- As a key here, keep in mind that Optional.of(null) will throw NullPointerException, while Optional.ofNullable(null)* will result in an Optional.empty.
- Optional.of(nullObject) throws NullPointerException
- Optional.ofNullable(nullObject) return result in an Optional.empty
Optional<Cart> emptyCart = Optional.empty(); // Avoid Exempla: Optional<Cart> emptyCart = null;
Optional<Cart> cart = ...
[Avoid] Cart myCart = cart.get(); //if "cart"is empty then this code will throw a java.util.NoSuchElementException
There Is No Need to Unwrap Optionals for Asserting Equality Having twoOptionalsin anassertEquals() doesn't require unwrapped values.
Optional<String> actualItem = Optional.of("Shoes");
Optional<String> expectedItem = Optional.of("Shoes");
assertEquals(expectedItem, actualItem);
Using the Optional.orElse() method represents an elegant alternative to the isPresent() & get() pair for setting/returning a value.
What Does Optional.orElse do? Returns the value, otherwise, returns the value defined in the parameter.
What Does Optional.map(someFunction) do? If the value is present, then apply the function passed as argument in the value, otherwise, returns a Optional.empty
Optional<Cart> cart = ... cart.map(Cart::getName) .orElse(UNKNOWN); //.orElseGet(Constants::getName) //returns the value generated by getName //.orElseThrow(IllegalArgumentException::new)
Consume an Optional if it Is Present [ifPresent()]
Optional status ... ; status.ifPresent(System.out::println);
Do Not Declare Any Class Field of Type Optional [AVOID]
public class Customer { [access_modifier] [static] [final] Optional<String> zip; [access_modifier] [static] [final] Optional<String> zip = Optional.empty(); ... }
Do Not Use Optional in Constructors Arguments
Do Not Use Optional in Setters Arguments
Do Not Use Optional in Methods Arguments
public void renderCustomer(Optional<Renderer> renderer, Optional<String> name) {}
[PREFER]public void renderCustomer(Cart cart, Renderer renderer, String name) { String customerName = Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(name, () -> "anonymous"); }
Avoid Optional and Choose Non-Generic OptionalInt, OptionalLong, or OptionalDouble
TODO - ref
[Using Optional Correctly](https://dzone.com/articles/using-optional-correctly-is-not-optional)
[Optional no Java 8 e no Java 9](https://medium.com/@racc.costa/optional-no-java-8-e-no-java-9-7c52c4b797f1)