This change log is for high-level user-visible changes to Brewtarget, intended for consumption by the typical end-user. Note however that we also process it into a Debian-compliant text change log, so we need to keep the format consistent. In particular, the Release Timestamp section is needed as part of this (and you need to be meticulous about the date format therein, otherwise you'll get, eg, no-changelogname-tag error from rpmlint). You get problems if you set the release timestamp to be a date in the future, and I'm guessing nobody cares about the exact time of day a release happens, so I'm now setting it to a slightly arbitrary time early in the morning.
- Mash, Boil and Fermentation profiles will appear in the left-hand section
- Additional methods for calculating IBU
- We'll list other new features here...
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Crashing in Windows when making new recipe 929
Fri, 14 Feb 2025 04:00:17 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Inconsistent ABV calculation 918
- US / Imperial quart ("qt") conversion is treated as pints instead 923
- "Converter Tool" does not respect Units settings for US vs Imperial 924
- Beerjson import results in crash 922
Tue, 11 Feb 2025 04:00:16 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- 4.0.13 and ubuntu 24.10 crash 913
Wed, 1 Jan 2025 04:00:15 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- Updated Danish translations (courtesy of Orla Valbjørn Møller)
- Crash when creating or opening user recipe 910
Tue, 31 Dec 2024 04:00:14 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Buttons not displaying icons on Windows, and some missing button text 903
- Country flags not shown on Windows 907
- Ctrl-C copied recipe not shown in correct folder until after restart 909
- Combo boxes not displaying properly on Windows 894
- Compiler warning: "'void QCheckBox::stateChanged(int)' is deprecated: Use checkStateChanged() instead" 884
Sun, 29 Dec 2024 04:00:13 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Brewtarget 4.0.7 Qt6 issue on Ubuntu ( missing) 861
- Update Development Prerequisites to qt6 892
- Combo boxes not displaying properly on Windows 894
- Icons Missing 895
- Installation of new version results in duplicates of recipes and ingredients 896
- Opening user recipe causes crash 897
- Copy recipe crash 899
- Error in BeerXML recipe export 901
- BeerXML imports of our own exports log lots of warnings 902
- Buttons not displaying button text 903
- Trying to export a folder to BeerXML causes a segfault 905
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 04:00:12 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Crash on Windows when opening Print and Print Preview dialog 873
- Crash when you click Yes or No in the pop-up about downloading the latest version 878
- Drop down menu for Style and Equipment are so narrow, cannot see contents 879
- OG doesn't immediately change when adding malt to a recipe 880
- IBU doesn't update when adding hops 881
- Errors when loading translations 889
- Debian package depencies 890
Sun, 24 Nov 2024 04:00:11 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- Danish translation, courtesy of Orla Valbjørn Møller
- Crash when copying recipe, then on adding new steps in mash, ferment, boil, others 868
- Changing Yeast or Attenuation doesn't change ABV 872
- Brewtarget 4.0.X doesn't work on MacOS 809
Sat, 16 Nov 2024 04:00:10 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Crash (stack overflow in Qt) on some Windows builds during "check for new version" 866
- Crash when copying recipe, then on adding new steps in mash, ferment, boil, others 868
Sun, 3 Nov 2024 04:00:09 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- None
- Clicking 'Generate Instructions' on the Brewday tab overwrites existing instructions without warning 862
- Brewtarget 4.0.7 Qt6 issue on Ubuntu ( missing) 861
- Missing libb2-1.dll 863
Sat, 26 Oct 2024 04:00:08 +0100
Bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- Add vertical splitter on Recipe tab, make kettle diameter editable
- Minor improvements to editor layouts
- Some input fields not wide enough on various editors 849
- Upgrade to Qt 6 841
- Equipment should be optional in Recipes in BeerXML 853
- Salt additions with when-to-add time of Never not handled in DB upgrade 840
Tue, 16 Oct 2024 04:00:07 +0100
Bug fixes for the 4.0.5 release (ie bugs in 4.0.5 are fixed in this 4.0.6 release).
- None
- Can't add fermentation steps 831
- Ingredient inventory edits not saved 832
- Unsatisfied dependency for Brewtarget update in ubuntu 24.01 840
- Cmake error on Linux Mint 22 Wilma 843
- Binaries are not signed on Windows 827
- Adding Mash Step causes core dump 847
Sun, 6 Oct 2024 04:00:06 +0100
Bug fixes for the 4.0.4 release (ie bugs in 4.0.4 are fixed in this 4.0.5 release).
