17.3.2 (2024-01-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Panel: id increments within component #14508
- p-inputNumber: With suffix and minDigits > 0, negative numbers lead to an unexpected cursor jump and frozen inputs #13651
- AutoComplete: Unique option doesn't work #14505
- p-dropdown: selecting an option or clearing the value should clear the filter input #14503
- p-autocomplete: optionLabel input has wrong type #14468
- p-dropdown: Cannot clear dropdown value #14513
- p-checkbox firing onClick event twice when clicking the label if inputId is populated #14487
- p-multiselect is not resetting when using with reactive form #14490
- Dropdown: Infinite loop dynamic options array #14319
- Component: Dropdown TypeError: option.toLowerCase is not a function (PringNG 17.0 + 17.1) #14370
- Accordian : TextArea shortcuts are not working when used in Accordian Panels #14368
- Dropdown: required attribute not set in hidden input element #14322
- Component: p-treeSelect - Material Design theme does not highlight items #14453
- Calendar: component emit different format on load then after change #14484
- p-dropdown: FilterBy multiple values is not working #14492
- Table Virtual Scroll with Fixed Columns and Lazy Loading Causes Erratic Scrolling and Incomplete Data Display #14488
17.3.1 (2024-01-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Table: Multiple selection with SHIFT/click does not work together with paginator and lazy loading #14140
- Toast | Close callback is not exposed in headless. #14483
- Exporting p-table with non exportable columns may lead in unecessary ending csvSeparator #14248
- Error loading dropdown menu after performing a filter on the field programmatically#14432
- Component: Tree checkbox disabled css not working #14251
- Dropdown | Component selects first option on tab press #14473
- Component: Sidebar. Cannot close sidebar programmatically #14450
- MegaMenu | Error: Cannot read properties of undefined #14476
17.3.0 (2023-12-28)
Breaking Changes:
- Dropdown | Deprecate autoDisplayFirst property #14426
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- DynamicDialog: Need to turn off autofocus on first focusable element #13486
- Inconsistent filtering behavior in p-dropdown when options contain diacritics #10482
Fixed bugs:
- Component: ToggleButton #14443
- Tree removed css classes #14445
- Component: Sidebar #14254
- Overlay Panel: Interaction with components inside panel template cause panel to hide #14323
- Menu | itemClick requires double click in popup mode if items generated by function #13934
- Component: p-picklist #14420
- Component: Dropdown - If editable is true and optionValue is present, the selected option will not be shown #14427
- columnFilter: unwanted close on mouseup #14410
- p-paginator: not accessible #12684
- Tooltip arrow is broken #12579
- AutoComplete: (Multiple) Placeholder does not disappear after selecting item #14376
- Component: MenuItem's property visible wasn't working #14316
- TreeSelect: Trigger Button missing aria-label #14355
- p-menubar: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item') when clicking on disabled menu item #14434
- Table/Scroller: Scroller scrolls left when sorting columns #14421
- Multiselect: pTemplate="selectedItems" layout is empty on first render using Reactive forms #14424
- Menubar | submenuicon template does not work #14430
17.2.0 (2023-12-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- InputGroup | Add styleClass and style input properties #14404
- ContextMenu | Touch Device support #14375
Fixed bugs:
- Lara Light Teal: $highlightBg implementation defect #14414
- Table: Not able to provide custom Icons for column filter clear icon #14397
- BlockUI: entire page is blocked if "blocked" input contains true by default (even if a target is defined) #14230
- Inputnumber: Inputnumber#currency mode not allowing to remove minus sign for Dollar and INR fields. #14327
- Galleria: After images change not correct numVisible value in component. #14401
- Multiselect does not focus filter input #14387
- Accordion: TextArea shortcuts are not working when used in Accordian Panels #14368
- Component: Autocomplete with long list of options adds scrollbar to the whole page #14281
- Dropdown Empty Filter Message not displayed #14409
- PickList: Filtering bug, when moving item to target list #14334
- Drodown: Unable to type spaces in editable dropdowns #14377
- Table | Apply Rule and Remove Rule texts are not visible in column filter #14365
- Autocomplete: ForceSelection does not force selection - formControl value is changed even without selection #14389
- Table: Sort icons are not showing correct amount directions #14403
- Component: PanelMenu repeated rendering #14373
- Table | Resized column style is not applied (w/column reorder) #14386
17.1.0 (2023-12-13)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- DialogService | Add method to get instance #14352
- ConfirmPopup | Add headless template #14351
- ConfirmPopup | Add content template #14350
- Dialog | Add maskStyle input #14349
- Dialog | Add headless template #14348
- Toast | Add headless template #14347
- Sidebar | Add headless template #14346
- Progressbar | Add content template #14345
- DynamicDialog | Add breakpoints option to config #14344
- DynamicDialog | Template Support #14354
- ToggleButton | Add missing icon template #14286
- OverlayPanel | add missing aria attributes #14361
Fixed bugs:
- PickList | clicking on p-picklist would cause TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getAttribute') #14339
- 16.3.1 regression: p-overlayPanel dismisses when making changes to nested p-multiSelect with appendTo="body" #14120
- multiselect: clicking directly on the svg icon closes the overlay #14335
- Update of MenuItem's 'expanded' property not working #14329
- Table: Apply and Clear text buttons for filter menu are missing #14289
- Menu | items don't receive p-focus class #14295
- Dropdown: Preselected value not shown when using reactive forms #14241
- ListBox: emptyMessage not working #14294
- AutoComplete | Float label goes down after losing focus w/ multiple #14297
- MultiSelect: selectionLimit & floating label regression #14299
- applyFocus() method is working only when dropdown is editable. #14051
- Removing an item from autocomplete closes p-OverlayPanel #14300
- Avatar | Missing alt attribute on image #14296
17.0.0 (2023-12-06)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Checkbox: Add blur event #13800
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar | Today doesn't receive focus #14256
- pMultiSelect: The filter isn't working as it did before, specifically in terms of filtering by label #14194
- EditorModule doesn't support SSR #8817
- Component: Button styleClass #13963
- TreeTable: treeTableToggler missing aria-label #14271
- p-dropdown: when filtering, placeholder is displayed even if there is a selected option #14282
- Table: p-columnFilter missing aria-label #14272
- Component: Multiselect Component Close Button Accessibility Issues - Close Button is empty + Screen Reader reads 'Unlabeled button' #13859
- p-dropdown: REGRESSION a value of null or '' was previously treated as valid dropdown values, now it looks like they are treated as undefined #14223
- AutoComplete: Change detection issue in dialog component #14262
- PrimeNG table is not honoring the sort column and sort order specified when groupRowsBy is added. #13773
- Menu: Accessibility rule F85. Lost focus on TAB #14246
17.0.0-rc.1 (2023-11-29)
Breaking Changes:
- Set all metaKeySelection to true by default #14244
- StyleClass | deprecate enterClass and leaveClass #14243
- InputSwitch | Rename InputSwitchOnChangeEvent #14228
- AutoComplete | Rename AutoCompleteOnSelectEvent #14229
- DataView | Remove primeflex dependency from component #14214
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component | InputGroup #14133
Fixed bugs:
- Panel Menu: On Click Events of Panel-Submenu-List causes focus event on Panel Root List #14236
- Edit mode not closed on TAB in last cell of p-table #14221
- pMultiSelect: The maxSelectedLabels is set by default to 3 and is not undefinable, which is undesired for implementing the overflow ellipsis #14195
- Component: MultiSelect #14199
17.0.0-beta.1 (2023-11-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
16.9.3-LTS (2023-12-28)
Fixed bugs:
- LTS 14 & 16 - Update LicenseManager and fix the false version check #14449
16.9.2-LTS (2023-12-14)
Fixed bugs:
- AutoComplete | Float label goes down after losing focus w/ multiple #14297
- MultiSelect: selectionLimit & floating label regression #14299
- Menu | items don't receive p-focus class #14295
- Removing an item from autocomplete closes p-OverlayPanel #14300
16.9.1 (2023-11-23)
Fixed bugs:
- Paginator: missing or unresolved labels of navigation buttons / dropdowns #14191
- MultiSelect: Template dropdown selections not working #14188
16.9.0 (2023-11-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Component: p-table #14164
- MultiSelect | selectedItem template broken if optionValue and optionLabel used together. #14187
- ColumnFilter in row mode and type date not trigger change when value change #13672
- dataTable : is hidden by with frozenColumn #13781
- MultiSelect Empty Filter Message / Template is not working when you have options #14057
- [Calendar] issue when clicking on "today" button it doesn't navigate to the current date. #14087
- Listbox: optionValue is ignored on some events #14182
- TabView Navbar hides last item / Wheelscroll not working anymore #14182
- PrimeNG : SideBar onHide Not trigger #13933
- OrderList | Filter accessibility fix #14156
- REGRESSION: dropdown changes requires the selectedItem to store entire option array item (label and value) to use template selecteditem #14172
- p-dropdown content position out of bounds #14162
- Dropdown does not have the same width of the input when appendTo="body" #14159
- ContextMenu - does NOT remove from the DOM after router.navigate action #13949
- AutoComplete | formGroup.reset() does not work as expected. #14170
- Autocomplete: ng-invalid and ng-dirty immediatly on startup. #14149
- 16.7.0: Context Menu with appendTo="body" throws Type Error in a nested Table. #14149
16.8.0 (2023-11-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Accessibility | Input Section (part 2) #13990
- Accessibility | Data Section #14123
- VirtualScroller performance enhancement for Input Components with selection #13993
- MegaMenu & MenuBar | Activate root item on hover. #14086
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete | overlayOptions not working #14139
- Dropdown Tab key not closing the overlay #14124
- Component: Calendar. After closing the calendar, the p-overflow-hidden class is not deleted #14012
- MultiSelect: Clear button is visible when field has empty array as value #14145
- p-dropdown: onBlur is been called on selection, without lost focus, and before onChange #14128
- Fileupload component disables upload button #14046
- MultiSelect: Label does not properly update when properties change #13862
- MultiSelect onPanelShow is not fired when there are no options (empty array / filtered) #14058
- p-message/p-toast: long details squeezed closeButton #14125
- Autocomplete: deleting search term causes ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError #14001
- Dropdown & MultiSelect | Cannot scroll on selected on overlay shown. #14142
- AutoComplete | Items are not visible after overlay is opened second time #14137
- Component: p-multiSelect resetFilterOnHide issue #14134
- Dropdown: Triggers 3 onChange events when rendered (two empty) #14136
- ListBox selection is not working from code #14121
- Listbox default values being set. #14041
- PrimeNG : SideBar onHide Not trigger #13933
- Component: p-multiSelect does not render grouped items that have a property named group #14061
- MultiSelect component triggers two empty change events when rendered #14103
- Multiselect: Missing itemValue in onChange event #14100
- REGRESSION 16.7.2: dropdown incorrectly implements NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, writeValue is issuing change. #14095
- dropdown not selected After upgrade Primeng 16 #14094
- Dropdown: Additional case where dropdown causes panel to scroll #14078
- Dropdown: In PrimeNG 16.7.1 interacting with dropdown causes panel to scroll #14039
