diff --git a/modules/express/README.md b/modules/express/README.md index a9c9fef10c..b834376584 100644 --- a/modules/express/README.md +++ b/modules/express/README.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This ensures your keys never leave your network, and are not seen by BitGo. BitG # Documentation -Comprehensive documentation on the APIs provided by BitGo Express can be found at our [Platform API Reference](https://app.bitgo.com/docs/#tag/Express). +Comprehensive documentation on the APIs provided by BitGo Express can be found at our [Developer Portal API Reference]([https://app.bitgo.com/docs/#tag/Express](https://developers.bitgo.com/api/express.wallet.acceleratetx)). # Running BitGo Express diff --git a/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/Dockerfile b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d621ea48c --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +FROM lightninglabs/lnd:v0.18.4-beta + +COPY init.sh /init.sh +COPY example.conf /config.conf + +ENTRYPOINT "/init.sh" diff --git a/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/README.md b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..83f50164d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Remote Signer LND Node Setup for Self Custodial Lightning Wallets + +This guide helps you set up a remote signer LND node in Docker to use BitGo self-custodial lightning wallets. + +--- + +## Prerequisites + +- Docker installed on your system. + +## Docker Environment Variables +- `BITCOIN_NETWORK` environment variable set to one of: `mainnet`, `testnet`. +- Optional: Base64-encoded TLS certificate `TLS_CERT` and TLS key `TLS_KEY`, in case if you want to use your own TLS certificate. If they are not provided, LND will create a self-signed certificate and print the certificate in log. + +--- + +## LND configuration through example.conf + +- You can configure your signer LND node's domain/IP by editing `tlsextradomain` and `tlsextraip` in `example.conf` file. +- Do not change other configurations in the `example.conf` file. + +## Example Docker Setup + +The `tlsextradomain=signernode` entry in the `example.conf` file is used to set the domain name for the signer LND node in the Docker network `lnd-network`. This domain name is used to generate the TLS certificate for the signer LND node. + +`docker run --name signernode --network lnd-network -p 8080:8080 --init -e BITCOIN_NETWORK=testnet -e TLS_CERT=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 -e TLS_KEY=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBFQyBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1IY0NBUUVFSUFFamQ0Qng3M3VPYllGSW42VlZpZTJmeG9lbXVYZFBob2FkS2JscHpnaTBvQW9HQ0NxR1NNNDkKQXdFSG9VUURRZ0FFclA0d2NXWFEwUWFFazhsVFNVTXBCa1d3ditFbXE1M3I5ZVJ5UlQ5NGRkZ1VHS1MwWVErSQpiZzFseVBRU3hiN0dXYloyWG9GUFdiK1VOM0lFMVlMQ2tRPT0KLS0tLS1FTkQgRUMgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQo= signer` + + diff --git a/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/example.conf b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/example.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..153f79aecc --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/example.conf @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +[Application Options] + +# Make sure LND Directory is set. +lnddir=/lnd + +# Don't listen on the p2p port. +nolisten=true + +# Don't reach out to the bootstrap nodes, we don't need a synced graph. +nobootstrap=true + +# Just an example, this is the port that needs to be opened in the firewall and +# reachable from the node "watch-only". +restlisten= + +# Adds an extra domain to the generate certificate. Setting multiple tlsextradomain= entries is allowed. +# (old tls files must be deleted if changed). +# But it has to contain a domain name that is reachable from public internet. +tlsextradomain=signernode +tlsextradomain=localhost + +# Adds an extra ip to the generated certificate. Setting multiple tlsextraip= entries is allowed. +# (old tls files must be deleted if changed). +# Recommended if DNS (tlsextradomain) is not preferred. +# But it has to contain an IP that is reachable from public internet. +# tlsextraip= + +# The signer node will not look at the chain at all, it only needs to sign +# things with the keys contained in its wallet. So we don't need to hook it up +# to any chain backend. +[bitcoin] +# We still need to signal that we're using the Bitcoin chain. +bitcoin.active=true + +# And we're making sure network parameters are used. +bitcoin.networkreplace=true + +# But we aren't using a "real" chain backed but a mocked one. +bitcoin.node=nochainbackend diff --git a/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/init.sh b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/init.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..42b453eab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/express/scripts/lightning/remoteSignerLnd/init.sh @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#!/bin/bash -e + +echo "== Configuring Remote Signer ==" + +echo " --- Ensuring LND Directory Exists ---" +mkdir -p /lnd + +echo " --- Checking Environment Variables ---" +if [[ ${BITCOIN_NETWORK} ]]; +then + if [[ "$BITCOIN_NETWORK" =~ ^(mainnet|testnet|signet|regtest)$ ]]; + then + echo " --- Found network: $BITCOIN_NETWORK. Continuing... ---" + else + echo " --- Unsupported value for BITCOIN_NETWORK: $BITCOIN_NETWORK! Exiting... ---" + exit 1 + fi +else + echo " --- Required variable BITCOIN_NETWORK not set! Exiting... ---" + exit 1 +fi + +echo " --- Checking TLS Settings ---" +if [[ ${TLS_CERT} && ${TLS_KEY} ]]; +then + echo " --- Writing TLS Certificate ---" + echo $TLS_CERT | base64 -d > /lnd/tls.cert + echo " --- Done writing TLS Certificate ---" + echo " --- Writing TLS Private Key ---" + echo $TLS_KEY | base64 -d > /lnd/tls.key + echo " --- Done writing TLS Private Key ---" +else + echo " --- TLS Variables Not Set. Skipping... ---" +fi + +echo " --- Writing the configuration file ---" +cat /config.conf | sed "s/networkreplace/$BITCOIN_NETWORK/g" > /lnd/lnd.conf + +echo "== Starting LND ==" +/bin/lnd --configfile=/lnd/lnd.conf > /dev/null & + +sleep 2 + +echo " --- Found the following TLS Cert: ---" +cat /lnd/tls.cert + +echo " --- LND Logs: ---" +tail -f /lnd/logs/bitcoin/${BITCOIN_NETWORK}/lnd.log