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Tutorial: Yelb on AKS with NGINX Ingress Controller and ModSecurity

The following solution makes use of NGINX ingress controller to expose the Yelb application and ModSecurity to block any malicious or suspicious traffic based on predefined OWASP or custom rules. ModSecurity is an open-source web application firewall (WAF) that is compatible with popular web servers such as Apache, NGINX, and ISS. It provides protection from a wide range of attacks by using a powerful rule-definition language.



This sample provides a collection of Bicep modules, Bash scripts, and YAML manifests for building an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, deploying the Yelb application, exposing the UI service using the NGINX ingress controller, and protecting it with the ModSecurity open-source web application firewall (WAF). The following diagram shows the architecture and network topology of the solution:

Use NGINX Ingress Controller and ModSecurity

ModSecurity can be used with the NGINX Ingress controller to provide an extra layer of security to web applications exposed via Kubernetes. The NGINX Ingress controller acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding traffic to the web application, while ModSecurity inspects the incoming requests and blocks any malicious or suspicious traffic based on the defined rules.

Using ModSecurity with NGINX Ingress controllers in Kubernetes provides a cloud-agnostic solution that can be deployed on any managed Kubernetes cluster on any cloud platform. This means the solution can be deployed "as is" on various cloud platforms, including:

The cloud-agnostic nature of this solution allows multi-cloud customers to deploy and configure their web applications, such as Yelb, consistently across different cloud platforms without significant modifications. It provides flexibility and portability, enabling you to switch between cloud providers or have a multi-cloud setup while maintaining consistent security measures. Here you can find Bicep templates, Bash scripts, and YAML manifests to create this architecture and deploy the Yelb application.

For more information, see the following resources:

A Deployment Script is used to create the NGINX Ingress Controller via a Helm chart. However, the Bicep modules install also a managed NGINX ingress controller with the application routing add-on. You can easily modify the Bash scripts and YAML manifestds in the scripts folder to use the managed NGINX ingress controller in place of the NGINX ingress controller installed by the deployment script.

By default, Bicep modules install the AKS cluster with the Azure CNI Overlay network plugin and the Cilium data plane. However, Bicep modules are parametric, so you can choose any network plugin:

In addition, the project shows how to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with the following extensions and features:

In a production environment, we strongly recommend deploying a private AKS cluster with Uptime SLA. For more information, see private AKS cluster with a Public DNS address. Alternatively, you can deploy a public AKS cluster and secure access to the API server using authorized IP address ranges.

Azure Resources

The Bicep modules deploy or use the following Azure resources:

Resource Type Description
Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters A public or private AKS cluster composed of a system node pool in a dedicated subnet that hosts only critical system pods and services, and a user node pool hosting user workloads and artifacts in a dedicated subnet.
Grafana Admin Role Assignment Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions A Grafana Admin role assignment on the Azure Managed Grafana for the Microsoft Entra ID user whose objectID is defined in the userId parameter.
Key Vault Administrator Role Assignment Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions A Key Vault Administrator role assignment on the existing Azure Key Vault resource which contains the TLS certificate for the user-defined managed identity used by the Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver.
Azure DNS Zone Microsoft.Network/dnsZones An existing Azure DNS zone used for the name resolution of AKS-hosted workloads. This resource is optional.
Virtual Network Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks A new virtual network with multiple subnets for different purposes: SystemSubnetis used for the agent nodes of the system node pool, UserSubnet is used for the agent nodes of the user node pool, ApiServerSubnet is used by API Server VNET Integration, AzureBastionSubnet is used by Azure Bastion Host, VmSubnet is used for a jump-box virtual machine used to connect to the (private) AKS cluster and for Azure Private Endpoints.
User-Assigned Managed Identity Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities A user-defined managed identity used by the AKS cluster to create additional resources in Azure.
Virtual Machine Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines A jump-box virtual machine used to manage the private AKS cluster.
Azure Bastion Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts An Azure Bastion deployed in the AKS cluster virtual network to provide SSH connectivity to agent nodes and virtual machines.
Storage Account Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts A storage account used to store the boot diagnostics logs of the jumpbox virtual machine.
Azure Container Registry Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries An Azure Container Registry to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry. This is not required to deploy the Yelb application as the sample uses public container images.
Azure Key Vault Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults An existing Azure Key Vault used to store secrets, certificates, and keys.
Azure Private Endpoint Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints Azure Private Endpoints for Azure Container Registry, Azure Key Vault, and Azure Storage Account.
Azure Private DNS Zone Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones Azure Private DNS Zones are used for the DNS resolution of the Azure Private Endpoints for Azure Container Registry, Azure Key Vault, Azure Storage Account, API Server when deploying a private AKS cluster.
Azure Network Security Group Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups Azure Network Security Groups used to filter inbound and outbound traffic for subnets hosting virtual machines.
Azure Monitor Workspace Microsoft.Monitor/accounts An Azure Monitor workspace to store Prometheus metrics generated by the AKS cluster and workloads.You can Prometheus query language (PromQL) to analyze and alert on the performance of monitored infrastructure and workloads without having to operate the underlying infrastructure. The primary method for visualizing Prometheus metrics is Azure Managed Grafana.
Azure Managed Grafana Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana an Azure Managed Grafana instance used to visualize the Prometheus metrics generated by the Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) cluster. Azure Managed Grafana provides a set of built-in dashboards to visualize Prometheus metrics generated by your AKS cluster and workloads.
Azure Log Analytics Workspace Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces A centralized Azure Log Analytics workspace used to collect diagnostics logs and metrics from various Azure resources.
Deployment Script Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts A deployment script is utilized to run the Bash script, which installs the NGINX Ingress Controller, Cert-Manager, and Prometheus to the AKS cluster using Helm. However, the in-cluster Prometheus instance is not necessary as the Bicep modules install Azure Managed Prometheus and Azure Managed Grafana to collect and monitor AKS Prometheus metrics. If needed, you can modify the script to exclude the installation of the in-cluster Prometheus. For more details on deployment scripts, refer to the Use deployment scripts in Bicep documentation.