- None
- Crash on new ingredient import (brewtarget v4.0.4) at startup time 828
- Crash on new recipe creation 829
- Brewtarget asks to migrate db from vers 9 to version 13 even if no previous DB is there 834
- BeerXML/BeerJSON Recipe export does not match selected type 835
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 04:00:05 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 4.0.3 release (ie bugs in 4.0.3 are fixed in this 4.0.4 release).
- Improve equality tests 824
- Crash editing Target Boil Size 817
- Crash when exporting recipe 821
- Inventory not displaying (further fixes) 814
- Edit Boil and Edit Fermentation buttons not working 826
Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:00:04 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 4.0.2 release (ie bugs in 4.0.2 are fixed in this 4.0.3 release).
- None
Tue, 27 Aug 2024 04:00:03 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 4.0.1 release (ie bugs in 4.0.1 are fixed in this 4.0.2 release).
- None
- Unable to add ingredients to recipe (4.0.X) 810
Tue, 20 Aug 2024 04:00:02 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 4.0.0 release (ie bugs in 4.0.0 are fixed in this 4.0.1 release).
- None
- Windows installation blocked by Data Conversion failure 804
- DefaultContent004-MoreYeasts.json not in cmake files 806
Thu, 8 Aug 2024 04:00:01 +0100
Support for BeerJSON, which includes adding a lot of new fields
- Import from, and export to, BeerJSON 388
- Support for optional fields (ie where value can be blank)
- Lovibond as color unit option 428
- Use Brewerwall ingredient data 290
- Update Styles to 2015 or even 2021 BJCP Guidelines 125
- Add alcohol tolerance as optional parameter in yeast database model and manufacturer's link ? 639
- Remove Default amounts in ingredients editors 359
- Mechanism to add new content 750
- Add "each" as a unit of measurement 383
- Default SQLite database file: hop, fermentable, mashstep, misc and yeast tables have unused columns 557
- Problem with Windows installer NSIS plugins 522
- Add values for pH 386
- Hops Use combo has entry that says "Aroma" but ends up listed as "Post-Boil" in the display 775
- We currently display a Recipe's date as "Brew Date", when it should probably be "Creation Date" 619
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.10 release (ie bugs in 3.0.10 are fixed in this 3.0.11 release).
- None
- Crash changing fermentation duration 785
- Tabs on Editor Windows not displaying correctly on macOS 787
- Efficiency into boil kettle calculation unstable after closing and re-opening Brewtarget 789
Sun, 4 Feb 2024 15:46:47 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.9 release (ie bugs in 3.0.9 are fixed in this 3.0.10 release).
- None
- Database error since 3.0.7 #780
- Restoring database from another version of Brewtarget (self-compiled version 2.0.4 from 2018 codebase) on MacOS 11.7.8 causes application to fail to load on Brewtarget 3.0.9 on Linux Mint 21.1 #766
- Postgres issue w/ fresh install #760
- Import Error #751
Wed, 27 Dec 2023 10:00:10 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.8 release (ie bugs in 3.0.8 are fixed in this 3.0.9 release).
- None
- Broken build on Linux Mint #738
- "Brew it" crashes Mac app #747
- Memory access crash on create new recipe #748
Mon, 15 May 2023 08:29:09 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.7 release (ie bugs in 3.0.7 are fixed in this 3.0.8 release).
- Case insensitive matching of unit names (mL vs ml etc) #725
- More fields show their units (eg "%", "vol", etc) and number of decimal places on some fields is amended
- Errors in SucroseConversion.cpp when Compiling on Windows 10 under Visual Studio 2022 #743
- M_PI undefined when Compiling on Windows 10 under Visual Studio 2022 #741
- Water chemistry is still broken #736
- Some more confusion about decimal separators #733
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 09:29:08 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.6 release (ie bugs in 3.0.6 are fixed in this 3.0.7 release).
- None
- import or export xml records crashes 3.0.x Win app #711
- win10 native MSYS2 build make package error 714
- Hop calculation issues 715
- Reset values of Specific Heat 719
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 05:51:36 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.5 release (ie bugs in 3.0.5 are fixed in this 3.0.6 release).