- p-tooltip : autohide="false" does not work every times #14014
- Accordion: nested inputs loose focus when pressing arrow keys #14105
- Chips: Focus classes are no longer applied #14101
- Autocomplete: Delete selection in multiple mode cause "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nativeElement')" #14064
- Component: p-chips | does not work with Reactive Forms #14062
16.7.2 (2023-11-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Overlay: p-overlay div not removed from DOM on hiding panel #12948
- Table / EditableColumn: onEditComplete emitts old data value and not the new one as documented #13708
- FileUpload: Input Triggered on Any Mouse Click #13722
- Toast | Position Class is there twice when using Angular SSR and Client Hydration #13784
- Dialog: bad drag behavior when keepInViewport is false #13856
- p-image-preview-indicator rendered when preview is false #14002
- TriStateCheckboxComponent: inputId not working #13946
- splitButton: close dropdown when default button is clicked #13962
- SelectButton in v16.7.1 is only partially fixed #14048
16.7.1 (2023-11-06)
Fixed bugs:
- BIG ERROR with DropDown #13996
- Component: p-dropdwon onChange is called multiple times at init #14005
- Change of Dropdown selection throws error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') primeng dropdown #14007
- Dropdown filtering issues with array of strings #14011
- The ngModel directive can't set an item of dropdown in version 16.7.0 #14023
- ListBox | onClick event does not emit #14036
- ListBox | OnChange doesn't emit #14033
- onClick event listbox error v16.7.0 #13998
- MultiSelect | Input section receives focus on filter click. #14035
- Multiselect set value error v16.7.0 #13999
- SelectButton broken in v16.7.0 #14021
- Global filter to search tree-table is not returning all the relevant results #14016
16.7.0 (2023-11-01)
- Deprecate pAnimate directive #13972
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Accessibility | Input Section (part 1) #13413
- ListBox | VirtualScroller support #13939
- Add animateOnScroll directive #13970
- p-image: missing support for lazyloading #13926
Fixed bugs:
- OverlayPanel: Calendar and table inside OverlayPanel, click inside dissmiss the overlaypanel #13605
- 16.3.1 regression: p-overlayPanel dismisses when making changes to nested p-multiSelect #13601
- Component: Accordion Component Allows Tab Navigation Into Closed Accordion Tabs #13845
- Component: ContextMenu with appendTo="body" doesn't close when destroyed #13948
- Component: Carousel | Circular is broken when OnPush is enabled in parent components and it's initializing #13974
- Using AccordionTab inside of div or another element and not directly inside of an Accordion #13969
16.6.0 (2023-10-26)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Menu | item template support #13910
- Overlaypanel: OverlayPanel does not close on escape key press #13930
- Accessibility | Tabview ink bar accessibility problems #13902
Fixed bugs:
- Component: Carousel | Circular Option is broken when first iteration is done #13821
- Component: TreeTable selection binding no longer allows for single selection #13869
- Component: MultiSelect ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError when spam clicking #13942
- pButton | Loading icon problem #13901
- splitbutton: Accessibility does not appear to work as documented #13908
- Galleria: Cannot read properties of undefined when tabbing through component #13945
16.5.1 (2023-10-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Table | Column widths are not recalculated w/resize + drag & drop #13875
- Tooltip doesn't accept TemplateRef HTMLElement anymore #13866
- Component: AccordionTab.toggle(null) throws TypeError #13872
- Menu Components | Convert property binding of 'id' to attribute binding #13870
16.5.0 (2023-10-11)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Button: New props #13851
- SelectButton: Add allowEmpty property #13853
- Accessibility | Step component bugs and improvements #13742
- Tooltip: Accessibility role not available #13843
- Improve block/unblockScroll architecture #13855
Fixed bugs:
- Toolbar: Inconsistent naming and wrong documentation #13814
- Password | Incorrect placement of close icon when toggleMask="true" #13817
- Tooltip: disable autoHide doesn't work #13828
- Multiselect: Chips: Delete button not visible if label is too wide #13816
- BlockUI: Mask is not applied when blocked changes rapidly #11838
- panelMenu- sub MenuItem is disabled but still it can be clickable and expandable #13827
- Multiselect: Incorrect view with selected items #13654
- there is a missed "break;" line in a switch case in menu.ts at line 540 #13766
- SSR fails on carousel circular and galleria autoplay #13837
- Editor layer defect #13831
- p-dialog: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError with attr.aria-labelledby #13636
- Textarea: autoResize doesn't work when used inside a Dialog #9231
16.4.3 (2024-01-04)
Fixed bugs:
- ContextMenu | Touch Device support#14375
16.4.2 (2023-11-10)
Fixed bugs:
- TreeTable | Global filter to search tree-table is not returning all the relevant results #14082
- Dropdown | FocusTrap doesn't allow user to tab on next element #14083
16.4.1 (2023-09-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Menu Components | id property of menuItem API is ignored #13763
- ESLint Error #13764
- Table: Incorrect behavior when a column is both sortable and filterable, and user clicks on a certain part of the filter icon #13361
- Tree | onKeydown is broken with contextMenu #13558
- p-confirmPopup errors when setTimeout runs after onContainerDestroy #13761
- MegaMenu ReferenceError in Jest Test same as #12945 #13758
16.4.0 (2023-09-26)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Theme updates: change :focus to focus-visible #13740
- New @layer implementation #13737
- dynamic dialog module (same instances on top of each other) and update deprecated methods #13617
- DataTable | Row selection focus styling issue #13617
- FileUpload | Drag and drop highlight enhancement #13306
- Image: Add srcset attribute #13683
- FileUpload: allow file size units internationalization #13398
- Dialog component scrollbar shift #13732
- Update Lara to use "Inter var" font #13713
- ConfirmDialog: pTemplate="message" and pTemplate="icon" is missing #13700
- Add GTAG Manager #13626
Fixed bugs:
- TreeSelect: Close Button icon not centred #13750
- PrimeNG 16.1.0 selecting a menu option causes panel to scroll #13390
- p-tabPanel does not detect changes when "headerStyle", "headerStyleClass" binding is changed #13746
- Column Filter: Auto close on Click Outside does not work #13596
- dismissableMask is not working on ConfirmationPopup #13714
- showClear on calendar doesn't appear if showIcon is set to true #13749
- Codebase: ES LINTER ISSUE #13641
- zIndex of ConfirmDialog is not adaptive (always less by one) #13498
- Increased zIndex Position when Sidebar and Modals work together #13501
- SpeedDial | Menu Items are only hidden but still in view on closed dial #13725
- Calendar | Disabled date is highlighted when it's in the range #13736
- Calendar: disabledDate Template Broken #13695
- Toast: closeIcon on message is outside of button #13707
- BlockUI | Does not block scroll on document mode #13734
- AutoComplete | p-autocomplete-token-icon alignment issue #13532
- ConfirmPopup: CloseOnEscape is not working #13652
- Component: Panelmenu SubMenus not supported HTML content #13637
- pButton | Loading icon not removing #13489
- p-slider: Slider issue with onSlideEnd event and range selection #9013
- Calendar: Calendar is closed when month is selected with spacebar #13662
- Tooltip: Tooltip flickering issue #13680
- MultiSelect: Overlay not repositioned after filtering options #13571
- TieredMenu: SubMenus are not uncovered on mouse hover anymore #13582
- Menu | MenuItem API id property is ignored #13705
- Menu | Throws error on tab #13702
- DynamicDialog - remove entryComponents from docs #13679
- Table: Programmatic reset not work on primeng live demo #13657
- Component: Menu component throws a JS exception #13568
- SpeedDial onBlur: NG0600: Writing to signals is not allowed in a computed or an effect by default. Use allowSignalWrites in the CreateEffectOptions to enable this inside effects. #13499
- Component: InputNumber maxlength and maxFractionDigits attributes are ignored by pasting #13588
- Using SplitButton causes ReferenceError: Cannot access 'TieredMenu' before initialization #12945
- Component: Buttons and table frozen column #13562
16.3.1 (2023-08-30)
Fixed bugs:
- PrimeNG build is not working #13581
16.3.0 (2023-08-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Toast: Expose default Toast Item life prop for overriding #13577
- SelectButton: getOptionValue is called twice in onItemClick if multiple is false (single mode) #13553
- InputNumber | Add ariaLabelledBy props #13547
- InputNumber - showClear icon not showing when value is "0" #13525
- Knob | Add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy, tabindex props #13504
- TreeTable and TreeSelect: Output emits wrong type (TreeTable.onNodeExpand and TreeSelect.onNodeUnselect and .onNodeSelect) #13415
- p-splitter: nested panels should have min-width: 0 to leverage flex-basis correctly #13323
- Tree/DataView/Table: there is no way to set a custom class to the paginator component #13204
- Wrong type definition of KeyFilter.pKeyFilter (pattern) #13086
- DropDown: open even if disabled #12973
- Carousel or Galleria component autoplay will stop after click any step and can't re-autoplay again #12949
- Component: P-Image Preview Image URL #12928
- Component: Paginator, Table #12897
- Component: Carousel add better playing status support #12706
- DynamicDialog: Close button receives initial focus #12643
- Add LazyLoadOnInit flag for Data View #12526
- Password: Add autocomplete property for input #12362
- In Calender year view disable year issue #12151
- CI: Replace deprecated and non-functional travis-ci.org #10846
- Let the user choose where to place a DynamicDialog rather than in body #9546
- Template support for Tooltip #3496
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete Force Selection case sensitive issue #13578
- AutoComplete showClear close icon overlap with loader icon #13572
- Sidenav: Input Key Down triggers "TypeError: ctx_r16.onKeyDown is not a function" #13569
- fileUpload: choose button is disabled after upload when you chose more files than the file limit #13566
- DropDown clear or close icon on click dropDown options open randomly #13560
- DropDown filter search not trimming text and search showing empty #13559
- Sidebar: Badge property not working #13523
- SplitButton [NG]: Menu is not closing when click on outside #13522
- p-steps Docs: Routing Example Broken #13519
- Component: Pick List #13513
- Sidebar related bug #13509
- DynamicDialog: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError for attr.aria-labelledby #13497
- Component:
bad drag behavior #13493 - InputTextarea with autoResize=true have scroll up issues #13484
- Dropdown: Escape Key event not default prevented #13463
- p-overlayPanel does not hide automatically after scrolling #13462
- TableRowSelectEvent: data must not be an array #13383
- Table: Incorrect behavior when a column is both sortable and filterable, and user clicks on a certain part of the filter icon #13361
- p-calendar: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') #13348
- AutoComplete: completeOnFocus #13344
- p-menu: Links are turned into groups #13297
- The
options can be ignored when the dialog is maximized. #13268 - TreeTable: selectionChange emitter type error #13254
- pKeyFilter stops Enter key from submitting form in Firefox #13246
- Calendar: onModelChange not called with keepInvalid=true if user enters a well-formatted date but outside allowed range #13132
- TreeTable: Can't write multi line in a textarea used to edit a cell #13105
- Menubar | ReferenceError: Cannot access 'Menubar' before initialization #13024
- Chips: After clicking the clear button does not allow to input values #13011
- p-password: attribute 'className' instead of 'class' used in content template #13003
- Calendar: formArray marked Touched when item gets removed #12956
- Multiselect: Cannot dynamically change selectionLimit on Multiselect #12775
- Calendar: Error if using datatype string with selectionMode="range" and keepInvalid=true #12722