Deploy the Bicep modules

You can deploy the Bicep modules in the bicep folder using the Bash script. Specify a value for the following parameters in the script and main.parameters.json parameters file before deploying the Bicep modules.

  • prefix: specifies a prefix for all the Azure resources.
  • authenticationType: specifies the type of authentication when accessing the Virtual Machine. sshPublicKey is the recommended value. Allowed values: sshPublicKey and password.
  • vmAdminUsername: specifies the name of the administrator account of the virtual machine.
  • vmAdminPasswordOrKey: specifies the SSH Key or password for the virtual machine.
  • aksClusterSshPublicKey: specifies the SSH Key or password for AKS cluster agent nodes.
  • aadProfileAdminGroupObjectIDs: when deploying an AKS cluster with Azure AD and Azure RBAC integration, this array parameter contains the list of Azure AD group object IDs that will have the admin role of the cluster.

This is the full list of the parameters.

Here is the markdown table extrapolated from the Bicep code:

Name Type Description
prefix string Specifies the name prefix for all the Azure resources.
location string Specifies the location for all the Azure resources.
userId string Specifies the object id of an Azure Active Directory user.
letterCaseType string Specifies whether name resources are in CamelCase, UpperCamelCase, or KebabCase.
aksClusterName string Specifies the name of the AKS cluster.
createMetricAlerts bool Specifies whether creating metric alerts or not.
metricAlertsEnabled bool Specifies whether metric alerts are enabled or disabled.
metricAlertsEvalFrequency string Specifies metric alerts eval frequency.
metricAlertsWindowsSize string Specifies metric alerts window size.
aksClusterDnsPrefix string Specifies the DNS prefix specified when creating the managed cluster.
aksClusterNetworkPlugin string Specifies the network plugin used for building Kubernetes network.
aksClusterNetworkPluginMode string Specifies the Network plugin mode used for building the Kubernetes network.
aksClusterNetworkPolicy string Specifies the network policy used for building the Kubernetes network.
aksClusterNetworkDataplane string Specifies the network dataplane used in the Kubernetes cluster.
aksClusterNetworkMode string Specifies the network mode. This cannot be specified if networkPlugin is anything other than azure.
aksClusterPodCidr string Specifies the CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when kubenet is used.
aksClusterServiceCidr string Specifies a CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs.
aksClusterDnsServiceIP string Specifies the IP address assigned to the Kubernetes DNS service.
aksClusterLoadBalancerSku string Specifies the SKU of the load balancer used by the virtual machine scale sets used by nodepools.
loadBalancerBackendPoolType string Specifies the type of the managed inbound Load Balancer BackendPool.
advancedNetworking object Specifies Advanced Networking profile for enabling observability on a cluster.
aksClusterIpFamilies array Specifies the IP families used to determine single-stack or dual-stack clusters.
aksClusterOutboundType string Specifies the outbound (egress) routing method.
aksClusterSkuTier string Specifies the tier of a managed cluster SKU: Paid or Free.
aksClusterKubernetesVersion string Specifies the version of Kubernetes specified when creating the managed cluster.
aksClusterAdminUsername string Specifies the administrator username of Linux virtual machines.
aksClusterSshPublicKey string Specifies the SSH RSA public key string for the Linux nodes.
aadProfileTenantId string Specifies the tenant id of the Azure Active Directory used by the AKS cluster for authentication.
aadProfileAdminGroupObjectIDs array Specifies the AAD group object IDs that will have admin role of the cluster.
aksClusterNodeOSUpgradeChannel string Specifies the node OS upgrade channel.
aksClusterUpgradeChannel string Specifies the upgrade channel for auto upgrade.
aksClusterEnablePrivateCluster bool Specifies whether to create the cluster as a private cluster or not.
aksClusterWebAppRoutingEnabled bool Specifies whether the managed NGINX Ingress Controller application routing addon is enabled.
aksClusterNginxDefaultIngressControllerType string Specifies the ingress type for the default NginxIngressController custom resource for the managed NGINX ingress controller.
aksPrivateDNSZone string Specifies the Private DNS Zone mode for private cluster.
aksEnablePrivateClusterPublicFQDN bool Specifies whether to create additional public FQDN for private cluster or not.
aadProfileManaged bool Specifies whether to enable managed AAD integration.
aadProfileEnableAzureRBAC bool Specifies whether to enable Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization.
systemAgentPoolName string Specifies the unique name of the system node pool profile.
systemAgentPoolVmSize string Specifies the vm size of nodes in the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolOsDiskSizeGB int Specifies the OS Disk Size in GB for every machine in the system agent pool.
systemAgentPoolOsDiskType string Specifies the OS disk type for machines in a given agent pool.
systemAgentPoolAgentCount int Specifies the number of agents (VMs) to host docker containers in the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolOsType string Specifies the OS type for the VMs in the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolOsSKU string Specifies the OS SKU used by the system agent pool.
systemAgentPoolMaxPods int Specifies the maximum number of pods that can run on a node in the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolMaxCount int Specifies the maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling for the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolMinCount int Specifies the minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling for the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolEnableAutoScaling bool Specifies whether to enable auto-scaling for the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolScaleSetPriority string Specifies the virtual machine scale set priority in the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolScaleSetEvictionPolicy string Specifies the ScaleSetEvictionPolicy for spot virtual machine scale set.
systemAgentPoolNodeLabels object Specifies the Agent pool node labels to be persisted across all nodes in the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolNodeTaints array Specifies the taints added to new nodes during node pool create and scale.
systemAgentPoolKubeletDiskType string Determines the placement of emptyDir volumes, container runtime data root, and Kubelet ephemeral storage.
systemAgentPoolType string Specifies the type for the system node pool.
