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Baktus79 edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 4 revisions


To access many of the features of BanFromClaim, you need to add permissions nodes to specific groups or players. You can easily do this by using a permission manager such as LuckPerms or PermissionsEx.

Permission node Effect
bfc.ban Use of the /banfromclaim command.
bfc.unban Use of the /unbanfromclaim command.
bfc.list Use of the /banfromclaimlist command.
bfc.safespot Use of the /bfcsafespot command.
bfc.bypass Make you protected against bans.

Parent Permissions

Parent permissions are separate nodes that also provide access to a number of other permissions. This is to make it easier to give players many of the most common permissions using just one node instead. These types of permissions can be found in the list below.

Permission node Child permissions
bfc.use bfc.ban
bfc.admin bfc.use
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