- Toggleable panel inside another toggleable panel has it's content visible when collapsed by default #12713
- p-button: disabled p-button doesn't work #12692
- Chips doesnt support RegExp Separator as per documentation #12640
- p-autocomplete: baseZIndex, autoZIndex, appendTo not respected #12600
- primeng calendar year view not work with *maxDate* and *minDate* not working #12583
- Button: p-button executing methods on click when disabled #12495
16.2.0 (2023-08-11)
New Features:
- DynamicDialog | Add closeAriaLabel for acessibility #13410
- ConfirmDialog | Add closeAriaLabel for accessibility #13408
- SpeedDial | Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy inputs (accessibility) #13404
- Accordion | wrong aria roles and add headerAriaLevel property (accessibility) #13431
- Update Angular packages #13444
- Accessibility | Messages Section #13411
- Accessibility | Overlay Section #13409
- Accessibility | Button Section #13402
- Accessibility | TabView - TabIndex order doesn't follow the W3C recommended pattern #13421
- Accessibility | Media Section #13420
- Multiselect: Overlay should not be closed when toggle on unSelectAll icon #13384
- Accordion | wrong aria roles and add headerAriaLevel property (accessibility) #13431
Fixed bugs:
- Tooltip | Auto Hide Not Working #13482
- TabView | Arrow button stays visible even there is no overflow #13478
- p-panelMenu: visible:false don’t work for submenus #13469
- fileUpload: conversion uses 1000 instead of 1024 for file size formatting #13467
- Accessibility | PanelMenu - collapsed region are still reachable via tab navigation when at least an item has a link #13435
- MenuBar and MegaMenu: On mobile menubar and megamenu both requires double tap to open submenu #13447
- TieredMenu: On mobile tieredmenu requires double tap to open submenu #13433
- Menu and PanelMenu | Separator is not visible #13476
- Menu Components | Cannot override model value #13471
- Component: PanelMenu - styleClass and tooltip not applied #13401
- TieredMenu: SubMenus are not uncovered on mouse hover anymore #13455
- TabMenu: Disabled items are no longer rendered #13454
- Component: ContextMenu #13456
- Button: Loading icon not showing when used by pButton directive #13345
- pButton: When changing the loading property of the pButton the spinner is not shown #13195
- Button: custom loading icon is not displayed #13250
- Component: InputNumber - maxlength input param doesn't limit number of numbers that user can type #13426
- FileUpload: when multiple files are selected and more than one has errors only only one message is shown #13426
- FileUpload | Incorrect margin between label and icon #13414
- OrganizationChart not refreshing view after new TreeNode is added #13368
- SplitButton menu options not working correctly in v16.1.0 #13389
- New required undocumented locale options in PrimeNG 16.1.0 #13380
16.1.0 (2023-07-26)
New Features:
- TabMenu | Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy props #13376
- ContextMenu | Add id, ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy props #13373
- Toolbar | Add aria-labelledby #13235
- Accessibility | Panel section #13229
- Accessibility | Misc section #13237
- Accessibility | Menu section #13264
- ContextMenu | Add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy, id properties & show/hide emitters (accessibility) #13310
- Menu | Add ariaLabelledBy and ariaLabel and onFocus, onBlur emitters #13253
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar | Icon is not visible (material compact theme) #13123
- DynamicDialogRef - onClose Observable never completes #9732
- Component: OrderList #13322
- TabView | Last element is not visible when scrolling=true #13371
- Breadcrumb | Chevron and slash icon is visible at the same time (bootstrap themes) #13359
- Tree: Partially selected checkbox rendered incorrectly #13131
- TreeTable: previous and next button icons not visible when using paginator #13258
- Component: ToolTip #13238
- Component: p-overlay overflows the viewport #13273
- Slidemenu: Separator class mismatch #13279
- TreeNode: data is no longer generic #13183
- Component: Avatar #13292
- P-Table - Column resize not working as expected #12183
- Inplace: Close icon customization variabe + input mismatch #13277
- Component: Autocomplete component #13271
- Carousel: The documentation doesn't show the examples #13286
- Image Component: esc button doesn't close the preview #13305
16.0.2 (2023-06-21)
Fixed bugs:
- FileUploader: Choose button is missing icon spacing #13232
- Compiler error: p-autoComplete Argument of type 'Event' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MouseEvent' #13227
- p-dropdown unable to auto-select first item if group used #12637
- Component: Tooltip has no default zindex 16.0.1 #13220
- Clear filter Icon is not showing in p-columnfilter Component #12947
- Table Filter: Remove filter button is invisible #13134
- In table filter slash icon is not displaying when data is entered in the row filter. #13222
- Error: Cannot resolve type entity SafeHtmlPipe to symbol #13218
16.0.1 (2023-06-16)
Fixed bugs:
- CascadeSelect: Wrong type definition for optionGroupChildren #13152
- Checkbox: breaking change for value type #13182
- Component: Dynamic Dialog resize change doesn't work #13158
- AutoComplete: grouped options are not selected with enter key #12624
- Galleria | cannot read properties of undefined error #13124
- selectButton: Conditional template rendering is not working #13053
- AccordionTab iconPos end not working #12988
- OverlayPanel: Incorrect position when inside of dialog in 16.0.0 (did not happen in rc2) #13201
- Button: loading style issue when already has an icon #13148
- FileUpload | File limit does not fire error #13129
- ConfirmDialog: style property not updated #13155
- Can not install with [email protected] #13197
- Button: loading state bugs #13098
- Menu | iconStyle or inline styling does not work as expected #13128
- TreeNode: data is no longer generic #13183
- Documentation: picklist example is not rendering the data #13186
- Tooltip: Doesn't work. Show console error #13190
- Documentation: Bug: Table "Subheader" takes you nowhere #13184
16.0.0 (2023-06-12)
- Icons: clipPath improvements #13177
Fixed bugs:
- p-confirmPopup errors when setTimeout runs after onContainerDestroy #13034
- FileUpload - when fileLimit is set, no previous error messages are displayed #13083
- Broken Stackblitz demos #13088
- PrimeNG Website - Documentation for Toast missing position feature in demo #13159
- Component: KeyFilter #13076
- Wrong type definition of ToastCloseEvent #13079
- Table: ERROR TypeError: this.scroller is undefined #12880
- Button is firing the click event even when it is disabled. #13042
- Panel: Collapse icon of toggle button is not showing #13071
- Panel custom expand Icon is never showing #13074
16.0.0-rc.2 (2023-05-19)
- Type Improvements#12979
Fixed bugs:
16.0.0-rc.1 (2023-05-05)
Breaking Changes:
- Drop support for zone.js versions <=0.12.0 #13002
- Component: TabMenu should initiate a change detection in itemClick method #12744
- MultiSelect | Pass remove remove method through selectedItems template #12939
- p-inputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account #12915
- Angular 16 Support #12990
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect | maxSelectionLimit not refreshed after clear called #12906
- Component | OverlayPanel #12933
- Table: 'this.el.nativeElement.parentElement is null' for frozen columns which are dynamically generated #12748
- MultiSelect | Alignment is broken if showClear is enabled #12932
- Table | Unable to reorder to the last element in the table after a scroll occurs #12493
- Table: Clear function does not clear all filters #12903
- FocusTrap for nested DynamicDialogs still not working #9329
- Autocomplete: Issue with Virtual Scroll #12568
- InputNumber / AutoFocus: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError #12559
- Expanding org chart node raises error #12946
- Touch Control - Thumbnails selects photo randomly when tapping. #12943
- Checkbox in p-treeNode always checked when using custom icon #12951
- ConfirmDialog: Duplicated AcceptIcons #13001
15.4.14-LTS (2023-12-14)
Fixed bugs:
- PrimeNG table is not honoring the sort column and sort order specified when groupRowsBy is added. #13773
- dataTable : is hidden by with frozenColumn #13781
15.4.13-LTS (2023-11-17)
Fixed bugs:
- p-tooltip : autohide="false" does not work every times #14014
- Fileupload component disables upload button #14046
- MultiSelect: Label does not properly update when properties change #13862
- p-message/p-toast: long details squeezed closeButton #14125
15.4.12-LTS (2023-11-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Overlay: p-overlay div not removed from DOM on hiding panel #12948
- Table / EditableColumn: onEditComplete emitts old data value and not the new one as documented #13708
- FileUpload: Input Triggered on Any Mouse Click #13722
- Dialog: bad drag behavior when keepInViewport is false #13856
15.4.11-LTS (2023-10-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Password | Incorrect placement of close icon when [toggleMask]="true" #13817
- Multiselect: Chips: Delete button not visible if label is too wide #13816
- Multiselect: Incorrect view with selected items #13654
- Textarea: autoResize doesn't work when used inside a Dialog #9231
- Table | Column widths are not recalculated w/resize + drag & drop #38 #13875
15.4.10-LTS (2023-10-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete Force Selection case sensitive issue #13578
- Component: Carousel add better playing status support #12706
- p-calendar: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') #13348
- DropDown filter search not trimming text and search showing empty #13559
- InputNumber - showClear icon not showing when value is "0" #13525
- fileUpload: choose button is disabled after upload when you chose more files than the file limit #13566
- Component: Pick List #13513
- AutoComplete showClear close icon overlap with loader icon #13572
- calendar year view not work with maxDate and minDate not working #13583
- Calendar: onModelChange not called with keepInvalid=true if user enters a well-formatted date but outside allowed range #13132
15.4.9-LTS (2023-08-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Image Component: esc button doesn't close the preview #13305
- Button: p-button executing methods on click when disabled #12692
- Calendar: formArray marked Touched when item gets removed #12956
- pKeyFilter stops Enter key from submitting form in Firefox #13246
- The breakpointsoptions can be ignored when the dialog is maximized #13268
15.4.8-LTS (2023-08-16)
Fixed bugs:
- FileUpload: when multiple files are selected and more than one has errors only only one message is shown #13397
- TabView | Arrow button stays visible even there is no overflow #13478
- Tooltip | Auto Hide Not Working #13482
15.4.7-LTS (2023-08-03)
Fixed bugs:
- TabView | Last element is not visible when scrolling=true #13371
- Calendar | Icon is not visible (material compact theme) #13123
- DynamicDialogRef - onClose Observable never completes #9732
15.4.6-LTS (2023-07-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Slidemenu: Separator class mismatch #13279
- FileUploader: Choose button is missing icon spacing #13232
- In table filter slash icon is not displaying when data is entered in the row filter #13222
15.4.5-LTS (2023-06-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Improve LicenseManager structure
15.4.4-LTS (2023-05-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Panel: Custom expand Icon is never showing #13074
- Improve LicenseManager structure
15.4.3-LTS (2023-05-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete: Clear is not working as expected #13026
- ConfirmDialog: Accept Icon is duplicated #13022
- Button: The button is firing the click event even when it is disabled #13042
15.4.2-LTS (2023-05-05)
- Component: TabMenu should initiate a change detection in itemClick method #12744
- MultiSelect | Pass remove remove method through selectedItems template #12939
- p-inputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account #12915
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect | maxSelectionLimit not refreshed after clear called #12906
- Component | OverlayPanel #12933