- None
- brewkenPersistentSettings.conf? #694
- Could not decode "Pellet" to enum and others #695
- Brewtarget logo is missing from main window #697
- Drag and drop is broken #701
- WARNING : QObject::connect: No such signal BrewNote::brewDateChanged(QDateTime) in /home/mik/brewtarget/mik/src/BtTreeModel.cpp #703
- Water chemistry was misbehaving #705
- core dump when right clicking the OG label on the main screen #708
- Hop calculation issues #715
- Hop editor crashes App #717
Sun, 5 Feb 2023 10:04:23 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.4 release (ie bugs in 3.0.4 are fixed in this 3.0.5 release).
- None
- macOS release v3.0.3 is damaged #679
- Boil Time not saved when you edit a copied recipe #688
- Imported recipes are inconsistent and inaccurate #689
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 09:03:12 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.3 release (ie bugs in 3.0.3 are fixed in this 3.0.4 release).
- None
- Compiling Brewtarget from source for the first time produces a Segmentation Fault #669
- Desktop file and icon installed to wrong location on Linux #683
- macOS release v3.0.3 is damaged #679
- Water Chemistry: Crash when selecting added salt name or amount #685
Sun, 27 Nov 2022 10:45:45 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.2 release (ie bugs in 3.0.2 are fixed in this 3.0.3 release).
- None
- Flags in language selection #675
Sun, 6 Nov 2022 11:11:11 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0.1 release (ie bugs in 3.0.1 are fixed in this 3.0.2 release).
- None
- LGPL-2.1-only and LGPL-3.0-only license text not shipped #664
- Release 3.0.1 is uninstallable on Ubuntu 22.04.1 #665
- Turkish Language selection in settings not working [#670])#670)
Wed, 26 Oct 2022 10:10:10 +0100
Minor bug fixes for the 3.0 release (ie bugs in 3.0.0 are fixed in this 3.0.1 release).
- None
Sun, 9 Oct 2022 09:09:09 +0100
New features, rewrites of several low-level interfaces, changes to the basic data model, lots of bug fixes.
- PostgreSQL 9.5 is now a supported database
- SQLite database is automatically backed up
- Temporary database has been removed, in favor of the automated backups
- All writes are now live -- no need to save your work.
- Three new mash types have been added: Batch Sparge, Fly Sparge and No Sparge. The maths should work.
- Units and scale now work for input as well as output
- Recipe versioning
- UI state persists
- Improved equipment editor
- Undo/Redo #370
- XML import is more robust
- Improved display on HDPI displays
- 2.3.0 usability enhancement #179
- 2.4 creating recipe crashes brewtarget #419
- 2.4 Verson #481
- ABV Calculation Error #398
- Adding yeast to a recipe crashes when using postgresql #508
- Adjusting volume on preboil tab doesn't change bk efficiency #255
- A new dir misbehave? #643
- Avoid recipe recalc on load enhancement #270
- A zombie recipe ;), just cosmetic thing. #645
- Backup Database - can't choose filename, and clicking Cancel gives error #497
- Bad css on recipe output #251
- Beer XML imports don't seem to be working. #576
- beerxml import seems broken #500
- Boil time for hops is shown in whole hours (90 min -> 2h) #560
- Brew it / generate brew notes #403
- Brewnotes don't work any more #417
- BrewNote should contain a copy of a the recipe on the day it was brewed. enhancement normal priority #106
- Brewtarget (2.4.0) crashes when copying recipe #589
- brewtarget crashed, now I am warned there are two instances running #533
- Brewtarget crashes when exporting a recipe with a Sparge mash #626
- Brewtarget doesn't stop you running multiple instances #526
- Brewtarget::initialize() fails on a blank system #210
- Brewtarget misinterprets the mash temperatures: 65,000 C as 65.000,000 C #569
- Brewtarget release 2.4.0 is coming #271
- Brewtarget should log its version number #495
- Broken unit tests after #453 #455
- BT 2.3.1: BeerXML output does not contain estimated IBU value #452
- BT DEV 2.4.0 - dependency libgcc-s1 on ubuntu 18.04 #623
- btOS - BrewTarget OS GNU Linux Embedded - RaspberryPI 3 #355
- BtTreeView selected items take precedence over locally selected entities #340
- Buggy refactor #230
- Bug: Incorrect mash temperature is shown in editor and grid #220
- Bug With database not creating in windows on fresh install #486
- Building on windows and getting started on Windows? #397
- Build problems on guidsx #248
- Cannot delete style #371
- Cannot Start Brewtarget #470
- Can't add mash step in dev #221
- Can't delete a style from the tree #155
- Can't enter 90 minutes in hops schedule duplicate #243
- Chaging unit or scale on a table column does not automatically refresh #43
