+Browsers + | + +Load `@octokit/auth-token` directly from [cdn.skypack.dev](https://cdn.skypack.dev) + +```html + +``` + + |
+Node + |
+Install with npm install @octokit/auth-token
+const { createTokenAuth } = require("@octokit/auth-token");
+// or: import { createTokenAuth } from "@octokit/auth-token";
+ |
+ name + | ++ type + | ++ description + | +
+ type
+ |
+ string
+ |
+ "token"
+ |
+ token
+ |
+ string
+ |
+ + The provided token. + | +
+ tokenType
+ |
+ string
+ |
+ Can be either "oauth" for personal access tokens and OAuth tokens, or "installation" for installation access tokens (includes GITHUB_TOKEN provided to GitHub Actions)
+ |
+Browsers + |
+Load @octokit/core directly from cdn.skypack.dev
+ |
+Node + |
+Install with npm install @octokit/core
+const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/core");
+// or: import { Octokit } from "@octokit/core";
+ |
+ name + | ++ type + | ++ description + | +
+ options.authStrategy
+ |
+ Function |
+ Defaults to @octokit/auth-token . See Authentication below for examples.
+ |
+ options.auth
+ |
+ String or Object
+ |
+ + See Authentication below for examples. + | +
+ options.baseUrl
+ |
+ String
+ |
+ + +When using with GitHub Enterprise Server, set `options.baseUrl` to the root URL of the API. For example, if your GitHub Enterprise Server's hostname is `github.acme-inc.com`, then set `options.baseUrl` to `https://github.acme-inc.com/api/v3`. Example + +```js +const octokit = new Octokit({ + baseUrl: "https://github.acme-inc.com/api/v3", +}); +``` + + |
+ options.previews
+ |
+ Array of Strings
+ |
+ + +Some REST API endpoints require preview headers to be set, or enable +additional features. Preview headers can be set on a per-request basis, e.g. + +```js +octokit.request("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls", { + mediaType: { + previews: ["shadow-cat"], + }, + owner, + repo, + title: "My pull request", + base: "master", + head: "my-feature", + draft: true, +}); +``` + +You can also set previews globally, by setting the `options.previews` option on the constructor. Example: + +```js +const octokit = new Octokit({ + previews: ["shadow-cat"], +}); +``` + + |
+ options.request
+ |
+ Object
+ |
+ + +Set a default request timeout (`options.request.timeout`) or an [`http(s).Agent`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent) e.g. for proxy usage (Node only, `options.request.agent`). + +There are more `options.request.*` options, see [`@octokit/request` options](https://github.com/octokit/request.js#request). `options.request` can also be set on a per-request basis. + + |
+ options.timeZone
+ |
+ String
+ |
+ + +Sets the `Time-Zone` header which defines a timezone according to the [list of names from the Olson database](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones). + +```js +const octokit = new Octokit({ + timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles", +}); +``` + +The time zone header will determine the timezone used for generating the timestamp when creating commits. See [GitHub's Timezones documentation](https://developer.github.com/v3/#timezones). + + |
+ options.userAgent
+ |
+ String
+ |
+ + +A custom user agent string for your app or library. Example + +```js +const octokit = new Octokit({ + userAgent: "my-app/v1.2.3", +}); +``` + + |
+Browsers + |
+Load @octokit/endpoint directly from cdn.skypack.dev
+ |
+Node + |
+Install with npm install @octokit/endpoint
+const { endpoint } = require("@octokit/endpoint");
+// or: import { endpoint } from "@octokit/endpoint";
+ |
+ name + | ++ type + | ++ description + | +
+ route
+ |
+ + String + | +
+ If set, it has to be a string consisting of URL and the request method, e.g., GET /orgs/{org} . If it’s set to a URL, only the method defaults to GET .
+ |
+ options.method
+ |
+ + String + | +
+ Required unless route is set. Any supported http verb. Defaults to GET .
+ |
+ options.url
+ |
+ + String + | +
+ Required unless route is set. A path or full URL which may contain :variable or {variable} placeholders,
+ e.g., /orgs/{org}/repos . The url is parsed using url-template.
+ |
+ options.baseUrl
+ |
+ + String + | +
+ Defaults to https://api.github.com .
+ |
+ options.headers
+ |
+ + Object + | +
+ Custom headers. Passed headers are merged with defaults: + headers['user-agent'] defaults to octokit-endpoint.js/1.2.3 (where 1.2.3 is the released version).+ headers['accept'] defaults to application/vnd.github.v3+json .+ |
+ options.mediaType.format
+ |
+ + String + | +
+ Media type param, such as raw , diff , or text+json . See Media Types. Setting options.mediaType.format will amend the headers.accept value.
+ |
+ options.mediaType.previews
+ |
+ + Array of Strings + | +
+ Name of previews, such as mercy , symmetra , or scarlet-witch . See API Previews. If options.mediaType.previews was set as default, the new previews will be merged into the default ones. Setting options.mediaType.previews will amend the headers.accept value. options.mediaType.previews will be merged with an existing array set using .defaults() .
+ |
+ options.data
+ |
+ + Any + | +
+ Set request body directly instead of setting it to JSON based on additional parameters. See "The data parameter" below.
+ |
+ options.request
+ |
+ + Object + | +
+ Pass custom meta information for the request. The request object will be returned as is.
+ |
+ key + | ++ type + | ++ description + | +
method |
+ String | +The http method. Always lowercase. | +
url |
+ String | +The url with placeholders replaced with passed parameters. | +
headers |
+ Object | +All header names are lowercased. | +
body |
+ Any | +The request body if one is present. Only for PATCH , POST , PUT , DELETE requests. |
request |
+ Object | +Request meta option, it will be returned as it was passed into endpoint() |