- Table: 'this.el.nativeElement.parentElement is null' for frozen columns which are dynamically generated #12748
- MultiSelect | Alignment is broken if showClear is enabled #12932
- Table | Unable to reorder to the last element in the table after a scroll occurs #12493
- Table: Clear function does not clear all filters #12903
- FocusTrap for nested DynamicDialogs still not working #9329
- Autocomplete: Issue with Virtual Scroll #12568
- InputNumber / AutoFocus: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError #12559
- Expanding org chart node raises error #12946
- Touch Control - Thumbnails selects photo randomly when tapping. #12943
- Checkbox in p-treeNode always checked when using custom icon #12951
15.4.1 (2023-04-21)
Fixed bugs:
- TreeSelect | Icons are not visible #12925
- Paginator: previous and next button icons not visible #12916
15.4.0 (2023-04-19)
Breaking Changes:
- Deprecate Components #12781
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve icon implementation in core #12839
- All: Add zone.js 0.13.0 support #12851
- Table / EditableColumn: onEditComplete emitted event data is wrong #12822
- Textarea does not create new line when used in Datatable celleditor, instead completes edit mode #10458
Fixed bugs:
- AutoComplete component is not scrolling on arrow down #12883
- p-overlay: Overlay component does not resize correctly #12769
- MegaMenu: at items array item - style or styleClass NOT working #12771
- InputNumber: Input Number spinner buttons right click indefinitely increments/decrements value #12813
- TabMenu - field visible #12823
- PrimeNG Website - Keyboard Copy Command Broken on MacOS #12846
- MultiSelect | Add gap and text ellipsis to multiselect-chip #12842
15.3.0 (2023-03-30)
- Algolia Search 🙂
- Angular Universal Support #12810
- Angular SSR Support - Multiple Components #12734
- Sidebar | Add flex-grow to p-sidebar-content #12833
- Docs: Installation code blocks missing Prism #12783
15.2.1 (2023-03-22)
New Features:
- Tooltips: Option to close tooltips with escape #12603
- Various Eslint errors #12580
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar | input becomes invalid when navigating #12741
- OverlayPanel target arrow points to the wrong position when target is on the right edge of the screen #10484
- p-image inside p-scrollPanel - Scrollbar shows through image #12554
- InputNumber | does not update the input value onInput #12733
- Overlay | modal does not destroy on hide (w/responsiveOptions) #12747
15.2.0 (2023-01-30)
Full Changelog New Features:
- Migrate to eslint #12577
Fixed bugs:
- Menubar: Overflow problem #12549
- DynamicDialog need to steal focus #12319
- ContextMenu | triggerEvent="click" does not have any effect #12532
- Sidebar: onHide ist emitted twice #12564
- Calendar: Shows null values when date is passed from iframe #12555
- pFocusTrap: ignoring anchor tags as focusable elements #12527
- Rendering RadioButton inside Table column error #12511
- Panel menu with submenu expanded by itself when in sideBar #12173
- VirtualScroller | fails to initalize correctly inside tabView #12542
15.1.0 (2023-01-20)
Full Changelog Fixed bugs:
- Dropdown and Multiselect: ERROR TypeError: value.trim is not a function #12525
- Dropdown virtualScroll filter bug #12461
15.1.0 (2023-01-18)
New Features:
- pStyleClass | hideOnEscape support #12429
- MultiSelect: Add event onRemove #12460
- Overlay | close on escape key #12474
- Accordion | Add new style and styleClass properties #12432
- ProgressBar: Color for the background of the progress #12374
- Badge Attribute - Size option #12205
- DataView: add gridStyleClass to customize the grid class #12448
- Customizable hide timeout for Menubar on mouse leave #12454
- Update to Angular 15.1.0 #12487
- Tree with autoSize virtualScrollOptions, Scroller does not update its size to fit parent on size changed #12492
- no option to generate csv the whole entire data when the table is filtered #12436
Fixed bugs:
- InputMask | numbers entered in the middle of the field, get moved to the left #12426
- pFocusTrap: focus stuck when ancestor of tabbable element is hidden #12349
- Tabmenu | menuItem API badge does not work #12503
- Dynamic Dialog | Focus is broken in case of nested dialogs #12486
- Button | incorrect work with dynamic classes #12456
- Component: Dialog/Dynamic Dialog Mask Not Clearing #12456
- Table: pReorderableRowHandle directive generates error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number' #12416
- p-dropdown: option displays "empty" when value is 0 (zero) instead of the actual value 0 #12455
- PrimeNG dropdown not properly highlighting selected items when appendTo="body" #12256
15.0.1 (2023-01-02)
New Features:
- Center content to Toolbar #12365
- Table/TreeTable: filters property might have undefined value when access by key #12321
- p-columnFilterFormElement with custom template can't adapt according to the matchMode #11466
- Add gap when Toolbar wraps #12366
- Deprecate Toolbar CSS classes #12364
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect: onPanelHide triggers twice #12382
- Calendar: wrong logic of disabling the month #12330
- Tab key in p-dialog with p-InputNumber #9380
- Component: TabMenu incorrectly checks if routerLink is active #11999
- FileUpload: Upload button does not expand when text is added #12420
- Chips | Remove extra bottom spacing #12419
- Tree with virtualScroll: Inconsistent focus #12351
- Password: Eye icon problem in MS Edge and IE #12335
- Button: Directive class on label change #12083
- Table: Resizable columns in expand mode with state feature. Column sizes not properly restored #12398
- Password input with reactive form, does not disable until clicked even though control is reported as disabled #12317
- Tree: Multiple Selection with Checkbox - double click on chevron makes subtree to be selected #12347
- VirtualScroll | autoSize = "true" causes browser freeze #12377
- inputNumber | Unnecessary focus on up/down buttons #12369
- Bug report: users are allowed to focus a speed dial action while the action panel is hidden #11238
15.0.0 (2022-12-12)
New Features:
- TabMenu: Tab selection is not actionable due to missing output #12310
- pAnimate | Add leaveClass for leave animation #12222
- Ripple doesn't support FontAwesome SVG Kit for Button/Menu/etc #9853
- MultiSelect | Add selected value to original event #12059
Fixed bugs:
- PrimeNG Table OnEditComplete passing empty event parameters once fired #12299
- Galleria: change detection not working when changing some input properties #12181
- Editor: Not displaying correctly in dialog after content change and dialog reopen #12195
- DataView: DataView shows Empty Message even if loading #12157
- ToggleButton | Label of basic button is unexpectedly shifted to the left #12216
- Calendar | Unexpected focus happens in disabled mode #12282
- Component: OverlayPanel #12273
- Input in Overlaypanel won't have focus #12284
- Header of scrollable Table covers menubar menu #12281
- Component: Block UI - JEST error when destroy component if 'mask' is undefined #12254
- tsConfig target:"ES2022" causes reference error on Safari v15.6 #12302
15.0.0-rc.1 (2022-11-22)
- Add Angular 15 support #12243
Fixed bugs:
- pFileUpload | button does not render correctly in basic mode if chooseLabel is null or undefined #12270
- Carousel wrong pagination if numScroll is set to 1 and data is loaded dynamically #12043
- Sidebar: Footer Templating #12259
- Calendar: Day names don't update #12148
14.2.17-LTS (2023-12-28)
Fixed bugs:
- LTS 14 & 16 - Update LicenseManager and fix the false version check #14449
14.2.16-LTS (2023-11-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Fileupload component disables upload button #14046
- MultiSelect: Label does not properly update when properties change #13862
- p-message/p-toast: long details squeezed closeButton #14125
- Autocomplete: deleting search term causes ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError #14001
14.2.15-LTS (2023-11-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Overlay: p-overlay div not removed from DOM on hiding panel #12948
- Table / EditableColumn: onEditComplete emitts old data value and not the new one as documented #13708
- FileUpload: Input Triggered on Any Mouse Click #13722
- Dialog: bad drag behavior when keepInViewport is false #13856
14.2.14-LTS (2023-10-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Password | Incorrect placement of close icon when [toggleMask]="true" #13817
- Multiselect: Chips: Delete button not visible if label is too wide #13816
- Multiselect: Incorrect view with selected items #13654
- Textarea: autoResize doesn't work when used inside a Dialog #9231
- Table | Column widths are not recalculated w/resize + drag & drop #38 #13875
14.2.13-LTS (2023-10-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar: onModelChange not called with keepInvalid=true if user enters a well-formatted date but outside allowed range #13132
- calendar year view not work with maxDate and minDate not working #13583
- p-calendar: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') #13348
- Component: Pick List #13513
- AutoComplete showClear close icon overlap with loader icon #13572
- fileUpload: choose button is disabled after upload when you chose more files than the file limit #13566
- Component: Carousel add better playing status support #12706
- InputNumber - showClear icon not showing when value is "0" #13525
- Dropdown: Escape Key event not default prevented #13463
- p-splitter: nested panels should have min-width: 0 to leverage flex-basis correctly #13323
14.2.12-LTS (2023-08-30)
- DropDown filter search not trimming text and search showing empty #13559
- Autocomplete Force Selection case sensitive issue #13578
- The breakpointsoptions can be ignored when the dialog is maximized #13268
- Calendar: formArray marked Touched when item gets removed #12956
- Button: p-button executing methods on click when disabled #12692
14.2.11-LTS (2023-08-16)
Fixed bugs:
- FileUpload: when multiple files are selected and more than one has errors only only one message is shown #13397
- TabView | Arrow button stays visible even there is no overflow #13478
- Image Component: esc button doesn't close the preview #13305
14.2.10-LTS (2023-08-03)
Fixed bugs:
- Slidemenu: Separator class mismatch #13279
- TabView | Last element is not visible when scrolling=true #13371
- DynamicDialogRef - onClose Observable never completes #9732
14.2.9-LTS (2023-06-19)
Fixed bugs:
- FileUpload | File limit does not fire error #13129
- Improve LicenseManager structure
14.2.8-LTS (2023-05-30)
Fixed bugs:
- VirtualScroller | fails to initalize correctly inside tabView #12542
- Menubar: Overflow Problem #12549
- Reimplement LicenseManager structure
14.2.7-LTS (2023-05-18)
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect | maxSelectionLimit not refreshed after clear called #12906
- MultiSelect | onPanelHide triggers twice #12382
- Button | The button is firing the click event even when it is disabled #13042
- pFocusTrap: focus stuck when ancestor of tabbable element is hidden #12349
14.2.6-LTS (2023-05-05)
- Sidebar | Add flex-grow to p-sidebar-content #12833
Fixed bugs:
- DynamicDialog | FocusTrap for nested DynamicDialogs still not working #9329
- Autocomplete| Issue with Virtual Scroll #12568
- OrganizationChart | Expanding org chart node raises error #12946
14.2.5-LTS (2023-04-26)
Fixed bugs:
- Table: Clear function does not clear all filters #12903
- InputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account #12915
- OverlayPanel | Error: Cannot read properties of null #12933
- MultiSelect | Pass remove remove method through selectedItems template #12939
- Table | Unable to reorder to the last element in the table after a scroll occurs #12493
14.2.4-LTS (2023-04-19)
Fixed bugs:
- InputNumber | Unnecessary focus on up/down buttons #12369
- Sidebar: onHide ist emitted twice #12564
- Calendar | input becomes invalid when navigating #12741
- Button: Directive class on label change #12083
- InputNumber | does not update the input value onInput #12733
14.2.3 (2022-12-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Table | On col reorder the col destination position indicators are not shown properly #12379
14.2.2 (2022-11-16)
- Add zone.js 0.12.0 support #12231
- Component: Messages - automatic closing/dismissal #11969
- Component: Badge #12170