systemAgentPoolAvailabilityZones array Specifies the availability zones for the agent nodes in the system node pool.
userAgentPoolName string Specifies the unique name of the user node pool profile.
userAgentPoolVmSize string Specifies the vm size of nodes in the user node pool.
userAgentPoolOsDiskSizeGB int Specifies the OS Disk Size in GB for every machine in the user agent pool.
userAgentPoolOsDiskType string Specifies the OS disk type for machines in a given agent pool.
userAgentPoolAgentCount int Specifies the number of agents (VMs) to host docker containers in the user node pool.
userAgentPoolOsType string Specifies the OS type for the VMs in the user node pool.
userAgentPoolOsSKU string Specifies the OS SKU used by the user agent pool.
userAgentPoolMaxPods int Specifies the maximum number of pods that can run on a node in the user node pool.
userAgentPoolMaxCount int Specifies the maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling for the user node pool.
userAgentPoolMinCount int Specifies the minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling for the user node pool.
userAgentPoolEnableAutoScaling bool Specifies whether to enable auto-scaling for the user node pool.
userAgentPoolScaleSetPriority string Specifies the virtual machine scale set priority in the user node pool.
userAgentPoolScaleSetEvictionPolicy string Specifies the ScaleSetEvictionPolicy for spot virtual machine scale set.
userAgentPoolNodeLabels object Specifies the Agent pool node labels to be persisted across all nodes in the user node pool.
userAgentPoolNodeTaints array Specifies the taints added to new nodes during node pool create and scale.
userAgentPoolKubeletDiskType string Determines the placement of emptyDir volumes, container runtime data root, and Kubelet ephemeral storage.
userAgentPoolType string Specifies the type for the user node pool.
userAgentPoolAvailabilityZones array Specifies the availability zones for the agent nodes in the user node pool.
httpApplicationRoutingEnabled bool Specifies whether the httpApplicationRouting add-on is enabled or not.
istioServiceMeshEnabled bool Specifies whether the Istio Service Mesh add-on is enabled or not.
istioIngressGatewayEnabled bool Specifies whether the Istio Ingress Gateway is enabled or not.
istioIngressGatewayType string Specifies the type of the Istio Ingress Gateway.
kedaEnabled bool Specifies whether the Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaler (KEDA) add-on is enabled or not.
daprEnabled bool Specifies whether the Dapr extension is enabled or not.
daprHaEnabled bool Enable high availability (HA) mode for the Dapr control plane.
fluxGitOpsEnabled bool Specifies whether the Flux V2 extension is enabled or not.
verticalPodAutoscalerEnabled bool Specifies whether the Vertical Pod Autoscaler is enabled or not.
aciConnectorLinuxEnabled bool Specifies whether the aciConnectorLinux add-on is enabled or not.
azurePolicyEnabled bool Specifies whether the azurepolicy add-on is enabled or not.
azureKeyvaultSecretsProviderEnabled bool Specifies whether the Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver addon is enabled or not.
kubeDashboardEnabled bool Specifies whether the kubeDashboard add-on is enabled or not.
podIdentityProfileEnabled bool Specifies whether the pod identity addon is enabled.
autoScalerProfileScanInterval string Specifies the scan interval of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileScaleDownDelayAfterAdd string Specifies the scale down delay after add of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileScaleDownDelayAfterDelete string Specifies the scale down delay after delete of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileScaleDownDelayAfterFailure string Specifies scale down delay after failure of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileScaleDownUnneededTime string Specifies the scale down unneeded time of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileScaleDownUnreadyTime string Specifies the scale down unready time of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileUtilizationThreshold string Specifies the utilization threshold of the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
autoScalerProfileMaxGracefulTerminationSec string Specifies the max graceful termination time interval in seconds for the auto-scaler of the AKS cluster.
enableVnetIntegration bool Specifies whether to enable API server VNET integration for the cluster or not.
virtualNetworkName string Specifies the name of the virtual network.
virtualNetworkAddressPrefixes string Specifies the address prefixes of the virtual network.
systemAgentPoolSubnetName string Specifies the name of the subnet hosting the worker nodes of the default system agent pool of the AKS cluster.
systemAgentPoolSubnetAddressPrefix string Specifies the address prefix of the subnet hosting the worker nodes of the default system agent pool of the AKS cluster.
userAgentPoolSubnetName string Specifies the name of the subnet hosting the worker nodes of the user agent pool of the AKS cluster.
userAgentPoolSubnetAddressPrefix string Specifies the address prefix of the subnet hosting the worker nodes of the user agent pool of the AKS cluster.
blobCSIDriverEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable the Azure Blob CSI Driver.
diskCSIDriverEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable the Azure Disk CSI Driver.
fileCSIDriverEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable the Azure File CSI Driver.
snapshotControllerEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable the Snapshot Controller.
defenderSecurityMonitoringEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable Defender threat detection.
imageCleanerEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable ImageCleaner on AKS cluster.
imageCleanerIntervalHours int Specifies ImageCleaner scanning interval in hours.
nodeRestrictionEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable Node Restriction.
workloadIdentityEnabled bool Specifies whether to enable Workload Identity.
oidcIssuerProfileEnabled bool Specifies whether the OIDC issuer is enabled.
podSubnetName string Specifies the name of the subnet hosting the pods running in the AKS cluster.
podSubnetAddressPrefix string Specifies the address prefix of the subnet hosting the pods running in the AKS cluster.
apiServerSubnetName string Specifies the name of the subnet delegated to the API server when configuring the AKS cluster to use API server VNET integration.
apiServerSubnetAddressPrefix string Specifies the address prefix of the subnet delegated to the API server when configuring the AKS cluster to use API server VNET integration.
vmSubnetName string Specifies the name of the subnet which contains the virtual machine.
vmSubnetAddressPrefix string Specifies the address prefix of the subnet which contains the virtual machine.
