diff --git a/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-ipcface.yml b/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-ipcface.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3639514141..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-ipcface.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Example Changelog File
-# Note: This file, and files beginning with ".", and files that don't end in ".yml" will not be read. If you change this file, you will look really dumb.
-# Your changelog will be merged with a master changelog. (New stuff added only, and only on the date entry for the day it was merged.)
-# When it is, any changes listed below will disappear.
-# Valid Prefixes:
-# bugfix
-# - (fixes bugs)
-# wip
-# - (work in progress)
-# qol
-# - (quality of life)
-# soundadd
-# - (adds a sound)
-# sounddel
-# - (removes a sound)
-# rscadd
-# - (adds a feature)
-# rscdel
-# - (removes a feature)
-# imageadd
-# - (adds an image or sprite)
-# imagedel
-# - (removes an image or sprite)
-# spellcheck
-# - (fixes spelling or grammar)
-# experiment
-# - (experimental change)
-# balance
-# - (balance changes)
-# code_imp
-# - (misc internal code change)
-# refactor
-# - (refactors code)
-# config
-# - (makes a change to the config files)
-# admin
-# - (makes changes to administrator tools)
-# server
-# - (miscellaneous changes to server)
-# Your name.
-author: SimpleMaroon
-# Optional: Remove this file after generating master changelog. Useful for PR changelogs that won't get used again.
-delete-after: True
-# Any changes you've made. See valid prefix list above.
-# Also, this gets changed to [] after reading. Just remove the brackets when you add new shit.
-# Please surround your changes in double quotes ("). It works without them, but if you use certain characters it screws up compiling. The quotes will not show up in the changelog.
- - qol: "The faces on face IPC screen and cigarette IPC screen have been moved a pixel lower to better fit with facial attire."
diff --git a/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-noorepitdiplos.yml b/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-noorepitdiplos.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b7d7eaae7..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-noorepitdiplos.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Example Changelog File
-# Note: This file, and files beginning with ".", and files that don't end in ".yml" will not be read. If you change this file, you will look really dumb.
-# Your changelog will be merged with a master changelog. (New stuff added only, and only on the date entry for the day it was merged.)
-# When it is, any changes listed below will disappear.
-# Valid Prefixes:
-# bugfix
-# - (fixes bugs)
-# wip
-# - (work in progress)
-# qol
-# - (quality of life)
-# soundadd
-# - (adds a sound)
-# sounddel
-# - (removes a sound)
-# rscadd
-# - (adds a feature)
-# rscdel
-# - (removes a feature)
-# imageadd
-# - (adds an image or sprite)
-# imagedel
-# - (removes an image or sprite)
-# spellcheck
-# - (fixes spelling or grammar)
-# experiment
-# - (experimental change)
-# balance
-# - (balance changes)
-# code_imp
-# - (misc internal code change)
-# refactor
-# - (refactors code)
-# config
-# - (makes a change to the config files)
-# admin
-# - (makes changes to administrator tools)
-# server
-# - (miscellaneous changes to server)
-# Your name.
-author: SimpleMaroon
-# Optional: Remove this file after generating master changelog. Useful for PR changelogs that won't get used again.
-delete-after: True
-# Any changes you've made. See valid prefix list above.
-# Also, this gets changed to [] after reading. Just remove the brackets when you add new shit.
-# Please surround your changes in double quotes ("). It works without them, but if you use certain characters it screws up compiling. The quotes will not show up in the changelog.
- - bugfix: "Characters with Orepit citizenship can no longer join as Diplomatic Aides."
diff --git a/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-traitorstocapitalism.yml b/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-traitorstocapitalism.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a5fa7895da7..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/SimpleMaroon-traitorstocapitalism.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Example Changelog File
-# Note: This file, and files beginning with ".", and files that don't end in ".yml" will not be read. If you change this file, you will look really dumb.
-# Your changelog will be merged with a master changelog. (New stuff added only, and only on the date entry for the day it was merged.)
-# When it is, any changes listed below will disappear.
-# Valid Prefixes:
-# bugfix
-# - (fixes bugs)
-# wip
-# - (work in progress)
-# qol
-# - (quality of life)
-# soundadd
-# - (adds a sound)
-# sounddel
-# - (removes a sound)
-# rscadd
-# - (adds a feature)
-# rscdel
-# - (removes a feature)
-# imageadd
-# - (adds an image or sprite)
-# imagedel
-# - (removes an image or sprite)
-# spellcheck
-# - (fixes spelling or grammar)
-# experiment
-# - (experimental change)
-# balance
-# - (balance changes)
-# code_imp
-# - (misc internal code change)
-# refactor
-# - (refactors code)
-# config
-# - (makes a change to the config files)
-# admin
-# - (makes changes to administrator tools)
-# server
-# - (miscellaneous changes to server)
-# Your name.