- PrimeNG Table OnEditComplete fired by Tab #12160
Fixed bugs:
- Frozen columns overlap when scrolling #12230
- TreeSelect: panelClass not working #12221
- uploadLabel is not working on basic mode of the FileUploadModule module #12019
- Component: ContextMenu is not aligned properly when the document is scrolled #12011
- Dynamic Dialog Ref crashes the App on close #11230
- p-slider: In Range mode, the slider gets stuck if the range min value is equal or superior to the range max value #12175
- pAutoFocus | Does not work if element has 'p-disabled' class #12176
- Toggleable fieldset inside another toggleable fieldset has its content visible when collapsed by deafult #11736
- p-dropdown : Overlay issue on hide #12189
- Button: Label Element not found #12172
- Accordion Panel within an Accordion Panel is broken #11848
14.2.1 (2022-11-09)
Fixed bugs:
- 14.2.0 TS2380 in overlay.d.ts #12159
14.2.0 (2022-11-09)
Breaking changes:
New Features:
- Chips | Allow multiple seperators #12089
- pAnimate Directive #12057
- Component: Overlay #12031
- TreeSelect | replace overlay with p-overlay #12116
- MultiSelect | replace overlay with p-overlay #12110
- Add appendOnly option to Scroller API #12142
- Add step option to Scroller API #12141
- Sidebar | Add footer template #12117
- Sidebar | Add header template #12025
- add panelStyle and panelStyleClass properties to components #11917
- TreeSelect | Add styleClass and style support for container and label #11982
- Rating | Templating support #12156
- Improve Scroller and DataTable with virtualScroller implementation #12120
- Table: VirtualScroll + Lazy Load incorrectly paginates load requests, displays loadingbody too frequently #11789
- RowSpan Grouping does not work on DataTable with virtualScroll feature #10851
- InputNumber | Pass formattedValue to input event #12070
- Table CSS Improvements #12047
- Add flex-gap to p-chips and autocomplete multiple input container #11985
Fixed bugs:
- inputNumber | minFractionDigits fails if set to "0" when using with a suffix #11902
- MenuBar: Menu Icon in mobile view is shown even though there are no items in model #12084
- Button | Renders empty label when the label is not defined #9482
- The scrollToVirtualIndexmethod is not working as expected on Table #11948
- Incorrect class assignment for true value of toggleMask in the password component #12147
- DataTable: Multiple sorting with Date field as first sort #11918
- VirtualScroller triggers onLazyLoad event even though there is no scroll event #11987
- primeicons.ts not updated for v6 missing strings #12105
- Slider: The slider when I reset the values the style of the bar is not modified #12093
- Cannot bind "pAutoFocus" #12090
- InputNumber | Support highlight on focus property #12077
- Table | ReferenceError: Cannot access 'ColumnFilter' before initialization #11931
- p-treeSelect: selectionMode="checkbox" and showClear="true" doesn't work properly #12050
- Chips | Cannot remove p-focus (Firefox) #12016
- Autocomplete value remains the old when entered text changed #12027
- Dropdown selecting an unwanted option when pressing Control key on the keyboard #11889
- TreeSelect selection expands sibling nodes above the selection #11224
14.1.2 (2022-09-28)
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar view="month" and selectionMode="range" not working properly. #11153
- MenuItem visible property not working in Menu p-menu with sub items. #11928
- Chips | Clear icon is not visible with long text content. #11957
- Float Label always above dropdown when using reactive forms. #10964
- Add onError event to image contents. #11945
New Features:
- CascadeSelect | Add panelStyle and panelStyleClass. #11943
14.1.1 (2022-09-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Table "Sticky" headers fail to "stick" when a table is placed inside an Accordion panel #11924
- Ripple is triggered when not properly destroyed #11933
14.1.0 (2022-09-13)
New Features:
Fixed bugs:
- SelectButton | throws a exception when options are changed #11915
- Table Module: Export ColumnFilterFormElement #11733
- p-slider: Entering a decimal value without a preceding number before decimal point gives error #11790
- p-dropdown: FormControl loses value if it contains a value not in options and options array is updated #11645
- p-slider: Range slider with a step has the middle bar lag behind by one update #11749
- Table: Unhandled exception if multiSortMeta array is empty #11868
- Galleria: GalleriaItem activeItem has stale reference when value array is changed #11882
- fileUpload | Notification messages not work #11886
- Table: Column resize not working with minimum width #11873
- p-confirmPopup: Does not show even with a valid target #11831
- ListBox: Incorrect value for "aria-multiselectable" attribute ( WCAG: 4.1.2 violation) #11743
- Carousel SSR broken #8447
- DynamicDialog: Add generic support to DynamicDialogConfig #11665
- InputNumber | Do not swallow Enter key press event #11913
- InputSwitch | Add event type to onChange emitter #11912
- Table | add showButtons input to inputNumber in ColumnFilter #11881
- FileUploader | StyleClass support for buttons #11884
14.0.2 (2022-08-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Table Sticky Footer doesn't work with VirtualScroll on DataTable #11819
- Table | ColumnFilter overlay not closing after clicked an input element inside the container #11822
- pColumnFilter | Filter is applied by adding a new constraint #11841
- Table | LazyLoad emits before onPage event #11843
- Accordion Panel within an Accordion Panel is broken #11848
- TabView | inkbar does not work correctly #11855
- Table | Header and Footer have no background color with virtualScroller #11858
- p-autoComplete : onHide firing on destroy #11839
- Dropdown: Allow empty string while not showing clear button #11836
- Editor: Not displaying content correctly in dialog #11814
- FileUpload | The error message does not disappear correctly when removing file(s), to match your file limit #11799
- TreeSelect: style and type attribute of TreeNode API doesn't work #11761
- p-radioButton: can't get the value from onClick event #11861
14.0.1 (2022-08-11)
New Features:
- Add pAutoFocus directive to fix broken autoFocus property of components #11807
Fixed bugs:
- p-calendar in p-dialog with touchUI=true and inline=true clicking year and dismissing modal raises errors #11649
- OverlayPanel | Close icon overflows in small screen (flipped) #11796
- Error on adding an item to an empty tab panel #11454
- cascadeSelect: showClear button not display after the second time value selected #11769
- Empty messages are not displayed in the components with grouped options #11803
- The close button doesn't have correct styling on focus state in MultiSelect #11802
- Table: VirtualScroll not detecting changes of data #11771
- DataTable with virtual scroll and expand mode is not working as expected #11801
14.0.0 (2022-07-18)
- Tree | scrollTo, scrollToVirtualIndex, onScroll, and onScrollIndexChange support #11697
Fixed bugs:
- Table Resize | Expand mode not working with Virtual Scroll #11717
- p-calendar is hidden while in a p-panel #11685
- Badge: Whitespaces are added before & after string #11627
- P-Tree: Duplicated render #11669
- The scrollTo method is not working as expected on Scroller API #11675
- Dropdown: Options grouping feature is not working #11672
14.0.0-rc.1 (2022-06-29)
Breaking changes:
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on Table #11664
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on TreeTable #11663
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on Tree #11662
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on MultiSelect #11661
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on Dropdown #11660
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on AutoComplete #11659
- Reimplement virtual scroll feature on VirtualScroller #11658
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Support Angular 14 #11586
- Add forceUpdate option to LazyLoadEvent #11668
- MultiSelect, ListBox, Dropdown | Filter template support #11628
- Floating label with placeholder #11508
- Add color-scheme style to Themes #11657
- New Component: Scroller #11656
- Badge option for MenuComponents #10201
- OrderList | Templating support for filter #11611
- Add maskStyleClass property in DialogService #11569
- Tooltip | fit-content support #11502
Fixed bugs:
- Dropdown method "show" not working #11648
- Scrolling in a t-table that implements virtual scrolling and lazy loading bugs out the header of the t-table #10630
- Dropdown | ng-dirty issue when options are set by a service call #11634
- Dialog bottom has no border radius when footer does not exist #11626
- AutoComplete showClear is not working when dropdown is enabled #11592
- Event listeners not removed for ReorderableRow and ReorderableColumn #11414
- Image Toolbar hidden behind large image in preview mode #11561
- Overlay with hideTransitionOptions leads to TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'offsetHeight') #11405
- Bug(calendar): yearpicker wont show value with reactive forms #11223
- Tabmenu set as scrollable show forward button when no needed #11415
- Tabmenu with routerLink items doesn't show offscreen item when reloaded #11411
- Dropdown stays with red border after form reset #11503
- The overlay elements automatically close on mobile devices #11567
- Toast | wrong zIndex problem #11563
- ConfirmDialog | keeps raising z-index in whole application #11523
- Dropdown | Mouse click when it is partially off the top of the screen causes the page to jump #11512
- Sidebar: closeOnEscape not working #11517
- ng-template won't load, missing internal SharedModule export inside p-menubar component #11538
- Image | Zoom in and out buttons do not work properly (Firefox & Chrome) #11527
- Splitbutton commands not triggered when using keyboard #11514
13.4.5-LTS (2023-06-19)
- Improve LicenseManager structure
13.4.4-LTS (2023-05-05)
- Sidebar | Add flex-grow to p-sidebar-content #12833
Fixed bugs:
- DynamicDialog | FocusTrap for nested DynamicDialogs still not working #9329
- OrganizationChart | Expanding org chart node raises error #12946
13.4.3-LTS (2023-04-26)
Fixed bugs:
- Table: Clear function does not clear all filters #12903
- InputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account #12915
- OverlayPanel | Error: Cannot read properties of null #12933
- MultiSelect | Pass remove remove method through selectedItems template #12939
- Table | Unable to reorder to the last element in the table after a scroll occurs #12493
13.4.2-LTS (2023-04-19)
Fixed bugs:
- InputNumber | does not update the input value onInput #12733
- Dropdown | ng-dirty issue when options are set by a service call #11634
- Calendar | input becomes invalid when navigating #12741
- Button: Directive class on label change #12083
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- FileUploader | StyleClass support for buttons #11884
13.4.1 (2022-05-23)
Fixed bugs:
- Dropdown value not set properly when options come later than value #11526
- pTooltip | focus event does not work with p-components #11535
13.4.0 (2022-05-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Input Components | Clear support #11471
- TreeSelect | Filter #11461
- Dropdown value is not cleared when options change #8806
- Slider | Range slider can not be dragged to the left when both thumbs overlap #11427
- add iconStyle in MenuModel API #11258
Fixed bugs:
- Row reordering in table not working with virtual scroll #9817
- TreeSelect | Duplicate Empty Message #11497
- PrimeIcons.ts contains invalid icons #11472
- p-autocomplete does not clears selected object when CTRL-Z is pressed in textbox #9842
- Dropdown | auto-selects group entries instead of first entry inside first group #11485
- p-colorPicker onInputClick using a button not working #11438
- More than one dropdown can be opened at a time #11455
- Slider Range | Vertical handles not aligned #11463
13.3.3 (2022-04-13)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Primary Color Palette #11413
Fixed bugs:
- onChange event triggered for selectButton even when no change occurs #11384
- TreeTable | FlexScroll not working #11390
13.3.2 (2022-03-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar | Loses alignment when switching from year/month to date view #11362
- Dialog | Scrolling breaks draggable dialog #11284
