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73 lines (33 loc) · 2.96 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (33 loc) · 2.96 KB


Requires FLAIR (, python3 and numpy

minimap2 and bedtools2.28 must be in your path

Also download intropolis.liftover.hg38.junctions.sorted.txt at and save it to the same folder as

First: either download gencode.v37.annotation-short.gtf if using GRCh38 from

or run makeShortAnno with

python /other-folder/gene-annotation.gtf

Next: run the full pipeline with

python3 -r file.fastq -f path/to/ -g /path/to/genome.fa -t /path/to/anno.gtf -a /path/to/anno-short.gtf

Required (run in python3)

-r --reads fastq of fasta file of long reads (nanopore or pacbio)

-f --flair path to flair

-g --genome path to genome .fa

-t --transcriptome path to gene annotation .gtf

-a --anno short gene annotation file.gtf from makeShortAnno


-o --output output prefix (added to fastq prefix) default-today's date

-b --buffer length of buffer for combining nearby regions and determining distinct loci. default 50000

-s --samConvert whether to take .bam and convert to .sam (True = convert .bam (from fq prefix) to .sam) - not necessary if you're doing the alignment step

-y --includeMito whether to include fusions that are in the mitochondria (True=include) default=False not reccommended

-k --remapSize size of area around breakpoint to remap default-0, reccommended-500

-i --callIsoforms whether to detect fusion isoforms (True=already detected or don't want to detect, dont run) default=False

-j --matchFusionIsos whether to match isoforms to fusions (True=already matched or dont want to match, dont run) default=False

-d --detectFusions whether to detect fusions (True=already detected, dont run) default=False

-p --bedProcess whether to align and correct reads (True=I already have a processed .bed file with the filename in the form fastqName-bedtools-genes-short.bed). default = False

-u --flairAlign whether to align reads (True=I already have an aligned .bed file (name stored in -m)) default=False

-c --flairCorrect whether to correct reads (True=I already have a corrected .bed file (name stored in -m) default=False

-m --bedfile name of aligned.bed file or corrected.bed file if -u or -c is selected


if detecting fusions: one args.o-fastq-Fusions.tsv file and one args.o-fastq-Reads.bed file with only chimeric reads

if remapping (-k > 0): extra args.o-fastq-FusionsRemapped.tsv and args.o-fastq-Remapp-seq.bed file. The .bed file will not be in standard form, since we make synthetic chromosomes around the fusion breakpoints.

if detecting isoforms: extra args.o-fastq-IsoformFusions.tsv and args.o-fastq-IsoformsReads.bed file with chimeric isoforms. These isoforms will be renamed and not the names of any of your reads.