-author: SimpleMaroon
-# Optional: Remove this file after generating master changelog. Useful for PR changelogs that won't get used again.
-delete-after: True
-# Any changes you've made. See valid prefix list above.
-# Also, this gets changed to [] after reading. Just remove the brackets when you add new shit.
-# Please surround your changes in double quotes ("). It works without them, but if you use certain characters it screws up compiling. The quotes will not show up in the changelog.
- - rscadd: "All origins under the Biesellite culture can now opt to have Sol Alliance citizenship."
diff --git a/html/changelogs/archive/2025-03.yml b/html/changelogs/archive/2025-03.yml
index 9b1632bae08..07ed5ff7a76 100644
--- a/html/changelogs/archive/2025-03.yml
+++ b/html/changelogs/archive/2025-03.yml
@@ -56,3 +56,25 @@
you details instead of bluescreening.
- qol: Added some UI elements to the Cargo Order app to make it prettier and show
tooltips on suppliers. Also now has search functionality.
+ CourierBravo:
+ - rscdel: Changed the potted oriental tree's name and description to now be a potted
+ Kwanzan cherry tree.
+ Myphicbowser:
+ - rscadd: Added a single psionic firing pin to the RDs firing pin box.
+ - rscdel: Removed a single hilarious firing pin from the RDs firing pin box.
+ SimpleMaroon:
+ - rscadd: All origins under the Biesellite culture can now opt to have Sol Alliance
+ citizenship.
+ - qol: The faces on face IPC screen and cigarette IPC screen have been moved a pixel
+ lower to better fit with facial attire.
+ - bugfix: Characters with Orepit citizenship can no longer join as Diplomatic Aides.
+ hazelmouse:
+ - rscadd: Made some minor tweaks in layout to the SCCV Intrepid, introduced new
+ tables to cargo areas, streamlined outer hull.
+ - rscadd: Added a bluespace beacon to the SCCV Quark.
+ - rscadd: The bluespace beacon's exact location is now visible on the SCCV Quark,
+ Spark, Canary, and Intrepid.
+ - bugfix: All Intrepid cameras should now be fully accessible from camera consoles.
+ kermit:
+ - bugfix: Fixed the rolled up cropped dress shirt not having rolled up sleeves.
diff --git a/html/changelogs/courierbravo-cherrytreechange.yml b/html/changelogs/courierbravo-cherrytreechange.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 300dbe17855..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/courierbravo-cherrytreechange.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Example Changelog File
-# Note: This file, and files beginning with ".", and files that don't end in ".yml" will not be read. If you change this file, you will look really dumb.
-# Your changelog will be merged with a master changelog. (New stuff added only, and only on the date entry for the day it was merged.)
-# When it is, any changes listed below will disappear.
-# Valid Prefixes:
-# bugfix
-# - (fixes bugs)
-# wip
-# - (work in progress)
-# qol
-# - (quality of life)
-# soundadd
-# - (adds a sound)
-# sounddel
-# - (removes a sound)
-# rscadd
-# - (adds a feature)
-# rscdel
-# - (removes a feature)
-# imageadd
-# - (adds an image or sprite)
-# imagedel
-# - (removes an image or sprite)
-# spellcheck
-# - (fixes spelling or grammar)
-# experiment
-# - (experimental change)
-# balance
-# - (balance changes)
-# code_imp
-# - (misc internal code change)
-# refactor
-# - (refactors code)
-# config
-# - (makes a change to the config files)
-# admin
-# - (makes changes to administrator tools)
-# server
-# - (miscellaneous changes to server)
-# Your name.
-author: CourierBravo
-# Optional: Remove this file after generating master changelog. Useful for PR changelogs that won't get used again.
-delete-after: True
-# Any changes you've made. See valid prefix list above.
-# Also, this gets changed to [] after reading. Just remove the brackets when you add new shit.
-# Please surround your changes in double quotes ("). It works without them, but if you use certain characters it screws up compiling. The quotes will not show up in the changelog.
