.pair2.fastq \
trim/180/*.trim.180.pair1.fastq trim/180/*.trim.180.single1.fastq trim/180/*.trim.180.pair2.fastq trim/180/*.trim.180.single2.fastq \
ILLUMINACLIP:trimmomatic/0.36/adapters/all-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:3:20 MINLEN:100

1.2) Mate pair

Nxtrim and Trimmomatic were used for mate pair filtering.

module add UHTS/Quality_control/NxTrim/0.4.1

nxtrim -1 *.pair1.fastq -2 *.pair2.fastq -O name --separate --preserve-mp --minlength 40

Categories MP and UNKNOWN were concatenated (as suggested by the authors) then Trimmomatic was used for further fitlering.

java -jar trimmomatic.jar PE -threads 1 -phred33 *.nxtrim.3000.pair1.fastq *.nxtrim.3000.pair2.fastq \
*.nxtrim.trim.3000.pair1.fastq *.nxtrim.trim.3000.single1.fastq *.nxtrim.trim.3000.pair2.fastq *.nxtrim.trim.3000.single2.fastq \
ILLUMINACLIP:trimmomatic/0.36/adapters/all-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:60

2) Assembly

2.1) Contig

PCR whole genome amplification produce unveven coverage. BBnorm was used to reduce that coverage bias as most of assemblers assume uniform coverage.

  1. Reformat the overlapped library to interleaved format and merge the overlapped reads:
module add UHTS/Aligner/BBMap/36.59 in1=*.trim.180.pair1.fastq in2=*.trim.180.pair2.fastq out=*.trim.180.pair12.fastq 2> *.reformat.log in=*.trim.180.pair12.fastq out=*.trim.merged.180.pair12.fastq minoverlap=15 mismatches=0 ecct strict -Xmx90g threads=35 2> *.bbmerge.log
  1. Reverse complement the S2:
module add UHTS/Analysis/fastx_toolkit/;
fastx_reverse_complement -i *.trim.180.single2.fastq -o *.trim.rc.180.single2.fastq -Q33
  1. Concatenate the merged PE and the single reads:
cat *.trim.merged.180.pair12.fastq *.trim.180.single1.fastq *.trim.rc.180.single2.fastq > *.trim.180.all.fastq
  1. Normalized the concatenate file (composed of single reads): in=*.trim.180.all.fastq out=*.trim.norm.180.all.fastq target=65 min=3 -Xmx150g threads=20 2> bbnorm.log
  1. Assembly with SPAdes:
export PATH=$PATH:/scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/SPAdes-3.10.1-Linux/bin -m 400 -t 27 --careful -k 21,33,55,77,99,111,127 -o * --s1 *.trim.norm.180.all.fastq

2.2) Scaffolding and Gap-closing

The other libraries (where insert_size>2*len(reads)) were used for scaffolding and gap-closing.

  1. Scaffolding with SSPACE:
export PERL5LIB=/home/ptranvan/perl5/lib/perl5
module add UHTS/Aligner/bwa/0.7.13
perl /scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/sspace/3.0/ -l *.sspace.txt -s */contigs.fasta -b * -T 25
  1. Gap-closing with Gapcloser:
/scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/GapCloser/1.12-r6/GapCloser -a ../*.final.scaffolds.fasta -b *.gapclose.txt -o *v01.fasta -l 125 -t 25 >> sm2.gapclose.log

3) Filtration

3.1) Contamination removal

BlobTools was used for contamination checking.

  1. Map reads back to the genome:
module add UHTS/Aligner/bwa/0.7.15

bwa mem -M db_bwa/* *.trim.350.pair1.fastq.gz *.trim.350.pair2.fastq.gz -t 15 2> bwa/*.trim.350.pair12.bwa.output.log | samtools view -bS - > bwa/*.trim.350.pair12.bam
  1. Compute coverage for each scaffold:
cat ../*.sam > merge.sam

module add UHTS/Analysis/BBMap/37.82
module add UHTS/Analysis/samtools/1.4 in=merge.sam out=merge.stats.txt hist=histogram.txt

# Reformat the output to <Name_scaffold>\t<Coverage>

awk {'printf ("%s\t%s\n", $1, $2)'} merge.stats.txt | awk '{if(NR>1)print}' > merge.stats_parse.txt
  1. Blastn against nt:
module add Blast/ncbi-blast/2.7.1+;
export BLASTDB=/archive/dee/schwander/ptranvan/Database/taxdb:$BLASTDB

blastn -query *v01.fasta -db /archive/dee/schwander/ptranvan/Database/nt/nt \
-outfmt '6 qseqid staxids bitscore evalue std sscinames sskingdoms stitle' -max_target_seqs 10 \
-max_hsps 1 -evalue 1e-25 -num_threads 15 -out *.vs.nt.max10.1e25.blastn.out
  1. Run BlobTools:
source /scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/blobtools/

blobtools create -i *v01.fasta -t *.vs.nt.max10.1e25.blastn.out \
--nodes /scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/blobtools/1.0/data/nodes.dmp \
--names /scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/blobtools/1.0/data/names.dmp \
-c merge.stats_parse.txt -x bestsumorder -o *

blobtools blobplot -i *.blobDB.json --sort count --hist count -x bestsumorder

blobtools view -i *.blobDB.json --hits --rank all -x bestsumorder
  1. Scaffolds without hits to metazoans were filtered out.
python -s contamination_identification -i1 *.blobDB.table.txt

module add UHTS/Analysis/BBMap/37.82 in=*v01.fasta names=contaminant_scaffolds.txt out=*.filtered.fasta include=f -Xmx20g

  1. Sort by descreasing size and rename the scaffolds header.
seqkit sort --by-length --reverse *.filtered.fasta -o - | rename_headers.awk -v sp=* version=b1v02 - > *v02.fasta

3.2) Size filtration

  1. Scaffolds > 500 bp were kept:
prinseq-lite/0.20.4/ -fasta *.fasta -min_len 501 -out_good *.501 -out_bad *.bad 2> prinseq.stat       
  1. Sort by descreasing size and rename the scaffolds header.
seqkit sort --by-length --reverse *.501 -o - | rename_headers.awk -v sp=* version=b1v03 - > *v03.fasta

➡️ v03 is the final assembly.

4) Evaluation


module add SequenceAnalysis/CEGMA/2.5

cegma -g *v03.fasta -T 10 -o *v03 2> cegma.output_log.txt


source /scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/busco/ --long -i *v03.fasta -o output -l /scratch/beegfs/monthly/ptranvan/Software/busco/3.0/arthropoda_odb9 -m geno -c 10