- Event listener leak in ReorderableRow and ReorderableColumn #11357
- Toast | z-index shouldn't removed when other toasts are shown #11313
- Tooltip escape parameter not working after update #11348
13.3.1 (2022-03-28)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Tooltip | Escape encode enhancement #11332
Fixed bugs:
- pStyleClass may fail to enter the element #11341
13.3.0 (2022-03-16)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- SplitButton | TieredMenu Support #11301
- SplitButton | Templating Support #11300
- OrderList | disabled support #11298
- OrderList | Transfer buttons disable check #11297
- PickList | Keep selection after moving an item #11283
- PickList | Transfer buttons disable check #11281
- Password, CascadeSelect, MultiSelect | ariaLabel and label does not exist #11277
Fixed bugs:
- Picklist | Selection is not updated when drag and drop transfer #11296
- TieredMenu | responsive is not correct #11276
- Property target does not working on p-menu #11226
- Virtual Scroll with Lazy Loading fires onLazyLoad when lazyLoadOnInit is false #10414
- Clear filter on table calls multiple times onLazyLoad #9980
13.2.1 (2022-03-02)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Multiselect overlay bug - baseZIndex property is unused #11191
- Bug on Dark Themes related with fixed columns #11245
- Material Calendar | Disabled Calendar getting opacity twice #11250
- Lara Light Blue | Primary Button Hover is not Changing #11244
- Breadcrumb | tooltip alignment fails if breadcrumb item has long text #11228
- PanelMenu border top not always visible #11112
- Material DataTable extension border typo fix #11248
13.2.0: (2022-02-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Custom Table CSV Export Headers #11120
- Striped Rows for OrderList and PickList #11190
- Knob surface letters replaced with new surface variables #11189
- Dropdown, button, inputSwitch, calendar, panel, autoComplete, inputNumber, inputText accessibility problems #11168
- Hide multiselect panel on living by TAB key #11088
- Alignment of Icon in Header of Collapsible Panel #11175
- Scrollable TabMenu support #11154
- Calendar | hide timepicker on month/year select #11180
- p-image does not allow src to be of type SafeUrl #11143
- confirmDialog documentation says acceptIcon and rejectIcon default values are null, but source code specifies default values #10430
Fixed bugs:
- Tabview and TabMenu | ForwardButton not hidden correctly #11197
- Dynamic contextmenu items cause null exception in ContextMenu.positionSubmenu #11173
13.1.1: (2022-02-09)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- FullCalendar | Bootstrap background highlight is wrong #11152
- PrimeNG Calendar (p-calendar) Loses alignment when positioned at the top of the input and the user clicks in the year/month #11040
- Progress value in ProgressBar not clearly visible (theme Material Design) #11146
- P-calendar defaultDate not work correctly #11104
- Table multiple frozen columns aligned on the right #11134
13.1.0: (2022-01-19)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Update themes for list shadow style #11083
- Calendar | KeepInvalid Support #11089
- Improve resizable structure on DataTable #11082
- MegaMenu | RouterLink CtrlKey support #11049
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar firstDayOfWeek returns the number of months #11070
- Dropdown | filled background problem #11069
- Multiple ContextMenu's on the same page/component do not work as expected #11048
- TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nativeElement') with scrollable and state enabled table #10792
- p-tree node toggler button is shrunk until not visible if label starts to not fit the node #11039
- multi select with group ignores filterBy option #11036
- TabMenu and Steps | All items with routerLink being highlighted #11028
- Table | Footer is not align when resize mode is enable. #10979
- Table border is not showing in Firefox browser #11010
- Calendar | Some Months are disabled when using disabled dates #11027
- Calendar | Displayed year doesn't update for month picker #11024
- TableHeaderCheckbox is checked when the selection array is empty #11025
- Table | ColResize Expand Mode not Compatible with Table Scroll #11021
- Material Light | Surface Border is invalid #11015
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Globally configure p-calendar firstDayOfWeek #9635
- Add rowSelectable property to DataTable #6736
- New Color Scheme for Lara Dark #11012
Fixed bugs:
- Table Selection | Disabled checkbox getting pointer cursor #11004
- Table, TreeTable | Checkbox and RadioButton Focus Missing on Material #10996
- Calendar: the Year is incorrect for Multiple Months mode #10993
- p-dropdown causes page to horizontally scroll #10992
- Table ColumnFilter | Add p-button-sm class for Apply and Clear button #10987
- Table ColumnFilter | Placeholder for Calendar #10986
- Password Overlay not properly destroyed #10955
- calendar firstDayOfWeek won't change dinamically #10574
- TabMenu item not highlighted on navigation #9925
13.0.3 (2021-12-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add selectionPageOnly property to DataTable #10967
- Improve table row reorder highlight #10959
- Improve lazy loading and select all implementation on DataTable #10951
Fixed bugs:
- Splitter control not allowing changing of panelSize dynamically #10981
- Table | Frozen Columns not working when created partial dynamically #10960
- p-dropdown onChange - return null when using keyboard navigation #10940
- p-calendar: Keyboard/mouse interaction with time selector controls behave differently #10937
- TabView: p-tabview-ink-bar doesn't follow the size of TabPanel header property change #10837
- Problem with keydown for FileUpload component #10575
- Dropdown is not opening programmatically using the
method #10454
13.0.02 (2021-12-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Calendar | Escape Support For Month and Year Picker #10923
Fixed bugs:
- BreadCrumb | cursor is missing when href is not defined #10933
- Calendar | Year Picker and Month Picker empty when value empty and using Range or Multiple Selection #10931
- Calendar manual input doesn't work #10922
- Some menu components not supporting ctrl click to open new duplicate screen #10919
- TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'classList') at Function.addClass #10909
13.0.1 (2021-12-01)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Menu | Submenu Tooltip Support #10675
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar | Year Picker and Month Picker empty when using Range and Multiple options #10906
- Table header hides when scrolling #10887
- p-sidebar not trigger visibleChange output event #10884
- DynamicDialog does not block interaction with elements behind the mask #10882
- Dropdown bug with selection via up key #10843
- SpeedDial items visible even if MenuItem object property "visible" is false #10831
- ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError in table virtual scrolling after upgrading to 12.1.1 #10659
- Wrong emit on accordion open #10509
- Table | global filter doesn't reset on Table.clear() #10246
- Chips float label does not work when value is updated programmatically #9289
13.0.0 (2021-11-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Calendar | Add space key support for time pickers #10863
- Year Picker for Calendar #10856
- Add responsiveOptions property to Calendar #10855
Fixed bugs:
- readonly not working on p-inputNumber #10866
- Table | Row expansion table header scrolls above the main table header #10864
- ProgressBar: color text accessibility issue #10862
- Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' (not a valid selector) error when tabbing out of calendar component #10859
- Angular 13 Editor not loading properly "ERROR TypeError: ({get default(value}) is not a constructor" primeng-editor.mjs:29 #10834
13.0.0-rc.1 (2021-11-09)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Theme Lara 🎨 #10830
- Update to PrimeIcons v5.0.0 #10811
- Update to Angular 13 #10810
- Match @angular 12 libraries to allow rxjs upgrade to v7.x #10804
Fixed bugs:
- The
property does not work for label in Slide Menu component #10827 - Button | loadingIcon is not displayed when icon is not provided #10822
- sidebar causes javascript error if modal=false #10813
- Dismissable Mask and Escape on Dynamic Dialogue #10809
- Wrong zIndex for p-toast #10801
- TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'style') at FrozenColumn.updateStickyPosition #10794
12.2.5-LTS (2022-01-31)
- p-tree node toggler button is shrunk until not visible if label starts to not fit the node #11039
- multi select with group ignores filterBy option #11036
- Material Light | Surface Border is invalid #11015
- Table Selection | Disabled checkbox getting pointer cursor #11004
- Table, TreeTable | Checkbox and RadioButton Focus Missing on Material #10996
- Problem with keydown for FileUpload component #10575
- calendar firstDayOfWeek won't change dinamically #10574
- Wrong emit on accordion open #10509
- Dropdown is not opening programmatically using the show() method #10454
- Globally configure p-calendar firstDayOfWeek #9635
12.2.4-LTS (2021-12-06)
- TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'classList') at Function.addClass #10909
- Table header hides when scrolling #10887
- p-sidebar not trigger visibleChange output event #10884
- DynamicDialog does not block interaction with elements behind the mask #10882
- readonly not working on p-inputNumber #10866
- Table | Row expansion table header scrolls above the main table header #10864
- Dropdown bug with selection via up key #10843
- SpeedDial items visible even if MenuItem object property "visible" is false #10831
- ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError in table virtual scrolling after upgrading to 12.1.1 #10659
- Table | global filter doesn't reset on Table.clear() #10246
12.2.2 (2021-11-02)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Material | Use box-shadow for outlined Buttons #10799
- Material Focus Improvements #10798
- Multiselect missing itemValue in OnChange callback after removeChip #10789
- PanelMenu | Keyboard Support #10784
- SlideMenu | Keyboard Support #10781
- Dynamic Dialog | BlockUI | Modal layer enter-leave transition #10775
- TreeSelect | Keyboard Support #10774
- ConfirmPopup | Default Focus support #10772
- Menu | Keyboard Support #10771
- ZIndexUtils Support for ConfirmDialog #10762
- Dropdown appendTo default changed to "body" in PrimeNG 12 #10751
- CascadeSelect | Keyboard Exit Functionality #10749
- Editor missing some text in template file #10745
- p-Table: resizing a scrollable table resizes the expanded row #10609
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect and Listbox | Header Checkbox Should be focusable #10797
- Dropdown | autoDisplayFirst not update value of dropdown #10768
- Password and TreeSelect | Invalid styles are missing #10766
- If appendTo property of confirmDialog is set, defaultFocus doesn't work #10722
- Dropdown - scroll to selected item #10346
12.2.1 (2021-10-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Integrate pTooltip with pMenu* via MenuModel API extension #4714
- CascadeSelect | Enter and Space support for toggle #10742
- BlockUI | Modal layer enter-leave transition #10741
- p-password | onFocus and onBlur Event #10736
- Add onClear event to dropdown #10712
- Dropdown Accessibility | Ensures every form element has a label" #10701
- Improve scrollbar style on BreadCrumb and TabMenu #10698
Fixed bugs:
- Spaces are not accepted in p-dropdown-filter #10739
- Tooltip hideDelay bug #10735
- multiselect applies disabled UI state to all items when selectionLimit is reached and chip is removed #10734
- float-label chips problem #10725
- pButton Directive throws error when label is set when async pipe #10719
- p-radioButton causes layout issues when used inside an overflow: auto div (all elements with p-hidden-accessible?) #10718
- float-label pInputText problem #10716
- Dropdown overlay bug - baseZIndex property is unused in PrimeNG 12.2.0 #10713
- V12 - sidebar doesn't remove mask #10682
- The "plugins" property is not assigned when creating the Chart object #10664
- Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined with ButtonDirective #10354
12.2.0 (2021-09-29)
- No changes.