- - rscdel: "Changed the potted oriental tree's name and description to now be a potted Kwanzan cherry tree."
diff --git a/html/changelogs/hazelmouse-intrepidtweaks.yml b/html/changelogs/hazelmouse-intrepidtweaks.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23fc59dcae2..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/hazelmouse-intrepidtweaks.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Example Changelog File
-# Note: This file, and files beginning with ".", and files that don't end in ".yml" will not be read. If you change this file, you will look really dumb.
-# Your changelog will be merged with a master changelog. (New stuff added only, and only on the date entry for the day it was merged.)
-# When it is, any changes listed below will disappear.
-# Valid Prefixes:
-# bugfix
-# - (fixes bugs)
-# wip
-# - (work in progress)
-# qol
-# - (quality of life)
-# soundadd
-# - (adds a sound)
-# sounddel
-# - (removes a sound)
-# rscadd
-# - (adds a feature)
-# rscdel
-# - (removes a feature)
-# imageadd
-# - (adds an image or sprite)
-# imagedel
-# - (removes an image or sprite)
-# spellcheck
-# - (fixes spelling or grammar)
-# experiment
-# - (experimental change)
-# balance
-# - (balance changes)
-# code_imp
-# - (misc internal code change)
-# refactor
-# - (refactors code)
-# config
-# - (makes a change to the config files)
-# admin
-# - (makes changes to administrator tools)
-# server
-# - (miscellaneous changes to server)
-# Your name.
-author: hazelmouse
-# Optional: Remove this file after generating master changelog. Useful for PR changelogs that won't get used again.
-delete-after: True
-# Any changes you've made. See valid prefix list above.
-# Also, this gets changed to [] after reading. Just remove the brackets when you add new shit.
-# Please surround your changes in double quotes ("). It works without them, but if you use certain characters it screws up compiling. The quotes will not show up in the changelog.
- - rscadd: "Made some minor tweaks in layout to the SCCV Intrepid, introduced new tables to cargo areas, streamlined outer hull."
- - rscadd: "Added a bluespace beacon to the SCCV Quark."
- - rscadd: "The bluespace beacon's exact location is now visible on the SCCV Quark, Spark, Canary, and Intrepid."
- - bugfix: "All Intrepid cameras should now be fully accessible from camera consoles."
diff --git a/html/changelogs/kermit-cropshirtrolled-fix.yml b/html/changelogs/kermit-cropshirtrolled-fix.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 391a0740078..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/kermit-cropshirtrolled-fix.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-author: kermit
-delete-after: True
- - bugfix: "Fixed the rolled up cropped dress shirt not having rolled up sleeves."
diff --git a/html/changelogs/myphicbowser-firingpins.yml b/html/changelogs/myphicbowser-firingpins.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64f0d8384af..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/myphicbowser-firingpins.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Example Changelog File
-# Note: This file, and files beginning with ".", and files that don't end in ".yml" will not be read. If you change this file, you will look really dumb.
-# Your changelog will be merged with a master changelog. (New stuff added only, and only on the date entry for the day it was merged.)
-# When it is, any changes listed below will disappear.
-# Valid Prefixes:
-# bugfix
-# - (fixes bugs)
-# wip
-# - (work in progress)
-# qol
-# - (quality of life)
-# soundadd
-# - (adds a sound)
-# sounddel
-# - (removes a sound)
-# rscadd
-# - (adds a feature)
-# rscdel
-# - (removes a feature)
-# imageadd
-# - (adds an image or sprite)
-# imagedel
-# - (removes an image or sprite)
-# spellcheck
-# - (fixes spelling or grammar)
-# experiment
-# - (experimental change)
-# balance
-# - (balance changes)
-# code_imp
-# - (misc internal code change)
-# refactor
-# - (refactors code)
-# config
-# - (makes a change to the config files)
-# admin
-# - (makes changes to administrator tools)
-# server
-# - (miscellaneous changes to server)
-# Your name.
-author: Myphicbowser
-# Optional: Remove this file after generating master changelog. Useful for PR changelogs that won't get used again.
-delete-after: True
-# Any changes you've made. See valid prefix list above.
-# Also, this gets changed to [] after reading. Just remove the brackets when you add new shit.
-# Please surround your changes in double quotes ("). It works without them, but if you use certain characters it screws up compiling. The quotes will not show up in the changelog.
- - rscadd: "Added a single psionic firing pin to the RDs firing pin box."
- - rscdel: "Removed a single hilarious firing pin from the RDs firing pin box."