bastionSubnetAddressPrefix string Specifies the Bastion subnet IP prefix.
logAnalyticsWorkspaceName string Specifies the name of the Log Analytics Workspace.
logAnalyticsSku string Specifies the service tier of the workspace.
logAnalyticsRetentionInDays int Specifies the workspace data retention in days.
vmEnabled bool Specifies whether creating or not a jumpbox virtual machine in the AKS cluster virtual network.
vmName string Specifies the name of the virtual machine.
vmSize string Specifies the size of the virtual machine.
imagePublisher string Specifies the image publisher of the disk image used to create the virtual machine.
imageOffer string Specifies the offer of the platform image or marketplace image used to create the virtual machine.
imageSku string Specifies the Ubuntu version for the VM.
authenticationType string Specifies the type of authentication when accessing the Virtual Machine.
vmAdminUsername string Specifies the name of the administrator account of the virtual machine.
vmAdminPasswordOrKey string Specifies the SSH Key or password for the virtual machine.
diskStorageAccountType string Specifies the storage account type for OS and data disk.
numDataDisks int Specifies the number of data disks of the virtual machine.
osDiskSize int Specifies the size in GB of the OS disk of the VM.
dataDiskSize int Specifies the size in GB of the data disk of the virtual machine.
dataDiskCaching string Specifies the caching requirements for the data disks.
blobStorageAccountName string Specifies the globally unique name for the storage account used to store the boot diagnostics logs of the virtual machine.
blobStorageAccountPrivateEndpointName string Specifies the name of the private link to the boot diagnostics storage account.
acrPrivateEndpointName string Specifies the name of the private link to the Azure Container Registry.
acrName string Specifies the name of the Azure Container Registry.
acrAdminUserEnabled bool Enable admin user that have push / pull permission to the registry.
acrSku string Tier of the Azure Container Registry.
acrPublicNetworkAccess string Whether to allow public network access.
acrAnonymousPullEnabled bool Specifies whether or not registry-wide pull is enabled from unauthenticated clients.
acrDataEndpointEnabled bool Specifies whether or not a single data endpoint is enabled per region for serving data.
acrNetworkRuleSet object Specifies the network rule set for the container registry.
acrNetworkRuleBypassOptions string Specifies whether to allow trusted Azure services to access a network restricted registry.
acrNetworkRuleBypassOptions string Specifies whether to allow trusted Azure services to access a network restricted registry.
acrZoneRedundancy string Specifies whether or not zone redundancy is enabled for this container registry.
bastionHostEnabled bool Specifies whether Azure Bastion should be created.
bastionHostName string Specifies the name of the Azure Bastion resource.
natGatewayName string Specifies the name of the Azure NAT Gateway.
natGatewayZones array Specifies a list of availability zones denoting the zone in which Nat Gateway should be deployed.
natGatewayPublicIps int Specifies the number of Public IPs to create for the Azure NAT Gateway.
natGatewayIdleTimeoutMins int Specifies the idle timeout in minutes for the Azure NAT Gateway.
keyVaultPrivateEndpointName string Specifies the name of the private link to the Key Vault.
keyVaultName string Specifies the name of the Azure Key Vault resource.
keyVaultPublicNetworkAccess string Specifies whether to allow public network access for Key Vault.
keyVaultNetworkAclsDefaultAction string Specifies the default action of allow or deny when no other rules match for the Azure Key Vault resource.
keyVaultEnabledForDeployment bool Specifies whether the Azure Key Vault resource is enabled for deployments.
keyVaultEnabledForDiskEncryption bool Specifies whether the Azure Key Vault resource is enabled for disk encryption.
keyVaultEnabledForTemplateDeployment bool Specifies whether the Azure Key Vault resource is enabled for template deployment.
keyVaultEnableSoftDelete bool Specifies whether the soft delete is enabled for this Azure Key Vault resource.
keyVaultEnablePurgeProtection bool Specifies whether purge protection is enabled for this Azure Key Vault resource.
keyVaultEnableRbacAuthorization bool Specifies whether enable the RBAC authorization for the Azure Key Vault resource.
keyVaultSoftDeleteRetentionInDays int Specifies the soft delete retention in days.
tags object Specifies the resource tags.
clusterTags object Specifies the resource tags.
actionGroupName string Specifies the name of the Action Group.
actionGroupShortName string Specifies the short name of the action group.
actionGroupEnabled bool Specifies whether this action group is enabled.
actionGroupEmailAddress string Specifies the email address of the receiver.
actionGroupUseCommonAlertSchema bool Specifies whether to use common alert schema.
actionGroupCountryCode string Specifies the country code of the SMS receiver.
actionGroupPhoneNumber string Specifies the phone number of the SMS receiver.
metricAnnotationsAllowList string Specifies a comma-separated list of additional Kubernetes label keys that will be used in the resource labels metric.
metricLabelsAllowlist string Specifies a comma-separated list of Kubernetes annotations keys that will be used in the resource labels metric.
prometheusName string Specifies the name of the Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus resource.
prometheusPublicNetworkAccess string Specifies whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for the Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus resource.
grafanaName string Specifies the name of the Azure Managed Grafana resource.
grafanaSkuName string Specifies the sku of the Azure Managed Grafana resource.
grafanaApiKey string Specifies the api key setting of the Azure Managed Grafana resource.
grafanaAutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope string Specifies the scope for dns deterministic name hash calculation.
grafanaDeterministicOutboundIP string Specifies whether the Azure Managed Grafana resource uses deterministic outbound IPs.
grafanaPublicNetworkAccess string Specifies the the state for enable or disable traffic over the public interface for the the Azure Managed Grafana resource.
grafanaZoneRedundancy string The zone redundancy setting of the Azure Managed Grafana resource.
email string Specifies the email address for the cert-manager cluster issuer.
deploymentScripName string Specifies the name of the deployment script uri.
deploymentScriptUri string Specifies the URI of the deployment script.
dnsZoneName string Specifies the name of an existing public DNS zone.
dnsZoneResourceGroupName string Specifies the name of the resource group which contains the public DNS zone.