- Changing IBU formula or mash/fwh percentages, nothing happens #223
- CI/CD automated builds #456
- Color of the malt as displayed in the treeView_ferm is expressed in SRM regardless of unit settings #345
- Compile error in MashWizard.cpp #422
- Copy database doesn't copy the settings table properly #306
- Copying database fails #303
- "Copy Recipe" doesn't input inventory quantities #72
- core dump on creating new database #142
- Core dump when closing brewtarget #311
- Crash at closing after deleting a hop #116
- Crash when creating new Equipment #634
- Crash when importing .xml-file #280
- Creating a new recipe makes the program crash on start-up #518
- Custom instructions aren't added to Recipe #656
- Database gone/reset to defaults #469
- Database performance #309
- DatabaseSchemaHelper::create doesn't define mashstep table properly #145
- DatabaseSchemaHelper() defines hop table incorrectly #150
- DatabaseSchemaHelper defines as not null #149
- Database VANISHED!!! #247
- Database wiped on Mac OS X 10.12 due to logout #333
- "Date First Brewed" should default to date recipe was created #301
- DB edits in Options dialog #570
- Default database directory location #272
- default_database.sqlite is a little broken #476
- Deleting equipment, style or named mash dumps core #237
- Deleting fermentable from recipe causes a crash. #436
- Dependencies are not the same in the main README and the vagrant provisioning file #376
- develop branch announcement #168
- develop crashing on adding equipment to a new recipe #507
- Disconnected signal/slot pair when printing #276
- Display amount always in volumeunit in yeast editor #183
- Docker with Linux+Brewtarget 2.4.0 #393
- Doesn't build using cmake 3.x #409
- dpkg -i deb throws up errors - old dependenices listed as required #489
- Editing mash crashes the program #606
- Enable GitHub Discussions? #528
- Error in equipment editor definitions #214
- Feature proposal: Duplicate button in inventory #332
- Feature request: Add logging options to GUI #474
- Feature request - Alpha % in Inventory Report #466
- Fermentable added to recipe has inventory amount set to zero. #396
- FG calculation does not take into account unfermentable ingredients (example: Lactose) #358
- Final Batch Sparge always assuming 15min in Mash Wizard enhancement normal priority #63
- First wort hop adjustment too high by a factor of 100 #177
- Fixed efficiency #641
- Foreign keys seem to need to be last #144
- fromXML methods are not fault tolerant #239
- Generate instructions on a new recipe dumps core #513
- Graphical/text representation of gravity,color, IBUs, etc has mis-sized and truncated text #484
- Graphics on new install glitched #537
- Half the recipes in a folder are moved when dragged-and-dropped into another folder #195
- High DPI Display problems #434
- Hops inventory does not update duplicate #324
- HopSortFilterProxy isn't quite behaving properly on TIMECOL #182
- HTML and XML files #646
- Hydrometer 60F calibration #330
- I broke database conversions again #580
- IBU/color formulas do not persist #133
- Importing an XML file from our export throws a lot of warnings #475
- Importing a recipe is broken #444
- Improve XML import/export error handling. enhancement normal priority #421
- Incorrect balloon comments for Strike Temp and Final Temp #54
- Incorrect mash temperature is shown in editor and grid #220
- Ingredients - add Levteck yeast enhancement #284
- Initialising a new database #319
- Initial value of IBU Adjustments erroneous on systems that use coma as decimal separator #158
- Installer: skip terminates #11
- Instant crash when export to print (on Ubuntu) #250
- Instruction increment trigger may be broken #141
- Inventory error?! Unknown signal. Trying to add inventory to yeasts. #601
- Is there anyone building this on macOS? #375
- I was thinking about windows installer build #512
- Keep inventory when copying a recipe [#72] (#72)
- Kettle volume loss due to trub #385
- Macbook pro retina display fonts are pixelated (HiDPI) enhancement normal priority #259
- Make XML import more robust #504
- Mash Designer - batch sparge type has no affect on water slider amount range #282
- Mash Designer lets you over-shoot target collected wort volume #339
- Mash designer - lower step temperature causes negative infusion #94
- Mash designer produces inconsistent results #279
- Mash Designer Temperature Bugs #412
- Mash Designer - temperature slider reversal #283
- Mash Profile deletion causes fatal error #342
- Mash wizard creates fly sparge step even when "No sparge" radio button checked #351
- Mash wizard does not adjust sparge water temperature for changes in mash temperature #357
