- Intro: Foreign nationals who want to be self-employed in Belgium must hold a professional card and follow various steps to exercise their profession.
- Length of Stay: 2 years
- Intro: You must practise your profession or business activities in Québec, alone or with others, with or without paid help. You must have at least two years of self-employment experience in the profession or trade you intend to practise in Québec.
- Minimum Net Worth: CDN$100,000
- Intro:
- Intro: Temporary residence card entrepreneur/professional allows you to work in France as a self-employed person for a period exceeding 3 months.
- Length of Stay: 1 year
- Intro: If you would like to work as a freelancer in one of the liberal professions, you are able to obtain a residence permit for self-employment in accordance with Section 21 (5) AufenthG (German Residence Act).
- Length of Stay: 3 years
- Intro: Self-Employed professionals are those mentioned in the list of the Italian Ministry of Justice ‘Associazione delle Professioni non Regolamentate’ according to D.Lgs 206/2007 art. 26 comma 3 and according to ‘Elenco Professioni Vigilate’ are included in ordini, collegi e albi professionali (professional orders, professional boards and bulletin boards).
- Length of Stay:
- Intro: You want to start working on a self-employed basis in the Netherlands.
- Length of Stay: 2 years
- Intro: If you have completed higher education or have completed vocational training, you can apply for a residence permit as a skilled worker. You must normally already have received a job offer, or have your own business.
- Length of Stay: 1 year
- Intro: The Abu Dhabi Green Visa is a type of residence visa that allows international talents to sponsor themselves, eliminating the need for employment to reside in the UAE.
- Length of Stay: 5 years