Please, find below the per release summary of the contribution added to the project per version. Each of the listed versions is having its corresponding tag in the repo.
- Fix Manifest V2
- Fix Request Non GL contexts
- Fix Scissor function call
- Fix bufferSubData and getAttribLocation number report
- Fix Dataview representation
- Fix Multidraw spy
- Fix Preprocessor beautify
- Fix Float buffer capture
- Add GLSL Beautifier Toggle
- Add GLSL Prepocessor Toggle
- Fix BaseVertexBaseInstance Capture
- Fix XR spy on firefox
- Fix Frame Buffer visual state
- Fix BindAttribLocation parameter display
- Fix Scissor redundant calls on clear
- Fix Stencil command consistency
- Fix STENCIL_BITS is not displayed in stencil state
- Add spector.log support
- Fix Shader Type display
- Add Pixelated Texture on Nearest mag filter
- Fix Texture Display for texture arrays
- Fix texture capture with texStorage2D
- Fix Search field in the UI.
- Fixed compressed textures gathered sizes.
- Add support for SRGB textures capture.
- Chrome web Store policy change
- Add Support for translated shaders in the extension.
- Add Toggle for fullscreen textures in the extension.
- Fix Recording of deleted Shaders
- Icons Rebranding
- Fix Viewport capture issues.
- Fix Frame Buffer Texture Array capture issues.
- Fix Offscreen canvas support on the main thread.
Upgrade Vendors to help deliver on Mozilla add-ons.
Do not change URL by clicking on close
Upgrade Mozilla Build.
Fix menu CSS due to Chrome CSS interpretation changes.
This addresses one bug fix: comments are displayed with a different indentation
All the code has been simplified and migrated to modules to ease the contributions. Next step will be to migrate the frontend to a none custom framework.
This also addresses one bug fix: shader beautifier issue with curly in comments
This minor release is adding the capability to capture a certain amount of commands instead of a frame. This can help in case commands are called outside the RAF event.
This also addresses one bug fix: drawArraysInstancedANGLE is not recognized
This release is fixing a memory leak introduced through the 0.9.3 version in the extension:
This release is meant to address the few bugs found during a bug bash session:
- Semicolon replaced by dot in Shader comment.
- Fix Pause/Replay buttons.
- Fix XHR Warning in the extension.
- Fix setTimeout/setInterval parameters.
- Capture off screen canvases.
- Fix Extension list report in Webgl 2.
This release is addressing an issue with the post message size limit in Chrome Canary:
- Chrome canary post message Size Limit
- Uniform capture with native array
- Shader Editor Style Fix.
This release is addressing the latest issues before the V1 as well as embedding a shader editor:
- Programmatic Capture do not open in a new tab
- Fix memory reporting of buffers
- Fix Capture Download in IE11
- Workaround perf and memory issue with a quick capture mode
- Fix Depth Range comparison
- Hook on WebVR Display RAF
- Fix Firefox Linux Charset Issue
- Embedded Live Shader Editor
This realease is meant to improve the overall stability and compatibility with other extension:
- Workaround Firefox security issue relying on apply
- Fix Uniform Array Capture
- Allow Transient Context capture on reload
- Add number of commands to capture on reload
- Integrate new logo
- Add more intuitive public programmatic APIs for capture.
This realease enables fixes a couple of reported issues:
- Fix memory usage report.
- Add MSAA render buffer capture.
- Add Primitives Count per type.
- Allow capture of float based width/height of FrameBuffer
- Fix uniform command Format
- Better Stacktrace support on Firefox
- Integrate Custom Marker
- Fix Enable/Disable vertex attrib command format
- Add Programmatic Capture
- Add capture on Load in the extension.
- Open the extension in a new tab by default.
- Shaders + properties are visible at the same time
- Introduce keyboard navigation
- Display SHADER_NAME in draw calls
- Add link to shaders in draw calls
This simply contains another quick fix concerning typos in readme and the extension popup. As a little bonus, you can now capture to a new tab.
This simply contains another quick fix concerning the command formatting used in spector. It now does not display WebglConstants for both viewport
and scissor
This simply contains a quick fix concerning the number formatting used in spector. It now does not display trailing 0 in case of integers.
This release includes new data around like number of commands, memory and more texture types support:
- Analyse capture and extract number of calls per commands.
- Analyse records and extract memory information (Frame and global).
- Display Buffer and Render Buffer information.
- Shader Display Repeat issue of some sections.
- Invalid Attrib Location Crash
- Compressed textures information
This release is the first stable release containing the Minimum Valuable Product.
- Firefox Extension
- npm version fix
- Mipped Textures
- UBO Values
- Unspyed Mode
This release is aimed to address a few of the first created bugs:
- Texture Inputs
- Shader Beautyfier by Temechon
- UX improvments
- Sketchfab WebGL2 Crash
This is the first public release available. It conatains all the basic structure of the project and browser extension.
- Capture Framework.
- Embedded UI with Capture and Result View.
- Loose coupling View/Backend to enhance the reusability of components.
- WebGL 1/2 Supports.
- NPM package.
- Chrome, Firefox, and Edge Extension.