- Minimum and maximum recommended IBU values do not change when switching between Tinseth's and Rager's #630
- Moving mash steps causes crash. #265
- Moving mash steps doesn't update form. #267
- Nested html documents in recipe printout #277
- New ingredient can't be created into a folder #117
- Newly created folders are not stored in the db #346
- New MashStep doesn't get saved properly #628
- New mash type are behaving poorly #244
- No menu question #136
- Notepad style recipe option. #394
- Not linking with QtSvg: macdeployqt misses the svg plugins #169
- Number of decimals for the color in the fermentable editor #314
- OG P wrongly calculated for OG sg in refractometer tool #159
- Old recipe crashes Brewtarget #420
- OSX - Crashes when run directly from DMG (read-only installer image) #269
- Pedantic compiler warnings #233
- Persistent backups and temporary backups enhancement #261
- PPA is out of date #381
- PPA is Way Out of Date #236
- Printed pages do not fill page width on high-dpi displays #88
- Printing not working in develop #263
- Printouts are black with dark theme #454
- Print preview is no longer WYSIWYG #258
- Problems with OGs and FGs for each style (2.3.0) #166
- Problem with amounts in inventory #532
- Program crashes after moving up or down a mash step for an empty mash profile #180
- Put string constants for property names in namespaces and match names to values #520
- QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first bug needs info #115
- qt 5.11 breaks fermentables #416
- QT5 minimal version #521
- QtMultimedia gstreamer link issue #9
- Recalc button enhancement #135
- Recipe Extras Tab >> Notes & Taste Notes should be saved? #365
- Recipe versioning #327
- Removing ingredient from the recipe does not update calculated beer parameters #341
- Request: Double click ingredient opens ingredient editor #350
- Require specific minimum Qt version in CMakeLists.txt #152
- Right-click on top level Recipes in treeview Segfaults with null pointer #609
- Saving a "note" to a the dated tab causes application to crash #483
- Saving error #373
- Scottland -> Scotland #529
- Segfault merging database #291
- Signals, signals everywhere enhancement #274
- Slots: signals in BeerXMLElement subclasses? #473
- Specific heat label fix (cal/(gK)) to (Cal/(gK)) #404
- SQL Database Error in mashstep #461
- SQLite to postgres is broken. Again. #505
- Support for Brew-in-a-bag enhancement #41
- TESTs failing when Testing::initTestCase() is creating new Hop or Fermentable #604
- Text Notes on Brew Days gone and do not work anymore #457
- Thank you very much for the free open source program! #494
- The feature of calculating ingredients enhancement #188
- There is no Q_PROPERTY line in brewnotes for the new attenuation field #440
- Time automatically displayed in hours if the value in minute exceeds 60 min enhancement #46
- TravisCI can't find webkit because it's gone forever #217
- Trying to delete "brewtarget" folder in the Recipes list causes segfault #338
- Tun Volume Entered is 0 #298
- Two running Brewtargets Resets Database #73
- Two Running Brewtargets Resets Database #73
- Typo in Yeast editor #384
- UI -2.3.0 usability enhancement #179
- UI compiler complains about missing widget #209
- UI - DB edits in Options dialog #570
- Unable to build on Linux Mint 18.1 #337
- Units on input are not working #238
- updating the database is misbehaving #564
- Updating the inventory seems broken #315
- use bool type in schema enhancement normal priority #148
- UTF-8 compatible export for BeerXML #624
- Version 2.4.0 branched #289
- We are not properly deleting things #164
- When removing a style through Style Editor and clicking on cancel the change is not undone enhancement #198
- When you change the scale of the Boil Time in the equipment dialog the prg crash #137
- Where is database stored? #441
- Why does MainWindow create a recipe by poking directly into the Database()? #446
- Why Xerces & Xalan? #625
- Will there be version 2.3.1 for Windows? #464
- Windows build failing with error: 'M_PI' was not declared in this scope #538
- Windows build fails #292
- Xerces-C and Xalan-C is not included in NSIS Installer #567
- XML recipe import not setting amounts #588
- Yeast attenuation min-max #410
Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:46:19 +0100
- None
- Bad amount/weight behavior in yeast editor #183
- Bad time sorting in hop table #182
- First wort hop adjustment 100x too high #177
- OG in Plato wrongly displayed in refracto dialog #159
Sat, 19 Mar 2016 14:27:30 -0700
- Clarify UI design in ingredient tables #81