We suggest reading sensitive configuration data such as passwords or SSH keys from a pre-existing Azure Key Vault resource. For more information, see Create parameters files for Bicep deployment.


# Template

# AKS cluster name

# Name and location of the resource group for the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

# Subscription id, subscription name, and tenant id of the current subscription
subscriptionId=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)
subscriptionName=$(az account show --query name --output tsv)
tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)

# Install aks-preview Azure extension
if [[ $installExtensions == 1 ]]; then
  echo "Checking if [aks-preview] extension is already installed..."
  az extension show --name aks-preview &>/dev/null

  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
    echo "[aks-preview] extension is already installed"

    # Update the extension to make sure you have the latest version installed
    echo "Updating [aks-preview] extension..."
    az extension update --name aks-preview &>/dev/null
    echo "[aks-preview] extension is not installed. Installing..."

    # Install aks-preview extension
    az extension add --name aks-preview 1>/dev/null

    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
      echo "[aks-preview] extension successfully installed"
      echo "Failed to install [aks-preview] extension"

  # Registering AKS feature extensions
  for aksExtension in ${aksExtensions[@]}; do
    echo "Checking if [$aksExtension] extension is already registered..."
    extension=$(az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService/$aksExtension') && == 'Registered'].{Name:name}" --output tsv)
    if [[ -z $extension ]]; then
      echo "[$aksExtension] extension is not registered."
      echo "Registering [$aksExtension] extension..."
      az feature register \
        --name $aksExtension \
        --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService \
      echo "[$aksExtension] extension is already registered."
  echo $registeringExtensions
  for aksExtension in ${registeringExtensions[@]}; do
    echo -n "Checking if [$aksExtension] extension is already registered..."
    while true; do
      extension=$(az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService/$aksExtension') && == 'Registered'].{Name:name}" --output tsv)
      if [[ -z $extension ]]; then
        echo -n "."
        sleep $delay
        echo "."

  if [[ $ok == 1 ]]; then
    echo "Refreshing the registration of the Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider..."
    az provider register \
      --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService \
    echo "Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider registration successfully refreshed"

# Get the last Kubernetes version available in the region
kubernetesVersion=$(az aks get-versions \
  --location $location \
  --query "values[?isPreview==null].version | sort(@) | [-1]" \
  --output tsv \

if [[ -n $kubernetesVersion ]]; then
  echo "Successfully retrieved the last Kubernetes version [$kubernetesVersion] supported by AKS in [$location] Azure region"
  echo "Failed to retrieve the last Kubernetes version supported by AKS in [$location] Azure region"

# Check if the resource group already exists
echo "Checking if [$resourceGroupName] resource group actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."

az group show \
  --name $resourceGroupName \
  --only-show-errors &>/dev/null

if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
  echo "No [$resourceGroupName] resource group actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"
  echo "Creating [$resourceGroupName] resource group in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."

  # Create the resource group
  az group create \
    --name $resourceGroupName \
    --location $location \
    --only-show-errors 1>/dev/null

  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
    echo "[$resourceGroupName] resource group successfully created in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"
    echo "Failed to create [$resourceGroupName] resource group in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"
  echo "[$resourceGroupName] resource group already exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"

# Get the user principal name of the current user
if [ -z $userPrincipalName ]; then
  echo "Retrieving the user principal name of the current user from the [$tenantId] Azure AD tenant..."
  userPrincipalName=$(az account show \
    --query \
    --output tsv \
  if [[ -n $userPrincipalName ]]; then
    echo "[$userPrincipalName] user principal name successfully retrieved from the [$tenantId] Azure AD tenant"
    echo "Failed to retrieve the user principal name of the current user from the [$tenantId] Azure AD tenant"

# Retrieve the objectId of the user in the Azure AD tenant used by AKS for user authentication
echo "Retrieving the objectId of the [$userPrincipalName] user principal name from the [$tenantId] Azure AD tenant..."
userObjectId=$(az ad user show \
  --id $userPrincipalName \
  --query id \
  --output tsv \
  --only-show-errors 2>/dev/null)

if [[ -n $userObjectId ]]; then
  echo "[$userObjectId] objectId successfully retrieved for the [$userPrincipalName] user principal name"
  echo "Failed to retrieve the objectId of the [$userPrincipalName] user principal name"

# Create AKS cluster if does not exist
echo "Checking if [$aksName] aks cluster actually exists in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group..."

az aks show \
  --name $aksName \
  --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
  --only-show-errors &>/dev/null


if [[ $notExists != 0 || $update == 1 ]]; then

  if [[ $notExists != 0 ]]; then
    echo "No [$aksName] aks cluster actually exists in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group"
    echo "[$aksName] aks cluster already exists in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group. Updating the cluster..."

