All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Be aware that the [Unreleased] features are not yet available in the official tagged builds.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated internal interfaces to match base addon.
- Internal update to scanning tooltip. This should make scanning faster.
- Bump Retail TOC to 11.0.5, 11.0.7
- Bump Cataclysm TOC to 4.4.1.
- Prevent Lua error when equipping BoE items in Classic.
- Bump Vanilla TOC to 1.15.5.
- Internal updates to context usage.
- Bump Retail TOC to 11.0.2, 11.0.5
- Increased scanning range to account for BoE with upgrade levels.
- Renamed "WoE" to "WuE" to match the rest of the community.
- Fixed typo preventing addon settings from being remembered across reloads.
- Support for BetterBags Contexts
- Fixed a typo in the configuration options.
- Added a "Soulbound" category. It is disabled by default.
- Changing a configuration option now properly refreshes the item categories.
- The "Only Equippable" configuration is no longer always active and can be disabled normally.
- Resolved nil reference after changing
scope (#4).
- Support for the Priority plugin.
- The plugin now clears items from the BoE/WuE categories when equipping them. For now, this works only in Retail.
- Support for Warbound until Equipped (WuE)
- Plugin settings panel is now available
- Removed support for 10.2.7
- Only categorize equippable items. You can disable this in the settings.
- Flush category on initialization to prevent stale items
- Bump Retail TOC to 11.0, 11.0.2
- Bump Vanilla TOC to 1.15.3
- Add support for Cataclysm Classic 4.4.0 (courtesy of rissole)
- Bump TOC to 10.2.7
- Bump TOC to 10.2.6
- Added support for both Classic flavours: You can now use BetterBags - BoE & BoA in both Wrath and Vanilla!
- Bump TOC to 10.2.5
- Initial release.