- Recipe scaling is a wizard and unifies batch/efficiency scaling #108
- Ingredient searching #6
- More accurate ABV calcs for high-gravity recipes #48
- BBCode export #66
- User date formate not used in recipe tree #123
- Oddities in brewday step numbering #97
- Crash in instruction editor #86
Sun, 10 Jan 2016 13:38:30 -0800
- Scale recipe tool removes equipment #91
- Noonan IBU calculation #7
- Print output uses units and scales options
- Delete button deletes all selected ingredients
- Add sorting for inventory columns
- Calories per 330mL for SI units
- Upgrade to Qt5 from Qt4
- Crash when creating new recipe folder #98
- Bad localization behavior for specific heat input field #77
- Bad ingredient amount behavior in non-US locales #65
- Leaf/plug utilization adjustment is backwards #64
- Scale by efficiency is incorrect with sugars in recipe #29
- Cannot export recipe #39
- Recipe does not update after yeast changes #30
- Multiple dialogs when cancelling multiple actions #25
- Bad color range after style change using EBC #2
- Crash on yeast import
- Crash when double-clicking recipes on brewdate
- Crash on removing hop from hop dialog
- Late sugar additions affect boil gravity
- Updated product id for Ringwood Ale yeast
- Fixes import/export of brewnotes
- Bug 1374421 -- cannot delete brewnotes
Sun, 09 Nov 2014 13:14:30 -0600
- Folders for organizing recipes #1109740.
- Recipe parameter sliders to make it easier to visualize the value and range of IBUs, color, etc.
- Boil SG was wrong if kettle losses were not zero #1328761.
- Extract recipes crash brew-it #1340484
- Incorrect abbreviation in manual #1224236.
- Bad IBUs for extract recipes #1286655.
- "Brew It" fails for extract recipes #1340484.
- Missing icons for some distributions #1346342.
- Failed to launch on OSX with case-sensitive filesystems #1259374.
Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:41:30 -0500
Minor bugfix release.
- Manual button failed to display the manual #1282618.
- Selecting FG units did not change displayed units #128751.
- Windows builds now properly find phonon library #1226862.
- Mash wizard does not overshoot target boil size when recipe includes extract or sugar.#1233744
Sat, 03 May 2014 09:38:30 -0500
This is a minor bugfix release.
- Windows installer now does automatic upgrade from previous versions.
- Replaced language icons with a combobox for selecting language.
- Added Greek and Chinese translations.
- Fixed Slackware build error #1109493
- Installs in Fedora 17 #1109534
- Wrong ingredients being added to recipe fixed #1158620
- Fixed compile error on FreeBSD 9.0 64-bit #1131231
- Late-added sugars now show up in recipe instructions #1155816
- Fixed misc. ingredient amounts being improperly interpreted #1160610
- Rpm package no longer provides /usr and subdirectories #1164045
- Fixed issue causing Fermentable EBC values to be constantly divided by 2 #1170088
- Fixed labeling of EBC values when adding new styles #1173774
- Fixed inaccurate color preview #1177546
- Fixed crashing when importing recipes from Brewmate #1192269.
- Building with
flag works correctly #1212921 - Equipment editor should no longer show up empty. #1227787
- Closing the equipment editor now always reverts all changes.
- Update mash tun mass and specific heat when equipment is dropped on recipe. #1233754
- No longer crashes when copying recipe that has no style selected. #1233745
- Made the manual open in a browser. #1224584.
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:38:30 -0600
This is a minor bugfix release.
- Added Russian translation.
- Significant update to Spanish translation.
- Fixed bug preventing new equipments from being properly saved #1132311
- Fixed crash when editing recipe or taste notes #1134983
- Fixed bug preventing efficiency changes from immediately updating the recipe #1129201
- Fixed Windows issue causing changes not to be saved #1133821
- Fixed strange boil kettle efficiency calculations in brewnotes #1121200
Sun, 17 Mar 2013 20:41:21 -0600
This is a major overhaul of the Brewtarget backend.
- Moved XML database to SQLite.
- Customizable equipment-specific hop utilization.
- Ability to select a "default" equipment to use in new recipes.
- Customizable units in individual display fields.
- Drag'n'drop ingredient lists.
- Can no longer directly read v2.0.0 database from earlier versions, though you can still export recipes and ingredients that can be read by earlier versions.
Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:02:42 -0500
New upstream release
Sun, 02 Oct 2011 12:23:44 -0500
New upstream release 1.2.3
- Initial debian release (Closes: #538751)
Sun, 13 Mar 2011 09:38:00 -0600