  # Validate the Bicep template
  if [[ $validateTemplate == 1 ]]; then
    if [[ $useWhatIf == 1 ]]; then
      # Execute a deployment What-If operation at resource group scope.
      echo "Previewing changes deployed by [$template] Bicep template..."
      az deployment group what-if \
        --only-show-errors \
        --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
        --template-file $template \
        --parameters $parameters \
        --parameters prefix=$prefix \
        location=$location \
        userId=$userObjectId \

      if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
        echo "[$template] Bicep template validation succeeded"
        echo "Failed to validate [$template] Bicep template"
      # Validate the Bicep template
      echo "Validating [$template] Bicep template..."
      output=$(az deployment group validate \
        --only-show-errors \
        --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
        --template-file $template \
        --parameters $parameters \
        --parameters prefix=$prefix \
        location=$location \
        userId=$userObjectId \

      if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
        echo "[$template] Bicep template validation succeeded"
        echo "Failed to validate [$template] Bicep template"
        echo $output

  if [[ $deploy == 1 ]]; then
    # Deploy the Bicep template
    echo "Deploying [$template] Bicep template..."
    az deployment group create \
      --only-show-errors \
      --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
      --only-show-errors \
      --template-file $template \
      --parameters $parameters \
      --parameters prefix=$prefix \
      location=$location \
      userId=$userObjectId \
      aksClusterKubernetesVersion=$kubernetesVersion 1>/dev/null

    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
      echo "[$template] Bicep template successfully provisioned"
      echo "Failed to provision the [$template] Bicep template"
    echo "Skipping the deployment of the [$template] Bicep template"
  echo "[$aksName] aks cluster already exists in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group"

Deployment Script

The sample makes use of a Deployment Script to run the Bash script, which installs the NGINX Ingress Controller, Cert-Manager, and Prometheus to the AKS cluster using Helm. The in-cluster Prometheus instance is not necessary as the Bicep modules install Azure Managed Prometheus and Azure Managed Grafana to collect and monitor AKS Prometheus metrics. If needed, you can modify the script to remove the installation of the in-cluster Prometheus and Grafana instance. For more details on deployment scripts, refer to the Use deployment scripts in Bicep documentation.

# Install kubectl
az aks install-cli --only-show-errors

# Get AKS credentials
az aks get-credentials \
  --admin \
  --name $clusterName \
  --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
  --subscription $subscriptionId \

# Check if the cluster is private or not
private=$(az aks show --name $clusterName \
  --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
  --subscription $subscriptionId \
  --query apiServerAccessProfile.enablePrivateCluster \
  --output tsv)

# Install Helm
curl -o -s
chmod 700
./ &>/dev/null

# Add Helm repos
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo add jetstack

# Update Helm repos
helm repo update

# Install Prometheus
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace prometheus \
  --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false \
  --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false

# Install NGINX ingress controller using the internal load balancer
helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace ingress-basic \
  --set controller.replicaCount=3 \
  --set controller.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
  --set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
  --set controller.metrics.enabled=true \
  --set controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled=true \
  --set controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels.release="prometheus" \
  --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz \
  --set controller.config.modsecurity-snippet=\
'SecRuleEngine On
SecRequestBodyAccess On
SecAuditLog /dev/stdout
SecAuditLogFormat JSON
SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@ipMatch" "id:87,phase:1,pass,nolog,ctl:ruleEngine=Off"'

# Install certificate manager
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --set crds.enabled=true \
  --set prometheus.enabled=true \
  --set nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux

# Create cluster issuer
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-nginx
    email: $email
      name: letsencrypt
    - http01:
          class: nginx
                "": linux

# Create output as JSON file
echo '{}' |
  jq --arg x 'prometheus' '.prometheus=$x' |
  jq --arg x 'cert-manager' '.certManager=$x' |
  jq --arg x 'ingress-basic' '.nginxIngressController=$x' >$AZ_SCRIPTS_OUTPUT_PATH

As you can note, the NGINX Ingress Controller Helm chart is installed with the ModSecurity an open-source web application firewall (WAF) enabled.

If you want to replace the NGINX ingress controller installed via Helm by the deployment script with the managed version installed by the application routing addon, you can just replace the nginx ingressClassName in the ingress object with the name of the ingress controller deployed by the application routing addon, that, by default is equal to

Yelb Application

The current architecture layout of the sample is straightforward. It consists of a front-end component called yelb-ui and an application component called yelb-appserver.


The yelb-ui is responsible for serving the JavaScript code to the browser. This code is compiled from an Angular 2 application. Depending on the deployment model, the code can be served from an EC2 instance, a container (Docker, Kubernetes, ECS), or an S3 bucket (serverless). The yelb-ui component may also include an nginx proxy, depending on the deployment model. The yelb-appserver is a Sinatra application that interacts with a cache server (redis-server) and a Postgres backend database (yelb-db). Redis is used to store the number of page views, while Postgres is used to persist the votes. In the serverless deployment model, DynamoDB is used as a replacement for both redis and postgres.

Yelb allows users to vote on a set of alternatives (restaurants) and dynamically updates pie charts based on the number of votes received.

Yelb UI

The Yelb application also keeps track of the number of page views and displays the hostname of the yelb-appserver instance serving the API request upon a vote or a page refresh. This allows individuals to demo the application solo or involve others in interacting with the application.

Deploy the Yelb application

You can use the scripts in the scripts folder to deploy the Yelb to your AKS cluster. Before running any script, make sure to customize the values of the variables within the file. This file is included in all scripts and contains the following variables:

# Azure Subscription and Tenant
SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)
SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=$(az account show --query name --output tsv)
TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)

# NGINX Ingress Controller installed via Helm

# NGINX Ingress Controller installed via AKS application routing add-on

# Certificate Manager

# Cluster Issuer
CLUSTER_ISSUER_NAMES=("letsencrypt-nginx" "letsencrypt-webapprouting")
CLUSTER_ISSUER_TEMPLATES=("cluster-issuer-nginx.yml" "cluster-issuer-webapprouting.yml")

# Specify the ingress class name for the ingress controller.
# - nginx: unmanaged NGINX ingress controller installed vuia Helm
# - managed NGINX ingress controller installed via AKS application routing add-on

if [[ $INGRESS_CLASS_NAME == "nginx" ]]; then
  # Specify the name of the ingress objects.

