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200 lines (146 loc) · 7.03 KB

SBInstagram v2.2

Easy Objective-C framework to show an instagram feed, initially only shows the pictures and the videos preview(picture).

if you need this working with AFNetworking v1.x use version 1.3

if you don't setup an access token or the existing one expire, this framework request a new one with the login view.


  • You need add the AVFoundation.framework to your project

  • to initialize and setup the default views add the following code.

//init controller
SBInstagramController *instagram = [SBInstagramController instagram];
//setting up, data were taken from instagram app setting (
instagram.instagramRedirectUri = @"";
instagram.instagramClientSecret = @"dd9f687e1ffb4ff48ebc77188a14d283";
instagram.instagramClientId = @"436eb0b4692245c899091391eaa5cdf1";
instagram.instagramDefaultAccessToken = @"6874212.436eb0b.9768fd326f9b423eab7dd260972ee6db";
instagram.instagramUserId = @"6874212"; //if you want request the feed of one user
//both are optional, but if you need search by tag you need set both
instagram.isSearchByTag = YES; //if you want serach by tag
instagram.searchTag = @"colombia"; //search by tag query

//multiple users id or multiple tags (not both)
instagram.instagramMultipleUsersId = @[@"386407356",@"6874212"];
instagram.instagramMultipleTags = @[@"sea",@"ground",@"fire"]; //if you set this you don't need set isSearchByTag in true
instagram.showOnePicturePerRow = YES; //to change way to show the feed, one picture per row(default = NO)
instagram.showSwitchModeView = YES; //show a segment controller with view option (default = NO)
instagram.loadingImageName = @"SBInstagramLoading"; //config a custom loading image
instagram.videoPlayImageName = @"SBInsta_play"; //config a custom video play image
instagram.videoPauseImageName = @"SBInsta_pause"; //config a custom video pause image
instagram.playStandardResolution = YES; //if you want play a standard resuluton, low resolution per default
[instagram refreshCollection]; //refresh instagram feed
//push instagram view controller into navigation
[self.navigationController pushViewController:instagram.feed animated:YES];
  • to initialize and setup only the data source add the following code (you can check the project named "SBInstagramDataSourceExample"):
SBInstagramController *instagram = [SBInstagramController dataSource];
//setting up, data were taken from instagram app setting (
instagram.instagramRedirectUri = @"";
instagram.instagramClientSecret = @"dd9f687e1ffb4ff48ebc77188a14d283";
instagram.instagramClientId = @"436eb0b4692245c899091391eaa5cdf1";
instagram.instagramDefaultAccessToken = @"6874212.436eb0b.9768fd326f9b423eab7dd260972ee6db";

instagram.instagramMultipleUsersId = @[@"6874212"]; //here you can set 1 or more
instagram.instagramMultipleTags = @[@"colombia", @"england", @"japan"]; //here you can set 1 or more

//to download media you need execute this methods

/* first you need download the initial elements, use this method
 /mediaArray: array of *SBInstagramMediaPagingEntity* 
 /lastMedia: array of the last object (SBInstagramMediaPagingEntity), this is for the pagging
 /error: if anything is wrong
- (void) mediaMultiplesWithComplete:(void (^)(NSArray *mediaArray,NSArray *lastMedia, NSError * error))block;

[instagram mediaMultiplesWithComplete:^(NSArray *mediaArray, NSArray *lastMedia, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {
            self.currentEntities = [mediaArray mutableCopy]; //your local array
            self.lastEntities = lastMedia; //another local array (save it to paging)
            [self.tableView reloadData]; //reload tableview or whatever you use
            NSLog(@"error: %@", error.localizedDescription);

/* to download the next page you need use this method
 /entites: this is the lastMedia array you saved in the last call
 /mediaArray: array of *SBInstagramMediaPagingEntity* 
 /lastMedia: array of the last object (SBInstagramMediaPagingEntity), this is for the pagging
 /error: if anything is wrong
- (void) mediaMultiplePagingWithArr:(NSArray *)entities complete:(void (^)(NSArray *mediaArray,NSArray *lastMedia, NSError * error))block;

[instagram mediaMultiplePagingWithArr:self.lastEntities complete:^(NSArray *mediaArray, NSArray *lastMedia, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {
            [self.currentEntities addObjectsFromArray:mediaArray]; //add new media entities
            self.lastEntities = lastMedia; //save it to download next pages
            [self.tableView reloadData]; //reload tableview or whatever you use
           NSLog(@"error: %@", error.localizedDescription);

/* to get the list of people who like the media you need use this method
 /mediaEntity: this is the media entity with we want request the likers
 /likers: array of *SBInstagramUserEntity* 
 /error: if anything is wrong
- (void) likersFromMediaEntity:(SBInstagramMediaEntity *)mediaEntity complete:(void (^)(NSMutableArray *likers, NSError * error))block;

[instagram likersFromMediaEntity:mediaEntity complete:^(NSMutableArray *likers, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {
			//here yo have the likers array
           NSLog(@"error: %@", error.localizedDescription);


  • this framework needs the AFNetworking v2.x
  • this framework support iOS 6 and above
  • this is a Xcode 6 project (Xcode 5 compatibility)
  • iOS8 compatibility
  • examples with and without storyboard

Change Log


  • new segment controller with new design
  • liker for media selected in the datasource implementation
  • bugs fixes in ipad, video, memory management


  • new segment view
  • likes count in the feed and detail
  • full description in the feed and detail like oficial instagram app


  • download only data to customezed views
  • data source example with a custom view


  • video player completely redesigned, bugs fixed


  • bugs fixed in video player
  • multiple users feed
  • multiple hast tags search


  • Play videos inline in the feed and in the pic detail
  • Another option to setup
  • Images customized


  • create a method to refresh the instragram feed


  • upgrade AFNetworking framework, now use AFNetworking v2.x
  • username and user picture in the image detail view


  • add new way to show the feed, one picture per row


  • add support for search by tag
  • new way to init the instagram view controller


  • load all instagram photos per demand (lazy loading)
  • add a loading animation
  • add caption field in the picture detail
  • remove PSTCollectionView framework (remove iOS 5 support)


  • first version