12.2.0-rc.1 (2021-09-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Tree | aria-label support for the toggler icon #10670
- Breadcrumb | aria-label support for Home Icon #10669
- Menu | aria-role support #10668
- Picklist | aria-label support for Buttons #10667
- Autocomplete - aria-label for dropdown #10666
- Disable the navigation helpers when paginator empty #10661
- Add contains Method to ObjectUtils #10657
- Add trueValue-falseValue to Checkbox #10656
- Make Dock component mobile friendly #10654
- Set Paginator Page from InputNumber #10653
- Add trueValue-falseValue to InputSwitch #10650
- Incorrect Sizing due to filter input width of dropdown #10649
- Aria Label for Calendar's Icon #10641
- Improve Galleria animation on FullScreen mode #10640
- Modal layer enter-leave transition #10639
- Tabindex property for Dialog's Close Button #10632
- Image Component #10631
- Tailwind Theme #10629
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable row group and sortable columns are not working together #10663
- Paginator's Inputnumber displays index instead of current page #10660
- CurrentPageReport displays wrong value #10652
- Material themes secondary text color issue #10651
- Filtered Dropdown unusable on Windows Tablet #10648
- Tooltip: word wrap #10647
- Extra space between MultiSelect and filter list #10644
- DataTable - The showClearButton literally doesn't do anything #10643
- Overlay panel hide when clicking on a label inside of it #10642
- DataTable doesn't work as expected when the container is resized. #10623
- p-checkbox causes layout issues when used inside an overflow: auto div #9725
12.1.1 (2021-09-08)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Scrollable Tabs #10119
- Add p-inputwrapper class to form components #10591
- Add p-element class to the host element on all components #10590
- Add getFormatter method to InputNumber #10588
- Add allowEmpty property to InputNumber #10583
- InputNumber behaves odd when trying to insert fracitonal digits #10582
- Dropdown Accessibility Enhancements #10562
- closeAriaLabel for SplitButton #10553
- expandAriaLabel for SplitButton #10552
- InputNumber on mobile works like textinput #10142
- Add [readonly] attribute to p-inputNumber #9827
- InputNumber: cannot insert fractional digits when minFractionDigits=0 #9272
Fixed bugs:
- Thumbnails are not displayed correctly on Galleria if numVisible is greater than the length of value #10594
- InputNumber input event returns wrong value #10581
- Input number caret issue with negatives #10565
- Scrollable Resizing Table not working Variable Width #10561
- inputnumber : both prefix and currency Input error #10521
- Negative sign in front of number is not possible for Finnish or Swedish locale. #10409
- InputNumber: setting "min" to anything greater than 0 implies "required" #10056
- p-inputNumber uses wrong border radius in p-inputGroup #9949
- InputNumber - unable to enter negative with minFractionDigits set #9516
- Updating minFractionDigits and maxFractionDigits results in error #9466
- InputNumber: issues with decimal separator for some locales, 0s are added to input #9399
12.1.0 (2021-08-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Table Header Checkbox not working when lazy loading enabled #10532
- AutoZIndex support for DynamicDialog #10526
12.1.0-rc.2 (2021-08-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- TreeSelect missing Tree option propagateSelectionDown and propagateSelectionUp #10504
- dateFormat option for I18N API #10503
Fixed bugs:
- Display issue of p-dropdown in p-dialog #10517
- PrimeNG 12.1 pTooltip text display lags behind bound input change #10516
- pFrozenColumn is moving when position set to left #10513
- FlexScroll not working with VirtualScroll #10505
12.1.0-rc.1 (2021-08-11)
Breaking changes:
- Update Chart.js to 3.3.2 #10452
- FullCalendar v5 Theme Support #10451
- DataTable RowGroup Mode #10396
- New DataTable Scrolling #10395
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Table Responsive layout #10495
- Support for scrolling and column groups #10489
- Tooltip support for Menu Components #10422
- Dock Component #10413
- onResizeStart event for p-splitter #10384
- New Component: SpeedDial #10380
- Reimplement OverlayService #10301
- New Component: TreeSelect #10299
- Customizable ZIndex Layering #10298
Fixed bugs:
- Improve resize feature of Dialog #10465
- A maximizable dialog cannot be maximized properly after its size or position has been changed #10464
- Overlay aligning calculation defect #10447
- p-password is not changing when I18N API called #10446
- Dropdown Array Key Selection skipping last entry. #10408
- Unsubscription error when running any default component test using Steps #10379
- TreeTable PartialSelect not working #10370
- FileUpload Size Calculation is wrong #10369
- p-password tamplate #10355
12.0.2 (2021-08-10)
Fixed bugs:
- StyleClass does not open overlay when source is clicked again #10491
12.0.1 (2021-07-19)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- pStyleClass Directive #10427
12.0.0 (2021-06-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add gray scheme #10340
- Responsive Toast #10339
- Responsive TabMenu and Breadcrumb #10338
- Toast center positioning enhancement #10333
- CascadeSelect material theming improvements #10314
- styleClass and contentStyleClass Support for Message #10308
- Picklist events not always return an array #10284
- [Accessibility] p-dropdown information is only announced after pressing ctrl+down arrow twice. #10156
Fixed bugs:
- Filtering non existing item in p-dropdown [filter=true, group=true] and pressing key down generates error: Dropdown.html:25 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null #10332
- Table frozen columns not working with colresize expand mode #10310
- #10286 for ColorPicker #10309
- Splitter error : Cannot read property '0' of undefined at Splitter.onResize #10286
- Button icon css class not set after it has been initialized #10277
- FileUpload - long filename #10275
- p-dialog breakpoints is not working #10270
- Sidebar wrong animation and close button display #10261
- Badge with value 0 should use p-badge-no-gutter class #10257
- Dropdown selecting disabled option throws error using keyboard arrows #10252
- p-dropdown float label overlaps input when selected value is 0 #10245
12.0.0-rc.1 (2021-21-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Angular 12 Support #10262
Fixed bugs:
- Sidebar - ngOnDestory throws an exception #10247
11.4.10-LTS (2022-01-31)
- p-tree node toggler button is shrunk until not visible if label starts to not fit the node #11039
- multi select with group ignores filterBy option #11036
- Material Light | Surface Border is invalid #11015
- Table Selection | Disabled checkbox getting pointer cursor #11004
- Table, TreeTable | Checkbox and RadioButton Focus Missing on Material #10996
- Problem with keydown for FileUpload component #10575
- calendar firstDayOfWeek won't change dinamically #10574
- Wrong emit on accordion open #10509
- Dropdown is not opening programmatically using the show() method #10454
- Globally configure p-calendar firstDayOfWeek #9635
11.4.9-LTS (2021-12-06)
- p-sidebar not trigger visibleChange output event #10884
- readonly not working on p-inputNumber #10866
- Dropdown bug with selection via up key #10843
- Multiselect missing itemValue in OnChange callback after removeChip #10789
- CascadeSelect | Keyboard Exit Functionality #10749
- CascadeSelect | Enter and Space support for toggle #10742
- Add onClear event to dropdown #10712
- p-password is not changing when I18N API called #10446
- TreeTable PartialSelect not working #10370
- Table | global filter doesn't reset on Table.clear() #10246
11.4.8-LTS (2021-11-11)
- The escape property does not work for label in Slide Menu component #10827
- MultiSelect and Listbox | Header Checkbox Should be focusable #10797
- Dropdown | autoDisplayFirst not update value of dropdown #10768
- If appendTo property of confirmDialog is set, defaultFocus doesn't work #10722
- Filtered Dropdown unusable on Windows Tablet #10648
- Extra space between MultiSelect and filter list #10644
- Dropdown - scroll to selected item #10346
- Table frozen columns not working with colresize expand mode #10310
- 10286 for ColorPicker #10309
- Splitter error : Cannot read property '0' of undefined at Splitter.onResize #10286
- FileUpload - long filename #10275
- Sidebar wrong animation and close button display #10261
11.4.7-LTS (2021-10-18)
- multiselect applies disabled UI state to all items when selectionLimit is reached and chip is removed #10734
- float-label chips problem #10725
- pButton Directive throws error when label is set when async pipe #10719
- p-radioButton causes layout issues when used inside an overflow: auto div #10718
- float-label pInputText problem #10716
- Thumbnails are not displayed correctly on Galleria if numVisible is greater than the length of value #10594
- Improve resize feature of Dialog #10465
- A maximizable dialog cannot be maximized properly after its size or position has been changed #10464
- Unsubscription error when running any default component test using Steps #10379
- FileUpload Size Calculation is wrong #10369
- p-checkbox causes layout issues when used inside an overflow: auto div #9725
11.4.6-LTS (2021-10-05)
- Improve scrollbar style on BreadCrumb and TabMenu #10698
- Disable the navigation helpers when paginator empty #10661
- Tooltip: word wrap #10647
- p-password tamplate #10355
- Responsive TabMenu and Breadcrumb #10338
- p-dialog breakpoints is not working #10270
- Badge with value 0 should use p-badge-no-gutter class #10257
- Dropdown selecting disabled option throws error using keyboard arrows #10252
- Sidebar - ngOnDestory throws an exception #10247
- p-dropdown float label overlaps input when selected value is 0 #10245
11.4.5 (2021-08-10)
Fixed bugs:
- StyleClass does not open overlay when source is clicked again #10492
11.4.4 (2021-07-19)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- pStyleClass Directive #10426
11.4.2 (2021-05-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Dynamic Translation Support #10224
- ConfirmDialog Ripple Support #10223
- resetFilter for p-tree #10220
- p-tree _filter value support #10217
- showNavigator and showIndicator support for Carousel #10208
- IndicatorStyle and IndicatorStyleClass support for Carousel #10207
- showInitialSortBadge for Table #10206
- Header template support for PickList and OrderList #10192
- panelStyle for Splitter #10186
- SideBar transitionOptions Support #10184
- p-editor - HTML binding fails #10182
- FloatLabel support for p-password #10172
- Header and Footer Template for AutoComplete #10159
- empty and emptyFilter template for components #9532
Fixed bugs:
- InputStyle and Ripple config do not work on components that are attached to body #10226
- Timeline Module missing module export #10205
- When options changed filter not applying - Listbox #10199
- Sidebar component not removing p-sidebar-left class when using fullScreen #10185
- Prod build is failing with Directive SelectableRow, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. #10180
- Password meter does not update dynamically #10174
- p-dropdown with editable=true and floating labels results in incorrect behavior with manually entered values #10170
- p-calendar styling is incorrect when it is disabled with an icon #10167
- Radio buttons do not get unselected on the same group, with Reactive Forms using formControl instead of formControlName #9631
- Sidebar content overflows its container #10231
- Sidebar's Overlay not removing when closing with cancel #10234
11.4.0 (2021-04-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add "loading" prop to Buttons #10145
- Header and Footer template for Tree #10137
- ColumnFilter should be have hide option when click clear #10107
- Dropdown closing issue #10106
- TriStateCheckbox null state has false state icon #10101
- VirtualScroller for Autocomplete items #7442
Fixed bugs:
- p-disabled class missing on p-button #10140
- Crash when changing Button Icon #10138
- Footer gets misaligned when used with calendar's inline mode #10130
- TabView programmatic update activeIndex not update inkbar position when using Material Themes #10117
- MultiSelect, Dropdown and AutoComplete's virtualScroll padding is wrong #10115
- Dropdown selecting an unwanted option when pressing Windows key on the keyboard #10113
- Password Component onAnimationStart invalid State case #10099
- [p-tree] event.accept() not available on first drop #10093
- PColumnFilter's apply and clear button arent hiding if [showApplyButton] or [showClearButton] are set to false #9654
- Hovering on timepicker arrows acting like select after clicking an arrow in the time picker #8961
11.3.2 (2021-04-06)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Icon support for TriStateCheckBox #10052
- MenuItem's style and styleClass properties should be apply to li #10045
- Menuitem style and styleClass should applied to the TabMenu #10044
- Placeholder support for Password Component #10030
- Splitter not working on touch devices (including dev tools) #10020
- Dropdown/Multiselect filter change event #9971
- p-confirmDialog should support template #5448
Fixed bugs:
- p-table with save state (localstorage/sessionstorage) remember old value after delete from filter #10065
- Pick list events emit inconsistent types #10063
- Accessibility: Typo in aria attribute valuemin for InputNumber #10058
- Carousel does not always display dynamically added items #10051
- PickList's and OrderList's reorder and move functions not working with filtering #10048