  # Specify the cluster issuer name for the ingress controller.

  # Specify the name of the secret that contains the TLS certificate for the ingress controller.
  # Specify the name of the ingress objects.

  # Specify the cluster issuer name for the ingress controller.

  # Specify the name of the secret that contains the TLS certificate for the ingress controller.

If you deployed the Azure infrastructure using the Bicep modules provided with this sample, you can proceed to deploy the Yelb application. If you instead want to deploy the application in your AKS cluster, you can use the following scripts to configure your environment. You can use the to install the NGINX ingress controller with the ModSecurity open-source web application firewall (WAF) enabled.


# Variables
source ./

# Check if the NGINX ingress controller Helm chart is already installed
result=$(helm list -n $NGINX_NAMESPACE | grep $NGINX_RELEASE_NAME | awk '{print $1}')

if [[ -n $result ]]; then
  echo "[$NGINX_RELEASE_NAME] NGINX ingress controller release already exists in the [$NGINX_NAMESPACE] namespace"
  # Check if the NGINX ingress controller repository is not already added
  result=$(helm repo list | grep $NGINX_REPO_NAME | awk '{print $1}')

  if [[ -n $result ]]; then
    echo "[$NGINX_REPO_NAME] Helm repo already exists"
    # Add the NGINX ingress controller repository
    echo "Adding [$NGINX_REPO_NAME] Helm repo..."
    helm repo add $NGINX_REPO_NAME $NGINX_REPO_URL

  # Update your local Helm chart repository cache
  echo 'Updating Helm repos...'
  helm repo update

  # Deploy NGINX ingress controller
  echo "Deploying [$NGINX_RELEASE_NAME] NGINX ingress controller to the [$NGINX_NAMESPACE] namespace..."
  helm install $NGINX_RELEASE_NAME $NGINX_REPO_NAME/$nginxChartName \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace $NGINX_NAMESPACE \
    --set controller.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
    --set controller.replicaCount=$NGINX_REPLICA_COUNT \
    --set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
    --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz

# Get values
helm get values $NGINX_RELEASE_NAME --namespace $NGINX_NAMESPACE

Then you can use the to install the cert-manager, a powerful and extensible X.509 certificate controller for Kubernetes and OpenShift workloads. It will obtain certificates from a variety of Issuers, both popular public Issuers as well as private Issuers, and ensure the certificates are valid and up-to-date, and will attempt to renew certificates at a configured time before expiry.


# Variables
source ./

# Check if the certificate manager Helm chart is already installed
result=$(helm list -n $CM_NAMESPACE | grep $CM_RELEASE_NAME | awk '{print $1}')

if [[ -n $result ]]; then
  echo "[$CM_RELEASE_NAME] certificate manager release already exists in the [$CM_NAMESPACE] namespace"
  # Check if the certificate manager repository is not already added
  result=$(helm repo list | grep $CM_REPO_NAME | awk '{print $1}')

  if [[ -n $result ]]; then
    echo "[$CM_REPO_NAME] Helm repo already exists"
    # Add the certificate manager repository
    echo "Adding [$CM_REPO_NAME] Helm repo..."
    helm repo add $CM_REPO_NAME $CM_REPO_URL

  # Update your local Helm chart repository cache
  echo 'Updating Helm repos...'
  helm repo update

  # Install the cert-manager Helm chart
  echo "Deploying [$CM_RELEASE_NAME] cert-manager to the $CM_NAMESPACE namespace..."
  helm install $CM_RELEASE_NAME $CM_REPO_NAME/$cmChartName \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace $CM_NAMESPACE \
    --set installCRDs=true \
    --set nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux

Then you can use the script to create a ClusterIssuer. Issuers, and ClusterIssuers, are Kubernetes resources that represent certificate authorities (CAs) that are able to generate signed certificates by honoring certificate signing requests. All cert-manager certificates require a referenced issuer that is in a ready condition to attempt to honor the request. The script generates a ClusterIssuer for both the managed and unmanaged NGINX Ingress controllers. Both ClusterIssuer objects utilize Let's Encrypt as the ACME certificate authority for issuing certificates.


# Variables
source ./

# Use a for loop to tag and push the local docker images to the Azure Container Registry

  # Check if the cluster issuer already exists
  RESULT=$(kubectl get clusterissuer -o jsonpath='{.items[?("'"$CLUSTER_ISSUER_NAME"'")]}')

  if [[ -n $RESULT ]]; then
    echo "[$CLUSTER_ISSUER_NAME] cluster issuer already exists"
    # Create the cluster issuer
    echo "[$CLUSTER_ISSUER_NAME] cluster issuer does not exist"
    echo "Creating [$CLUSTER_ISSUER_NAME] cluster issuer..."

    cat $TEMPLATE |
      yq "(|="\""$EMAIL"\" |
      kubectl apply -f -

You are now ready to deploy the Yelb application. You can run the to deploy the Yelb application and a Kubernetes Ingress object to make the yelb-uiservice accessible to the public internet.


