Create a "jenkins2" container based on the boran/jenkins image, with environment VIRTUAL_PORT=8080, volume /var/run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock:rw, and port 8080:8070. Start the container and install docker via the command line. Add jenkins to the docker group (so it can read the docker socket: usermod -a -G docker jenkins).
Connect to jenkins http://yourhost.example:8070. Create a job that watches the Webfact repos on git, and executes an shell to run the following build script.
echo "-- load settings "
[email protected]
echo "--- grab the latest image from docker hub"
docker pull boran/drupal
sh -c "docker stop $name 2>/dev/null; docker rm $name 2>/dev/null; echo '-- clean old container'"
echo "--- create and start $name docker container "
docker run -td -p $port:80 -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=$domain" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=WebFactory build" -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_REPO=" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR=webfact-make" -e DRUPAL_INSTALL_PROFILE=webfactp -e DRUPAL_FINAL_CMD="chown www-data /var/run/docker.dock; cd /var/www/html; drush dl -y composer-8.x-1.x; drush -y composer-manager install;" -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=$domain" --restart=always --hostname $domain --name $name $image
echo "-- wait 3mins and hope the build is done"
sleep 180
echo "-- show the docker logs"
docker logs --tail --timestamps $name
echo "-- complete, you can now connect to http://$domain:$port"
# todo: how do we know when its really done
# Run some tests
# Does the site respond, is some expected text there?
curl --silent -o - http://$domain:$port/ | grep -c "The webfactory allows"
- Job: enable SCM (git) polling and email notification.
- Configure the SMTP server (under manage jenkins)
Todo: add some real tests.