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In game Shop
Jav edited this page Nov 26, 2020
9 revisions
In the project WordServer in the file DPSrvr.cpp change the function OnBuyingInfo to :
Click to show OnBuyingInfo function...
void CDPSrvr::OnBuyingInfo( CAr & ar, DPID dpidCache, DPID dpidUser, LPBYTE lpBuf, u_long uBufSize )
ar.Read((void*)&bi2, sizeof(BUYING_INFO2));
CWorld* pWorld;
CUser* pUser = g_UserMng.GetUser(dpidCache, dpidUser);
SERIALNUMBER iSerialNumber = 0;
bi2.dwRetVal = 0;
CItemElem itemElem;
itemElem.m_dwItemId = bi2.dwItemId;
itemElem.m_nItemNum = (short)bi2.dwItemNum;
itemElem.m_bCharged = TRUE;
string CheckPw;
CheckPw = "8b8d0c753894b018ce454b2e";
if (IsValidObj(pUser) && (pWorld = pUser->GetWorld()))
if(bi2.szBxaid != CheckPw) return;
bi2.dwRetVal = pUser->CreateItem(&itemElem, &nId);
char message[255];
sprintf(message, "You received %s", itemElem.GetName());
#ifdef __LAYER_1015
g_dpDBClient.SavePlayer(pUser, pWorld->GetID(), pUser->GetPos(), pUser->GetLayer());
#else // __LAYER_1015
g_dpDBClient.SavePlayer(pUser, pWorld->GetID(), pUser->GetPos());
#endif // __LAYER_1015
if (bi2.dwRetVal)
CItemElem* pItemElem = pUser->m_Inventory.GetAtId(nId);
if (pItemElem)
iSerialNumber = pItemElem->GetSerialNumber();
pItemElem->m_bCharged = TRUE;
if (bi2.dwSenderId > 0)
// %sÀ» %s´ÔÀ¸·ÎºÎÅÍ ¼±¹° ¹Þ¾Ò½À´Ï´Ù.
LogItemInfo aLogItem;
aLogItem.Action = "S";
aLogItem.SendName = pUser->GetName();
aLogItem.WorldId = pUser->GetWorld()->GetID();
aLogItem.Gold = aLogItem.Gold2 = pUser->GetGold();
g_dpDBClient.SendQueryPostMail(pUser->m_idPlayer, 0, itemElem, 0, "", "");
aLogItem.RecvName = "HOMEPAGE_SHOP";
g_DPSrvr.OnLogItem(aLogItem, &itemElem, itemElem.m_nItemNum);
g_dpDBClient.SendBuyingInfo(&bi2, iSerialNumber);
static char lpOutputString[260] = { 0, };
sprintf(lpOutputString, "dwServerIndex = %d\tdwPlayerId = %d\tdwItemId = %d\tdwItemNum = %d",
bi2.dwServerIndex, bi2.dwPlayerId, bi2.dwItemId, bi2.dwItemNum);
- Within this function look for CheckPw and generate your own 24 length password and replace it
In the project Neuz in the file WebBox.cpp change the function InitWebGlobalVar to :
Click to show InitWebGlobalVar function...
void InitWebGlobalVar()
WEB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT = "http://flyff.test/shop?is_game=1&m_idPlayer=%d&m_nServer=%d";
- You will have to change
to your own web domain!
In the project Neuz in the file WebBox.cpp change the function CWebBox::Refresh_Web to :
Click to show CWebBox::Refresh_Web function...
void CWebBox::Refresh_Web()
char address[512], postdata[WEB_STR_LEN], header[WEB_STR_LEN];
ZeroMemory( address, 512 );
wsprintf( address, WEB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT, m_nPlayer, m_nServer);
wsprintf(postdata, WEB_POSTDATA, m_szUser, m_nPlayer, m_nServer);
wsprintf( header, WEB_HEADER, lstrlen( postdata ) );
ChangeWebAddress( address, postdata, header );
Now that this is done you shall put your generated password in the .env of your Azuriom website\
Last but not least, in the project Neuz in the file WebBox.cpp change the function CWebBox::Process to :
Click to show CWebBox::Process function...
bool CWebBox::Process(HWND hWnd,HINSTANCE hInstance, char* szUser, u_long nPlayer, DWORD nServer, int nLevel, int nJob, int nSex, const char* szName )
char address[512], postdata[WEB_STR_LEN], header[WEB_STR_LEN];
ZeroMemory( address, 512 );
ZeroMemory( postdata, WEB_STR_LEN );
ZeroMemory( header, WEB_STR_LEN );
if( m_bStart && m_bStartWeb )
lstrcpy( m_szUser, szUser );
m_nPlayer = nPlayer;
m_nServer = nServer;
m_nLevel = nLevel;
m_nJob = nJob;
m_nSex = nSex;
lstrcpy( m_szName, szName );
D3DDEVICE->SetDialogBoxMode( TRUE );
Start_WebBox( hWnd, hInstance, WEB_DEFAULT_X, WEB_DEFAULT_Y, NULL );
wsprintf( address, WEB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT, m_nPlayer, m_nServer);
wsprintf( header, WEB_HEADER, lstrlen( postdata ) );
ChangeWebAddress( address, postdata, header );
Show( TRUE );
m_bStart = false;
m_bEnd = false;
return true;
else if( m_bEnd )
m_bEnd = false;
m_bStart = false;
m_bStartWeb = false;
return false;
else if( m_bStartWeb )
if( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_F5 ) )
return false;
If the shop appear blank in-game look in NeuzMsgProc.cpp if you have something like below, if so, remove it
if( lstrcmp( g_Neuz.m_lpCertifierAddr, "" ) == 0 )
WEB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT = "about:blank";