# Variables
source ./

# Apply the YAML configuration
kubectl apply -f yelb.yml

# Create chat-ingress
cat ingress.yml |
  yq "(.metadata.annotations.\"\")|="\""$CLUSTER_ISSUER"\" |
  yq "(.spec.ingressClassName)|="\""$INGRESS_CLASS_NAME"\" |
  yq "(.spec.tls[0].hosts[0])|="\""$SUBDOMAIN.$DNS_ZONE_NAME"\" |
  yq "(.spec.tls[0].secretName)|="\""$INGRESS_SECRET_NAME"\" |
  yq "(.spec.rules[0].host)|="\""$SUBDOMAIN.$DNS_ZONE_NAME"\" |
  kubectl apply -f -

# Check the deployed resources within the yelb namespace:
kubectl get all -n yelb

The scripts uses the yelb.yml YAML manifest to deploy the application, and the ingress.yml to create the ingress object. If you use an Azure Public DNS Zone for the name resolution of your domain, you can use the script to associate the public IP address of the NGINX ingress controller with the domain used by the subdomain used by the ingress object used to expose the yelb-uiservice.


# Variables
source ./

# Choose the ingress controller to use
if [[ $INGRESS_CLASS_NAME == "nginx" ]]; then

# Retrieve the public IP address of the NGINX ingress controller
echo "Retrieving the external IP address of the [$INGRESS_CLASS_NAME] NGINX ingress controller..."
PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get service -o json -n $INGRESS_NAMESPACE |
    jq -r '.items[] | 
    select(.spec.type == "LoadBalancer") |

if [ -n "$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS" ]; then
    echo "[$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS] external IP address of the [$INGRESS_CLASS_NAME] NGINX ingress controller successfully retrieved"
    echo "Failed to retrieve the external IP address of the [$INGRESS_CLASS_NAME] NGINX ingress controller"

# Check if an A record for todolist subdomain exists in the DNS Zone
echo "Retrieving the A record for the [$SUBDOMAIN] subdomain from the [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] DNS zone..."
IPV4_ADDRESS=$(az network dns record-set a list \
    --zone-name $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
    --resource-group $DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --subscription $DNS_ZONE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
    --query "[?name=='$SUBDOMAIN'].ARecords[].IPV4_ADDRESS" \
    --output tsv \

if [[ -n $IPV4_ADDRESS ]]; then
    echo "An A record already exists in [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] DNS zone for the [$SUBDOMAIN] subdomain with [$IPV4_ADDRESS] IP address"

    if [[ $IPV4_ADDRESS == $PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS ]]; then
        echo "The [$IPV4_ADDRESS] ip address of the existing A record is equal to the ip address of the ingress"
        echo "No additional step is required"
        echo "The [$IPV4_ADDRESS] ip address of the existing A record is different than the ip address of the ingress"
    # Retrieving name of the record set relative to the zone
    echo "Retrieving the name of the record set relative to the [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] zone..."

    RECORDSET_NAME=$(az network dns record-set a list \
        --zone-name $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
        --resource-group $DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
        --subscription $DNS_ZONE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
        --query "[?name=='$SUBDOMAIN'].name" \
        --output tsv \
        --only-show-errors 2>/dev/null)

    if [[ -n $RECORDSET_NAME ]]; then
        echo "[$RECORDSET_NAME] record set name successfully retrieved"
        echo "Failed to retrieve the name of the record set relative to the [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] zone"

    # Remove the A record
    echo "Removing the A record from the record set relative to the [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] zone..."

    az network dns record-set a remove-record \
        --ipv4-address $IPV4_ADDRESS \
        --record-set-name $RECORDSET_NAME \
        --zone-name $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
        --resource-group $DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
        --subscription $DNS_ZONE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
        --only-show-errors 1>/dev/null

    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
        echo "[$IPV4_ADDRESS] ip address successfully removed from the [$RECORDSET_NAME] record set"
        echo "Failed to remove the [$IPV4_ADDRESS] ip address from the [$RECORDSET_NAME] record set"

# Create the A record
echo "Creating an A record in [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] DNS zone for the [$SUBDOMAIN] subdomain with [$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS] IP address..."
az network dns record-set a add-record \
    --zone-name $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
    --resource-group $DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --subscription $DNS_ZONE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
    --record-set-name $SUBDOMAIN \
    --ipv4-address $PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS \
    --only-show-errors 1>/dev/null

if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
    echo "A record for the [$SUBDOMAIN] subdomain with [$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS] IP address successfully created in [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] DNS zone"
    echo "Failed to create an A record for the $SUBDOMAIN subdomain with [$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS] IP address in [$DNS_ZONE_NAME] DNS zone"

Test the application

You can use the script to invoke the yelb-ui service, simulate SQL injection or XSS attacks, and observe how the managed rule set of ModSecurity blocks malicious requests.


# Variables

echo "Calling Yelb UI service at $URL..."
curl -w 'HTTP Status: %{http_code}\n' -s -o /dev/null $URL

# Simulate SQL injection
echo "Simulating SQL injection when calling $URL..."
curl -w 'HTTP Status: %{http_code}\n' -s -o /dev/null $URL/?users=ExampleSQLInjection%27%20--

# Simulate XSS
echo "Simulating XSS when calling $URL..."
curl -w 'HTTP Status: %{http_code}\n' -s -o /dev/null $URL/?users=ExampleXSS%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27XSS%27%29%3C%2Fscript%3E

The Bash script should produce the following output, where the first call succeeds, while the following two calls are blocked by ModSecurity rules.

Calling Yelb UI service at
HTTP Status: 200
Simulating SQL injection when calling
HTTP Status: 403
Simulating XSS when calling
HTTP Status: 403

Review deployed resources

You can use the Azure portal or the Azure CLI to list the deployed resources in the resource group:

az resource list --resource-group <resource-group-name>

You can also use the following PowerShell cmdlet to list the deployed resources in the resource group:

Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name>

Clean up resources

You can delete the resource group using the following Azure CLI command when you no longer need the resources you created. This will remove all the Azure resources.

az group delete --name <resource-group-name>

Alternatively, you can use the following PowerShell cmdlet to delete the resource group and all the Azure resources.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name <resource-group-name>
## CI/CD and GitOps Considerations