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102 lines (93 loc) · 4.05 KB

DB2 for IBM iSeries Laravel Driver

This package allows you to use Laravel's query builder and eloquent with DB2 for IBM iSeries by extending the Illuminate Database component of the Laravel framework. Originally forked from cooperl22/laravel-db2.



Install the package via composer:

composer require bwicompanies/db2-driver

Add a new connection in database.php:

Note: You can specify the connection name, but the driver must be 'db2'

'myDB2Connection' => [
    'driver'        => 'db2',
    'driverName'    => '{IBM i Access ODBC Driver}',
    'host'          => env('DB_HOST'),
    'username'      => env('DB_USERNAME'),
    'password'      => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
    'database'      => env('DB_DATABASE'),
    'prefix'        => '',
    'schema'        => env('DB_SCHEMA'),
    'port'          => env('DB_PORT', 50000),
    'date_format'   => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', // or 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u' / 'Y-m-d-H.i.s.u'
    'offset_compatibility_mode' => true,
    'odbc_keywords' => [
        'SIGNON'                => 3,
        'SSL'                   => 0,
        'CommitMode'            => 0,
        'ConnectionType'        => 0,
        'DefaultLibraries'      => '',
        'Naming'                => 1,
        'UNICODESQL'            => 0,
        'DateFormat'            => 5,
        'DateSeperator'         => 0,
        'Decimal'               => 0,
        'TimeFormat'            => 0,
        'TimeSeparator'         => 0,
        'TimestampFormat'       => 0,
        'ConvertDateTimeToChar' => 0,
        'BLOCKFETCH'            => 1,
        'BlockSizeKB'           => 32,
        'AllowDataCompression'  => 1,
        'CONCURRENCY'           => 0,
        'LAZYCLOSE'             => 0,
        'MaxFieldLength'        => 15360,
        'PREFETCH'              => 0,
        'QUERYTIMEOUT'          => 1,
        'DefaultPkgLibrary'     => 'QGPL',
        'DefaultPackage'        => 'A /DEFAULT(IBM),2,0,1,0',
        'ExtendedDynamic'       => 1,
        'QAQQINILibrary'        => '',
        'SQDIAGCODE'            => '',
        'LANGUAGEID'            => 'ENU',
        'SORTTABLE'             => '',
        'SortSequence'          => 0,
        'SORTWEIGHT'            => 0,
        'AllowUnsupportedChar'  => 0,
        'CCSID'                 => 1208,
        'GRAPHIC'               => 0,
        'ForceTranslation'      => 0,
        'ALLOWPROCCALLS'        => 0,
        'DB2SQLSTATES'          => 0,
        'DEBUG'                 => 0,
        'TRUEAUTOCOMMIT'        => 0,
        'CATALOGOPTIONS'        => 3,
        'LibraryView'           => 0,
        'ODBCRemarks'           => 0,
        'SEARCHPATTERN'         => 1,
        'TranslationDLL'        => '',
        'TranslationOption'     => 0,
        'MAXTRACESIZE'          => 0,
        'MultipleTraceFiles'    => 1,
        'TRACE'                 => 0,
        'TRACEFILENAME'         => '',
        'ExtendedColInfo'       => 0,
    'options' => [
        PDO::ATTR_CASE             => PDO::CASE_LOWER,
        PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false,
        PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT       => false,

Note: Be sure to define the appropriate keys in .env.

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.