- Picklist dragdrop input can't disable drag and drop #10037
- Toggle All Checkbox not working when using Group templates on Listbox and MultiSelect #10035
- AutoComplete does not display 0 as value when preselected #10031
- Animation "none" not working for p-skeleton #10026
- p-calendar styling is incorrect when it is disabled with an icon #10024
- Dropdown, MultiSelect, Listbox group filter issue when using custom interface instead of SelectItemGroup #10022
- firstDayOfWeek is broken in 11.3.1 #10013
- First node dropped into empty tree not triggering onNodeDrop #9991
- Galleria: thumbnail items doesn't work properly when responsive options are set #9744
- Implemented fix for #9660 prevents finding a value for simple array of options #9742
- Scroll Panel Bars not displaying correctly when the scrollpanel loses/gains width #9727
- MultiSelect Not Displaying Pre-Selected Items Upon Load #9673
- When no label is assigned to pButton, the button should not render #9482
11.3.1 (2021-03-12)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Allow zone.js 0.11.4 #9989
- CascadeSelect onGroupChange returns undefined #9986
- Defer directive throws ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError if visible from the beginning #9984
- Password component content template not working #9983
- Calendar week days are never updated use i18n API. #9689
- AutoComplete does not display 0 as value #9628
- Autocomplete with multiple and readonly enabled still show button to remove options #9513
- p-dataView not updating view after [layout] change #9494
11.3.0 (2021-03-09)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Ellipsis mode for Multiselect #9979
- Showcase menu enhancement #9966
- Update Chart Demos #9961
- Unable to access tab menu using keyboard #9954
- Facing accessibility-related issues with primeNg controls and AXE tools. #9834
- p-splitter not working with I think nested ngtemplates #9754
- Calendar: WeekNumber looks like it is selectable #9746
- Menubar menuitems must have menu/menubar as parent #9680
- Indicators for MultiSort #8757
- Touch support for ColorPicker #8566
Fixed bugs:
- Table error while using stateStorage with date filter #9967
- Galleria thumbnail animation jumps #9963
- Chips disabled not working when using with comma #9958
- Disabled p-inputNumber updated after pasting from clipboard #9957
- OverlayPanel not working unless ShareModule is imported as well #9927
- first in currentPageReportTemplate always resolves to "1" even when no rows match #9002
11.3.0-rc.1 (2021-03-01)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Remove max-height from OrderList PickList #9955
- Color Palettes for Each Theme #9948
- Cdk DragDrop Support for OrderList and PickList #9943
- BreakPoints for OrderList and PickList #9942
- Reimplement password strength ui #9929
- breakpoints for Dialog and ConfirmDialog #9923
- Improve support page #9914
- Update Editor Custom Toolbar Documentation #8905
Fixed bugs:
- p-cascadeSelect optionGroupChildren wrong type definition #9952
- columnResizeMode Expand not working with Storage Table #9922
- p-picklist drag and drop is not working correctly #9910
- ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError error in p-accordion #9894
11.2.3 (2021-02-17)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Expose InputMask OnKeyDown event #9718
Fixed bugs:
- When table is lazy and having multiSortMeta then "lazyLoad" execute twice #9906
- p-dialog draggable with maximize #9899
- Avatar Circle not working #9895
- pSelectableRow blocks typing space on inputs in p-table #9893
- p-inputnumber infinite loop when using buttons #9888
- selectButton >Custom Template broken #9883
- p-slider does not react when clicking on bar in some cases #9857
- p-columnFilter not displaying placeholder for type="numeric" #9851
- p-table reset() causes errors in filter value binding #9570
11.2.2 (2021-02-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add Search to Showcase #9887
- Splitter property for initial size should be called panelSize on the showcase #9807
Fixed bugs:
- Filter Match All vs Match Any not working twice #9836
11.2.1 (2021-02-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Enter key should hide calendar #9880
- New Date Filters for Table #9879
- Add ConfirmEventType for ConfirmDialog #9872
- PageDown PageUp Home End Key support for Table VirtualScroll #9832
- Add rowIndex to onRowUnselect #9823
Fixed bugs:
- Filtermenu grows with multiple constraints #9878
- p-sidebar appendTo has wrong type #9876
- LazyEvent.first coming wrong when sorting with resetPageOnSort true #9866
- Adding [multiSortMeta] to the table causes an extra initial call to fetch data in virtual scroll #9854
- TabPanel's leftIcon and rightIcon properties not working with programmatic change #9844
- Not filtering date using "Is" in table #9838
- Row not selected when using the Table contextMenuSelectionMode="joint" #9824
- ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler API doesn't work as expected #9822
- Strange behavior using context menu on Safari #9814
- Table onRowSelect calling before the selection change #9806
- The up and down arrow key stops working by the virtualscroller #9805
- Space key causes scroll the browser when using Table selection #9804
- ContextMenu highlight select multiple items when item count bigger than nine #9803
11.2.0 (2021-01-21)
Breaking changes:
- Remove p-error in favor p-invalid #9757
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Remove deprecated p-header and p-footer from demos #9795
- Float Label support for CascadeSelect #9783
- Grouping for Select Components #9772
- emptyMessage template is duplicated if treeTable has frozen columns [TreeTable] #9768
- Add frozenexpansion template to TurboTable #9621
- Wrong documentation for controlCase on TabView #9490
- Keyboard navigation Table - Edit with arrows #6982
Fixed bugs:
- Improve float label support in overlay selects #9797
- Link button is not visible on material themes #9796
- Knob not set sizes when using Firefox #9792
- [bug report] Filter function 'between' used a wrong comparison operator. #9769
- [bug report] Filter function 'between' thow an exception when the second parameter value is null. #9765
- Wrong color on material default text #9756
- CascadeSelect missing material theming #9755
- ConfirmDialog throws exception during onDestroy #8585
11.1.0 (2021-01-11)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- shiftKey invokes onRowSelect multiple times #9747
- New Lazy Table Demo with Remote Source #9717
- p-table: Unable to translate "No filter" in columnFilter #9709
- Messages 2way binding is not working #9623
Fixed bugs:
- Improve invalid validation visuals on material themes #9745
- p-chip remove event doesn't match documentation #9735
- Basic uploader button visual issue #9711
- Table not restoring columns when using virtualscroll #9708
- Toast message icon is not styled #9702
- Editor UI bug report #9695
- Skeleton animation not working expected in Safari #9692
- Float label not working when clearing input on AutoComplete and TextArea #9688
- TabView Header does not update until clicking elsewhere #9685
- p-editor automatically gains focus when intializing model with data #9664
- ConfirmPopup not not hidden after url change #9637
- Lazy loaded tabpanel content loading eagerly when selected input is present #9613
- P-Table with VirtualScroll only header is resizing #9598
- Multiselect on chips display does not update the model when deleting them from the chip icon #9579
- Resizable columns with virtual scroll doesn't work with p-treeTable #9575
- Treetable column resize breaks when columnResizeMode="expand" in combination with [virtualScroll]="true" #9202
- p-treeTable with VirtualScroll only header is resizing #9170
- p-table cell edit wrong index on onEditComplete event #9075
11.1.0-rc.1 (2020-12-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Splitter Component #9677
- CascadeSelect component #9665
- Knob Component #9652
- Divider Component #9650
- ScrollTop Component #9649
- Skeleton Component #9643
- Chip Component #9641
- Tag Component #9640
- Avatar Component #9639
- Badge Component and Directive #9638
Fixed bugs:
- optionValue backward compatibility issue #9660
- headerTemplate error in Editor #9659
- PrimeNG 11 requires Angular < 11 #9626
11.0.0 (2020-12-08)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- fileupload missing import in documentation #9618
- InputText documentation wrong usage for i element #9614
- Not all the selected items are visible in an autocomplete with multiple="true" #9602
- Change mouse cursor on drag&drop events #9536
- Add a maximize event on dialog #8861
- ConfirmationService does not let specify closeOnEscape #8790
- ConfirmDialog does not support dismissableMask #8791
Fixed bugs:
- Checkbox getting highlight when Tree item disabled #9619
- Wrong layout in ConfirmPopup component #9617
- ConfirmDialog top-left top-right bottom-left bottom-right positions not working #9612
- InputTextArea, FloatLabel and Initial State #9607
- Slider range issue when max values on the right #9538
11.0.0-rc.2 (2020-11-30)
Breaking changes:
- Remove FilterUtils #9548
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Tree toggle icon should not receive focus #9590
- Add new icons of 4.1.0 to PrimeIcons Constants #9565
- New FilterService API #9547
- onShow and onHide event for colorPicker #8828
- Overlay Panel / Confirm Popup The arrow shows wrong #8750
- Dialog.onShow should occur when the animation ends #8747
- Unable to navigate in p-tree when using NVDA or JAWS screen reader #8674
- FilterUtils.filter only accepts filterValue of type string #8348
Fixed bugs:
- Clearing a p-columnFilter / p-dropdown using "showClear" X-button throws a TypeError #9578
- ver. 11.0.0-rc.1 error with table when building in prod. #9567
- MultiSelect not working when Objects contain property "value" #9561
- PickList V11.00-rc-1 Both are triggered at the same time - onMoveAllToTarget, onMoveToTarget #9555
- p-calendar: Pressing Enter key on prev or next month arrows calls onPrevButtonClick or onNextButtonClick twice respectively #9521
- Carousel does not respond to change to numVisible #9049
- Carousel doesn't use 'responsiveOptions' on init #8833
- p-colorPicker not working | Failing on click #8746
- Autocomplete empty text when lost focus #8740
- [Bug] Carousel displays last page when circular=true #8739
- [Bug] Carousel does not recalculate the number of dots on refresh #8705
11.0.0-rc.1 (2020-11-18)
Breaking changes:
- Remove clearCache method from Table and VirtualScroller #9530
- Pass the option as a template variable in Select Components without wrapping to SelectItem #9505
- Remove functionality of locale property of Calendar #9504
- Rename filterMode to filterMatchMode in Listbox #9481
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Change yes-no button order in ConfirmDialog #9531
- Remove clearCache method from Table and VirtualScroller #9530
- Update to PrimeIcons 4.1.0 #9524
- Remove functionality of locale property of Calendar #9504
- Add keyboard support to ContextMenu #9499
- p-accordion with lazy loaded content doesnt load when opened programattically #9496
- Rename filterMode to filterMatchMode in Listbox #9481
- p-calendar Dynamic default date #9479
- Chips display for MultiSelect #9470
- New Component: ConfirmPopıp #9468
- Visibility option for Paginator's first and last page icons #9456
- Dropdown Item template support for Paginator #9455
- Customizable Toast and Messages #9454
- TieredMenu Keyboard Support #9451
- i18n API #9446
- Advanced Filtering for Table #9420
- Improve sortable column focus visuals #9396
- Constants for PrimeIcons #9391
- Model driven forms support for RadioButton #9162
- Accessibility: Dialog close button needs aria- label #8947
- Add autoDisplay to MenuBar and TieredMenu #8293
- New Component: Timeline #7936
- Turbo Table cannot filter empty values with "in" Filter #6808
- Ability to define optionValue, optionDisabled, optionGroup in Select components #4295
Fixed bugs:
- Galleria Indicators aren't displayed in Firefox #9537
- Popup TieredMenu not closing when click on leaf #9534
- ContextMenu Keyboard Controls does not prevent Tree Keyboard Controls #9529
- Table stored state does not match current columns #9510
- DOM Exception trigger with ButtonDirective afterViewInit #9497
- scrollHeight doesn't change dynamically when using virtualScroll #9489
- Align contextmenu menu behavior with menubar #9459
- TieredMenu initial hover is broken #9458
- Can't upload file using PUT #9448
- OverlayPanel target arrow points to the wrong position when target is on the right edge of the screen #9441
- The up and down arrow key stops working by the table virtualscrolling #9437
- Radiobutton stackblitz example dynamic radio label not clickable #9417
- Table with scroll has misaligned headers if scrollbar is not visible #9413
- pRipple working when disabled(etc menuitem) #9406
- Button badge colors are wrong #9397
- Material tristatecheckbox false state invisible #9395
- Tree toggler icon visual issue with hover #9394
- Galleria and Carousel highlight item visual improvement on PrimeOne Themes #9393
- Galleria thumbnailsPosition top and left don't work #9381
- P-multiselect component ignores disabled options if optionLabel property is used #9346
- Table lazy virtual scroll triggers multiple separate calls to
function #9316 - Again problem with twice load init in virtualscroll #9311
- wrong behavior of Dialog.maskClickListener #9282
- Deprecate SelectItem #9506
Closed issues:
- Pass the option as a template variable in Select Components without wrapping to SelectItem #9505