- ADDED: Spotbugs tool for static analysis
- CHANGE: Updated MobSF to version 4.3.0
- ADDED: mptsec is also available as PIP package
- CHANGE: Changed mpt package name to mptsec
- CHANGE: Added symlinks to available binaries and global TMP_BIN folder
- CHANGE: Minor fix
- ADDED: Select and download frida version running on device
- CHANGE: Fixed fridump
- CHANGE: Updated fridump
- CHANGE: Minor fix
- CHANGE: tool objection
- BUGFIX: fixed issue with special chars in apk filename
- ADDED: new pentest folder structure
- CHANGE: Minor changes
- CHANGE: Default application folder and configuration file
- ADDED: Application label
- BUGFIX: source import of bash files
- BUGFIX: Fixed command execution on bash und zsh
- BUGFIX: MobSF Installation and start
- BUGFIX: MobSF Installation and start
- BUGFIX: Tool objection
- ADDED: scrcpy (This application mirrors Android devices (video and audio) connected via USB)
- CHANGE: Updated command execution
- BUGFIX: Fixed bug mobSF
- BUGFIX: Fixed bug mobSF installation
- ADDED: poetry dependency
- CHANGE: new stable version
- BUGFIX: Fixed format bug
- CHANGE: Min. python version 3.9
- ADDED: Option to take screenshot from device
- ADDED: Added a static IP option for access point
- ADDED: Added option to create Hotspot for proxy (AP)
- BUGFIX: Fix installation issue
- CHANGE: WiFi module have separate commands for enabling and disabling proxy
- CHANGE: Updated bypass SSL-pinning script
- ADDED: Local installation for tools, tools can be installed via command-line
- BUGFIX: RMS installation via npm
- REMOVED: Blob apk files
- CHANGE: Updated supported tools
- CHANGE: Refactored menu options
- ADDED: Requirement application check before tool installation
- CHANGE: Updated package listing
- CHANGE: Some minor changes
- CHANGE: Updated zsh plugin
- CHANGE: Some minor changes
- BUGFIX: Fixed load config and listing device issues
- CHANGE: Updated installation process --update flag
- ADDED: Update to the latest version from cli
- BUGFIX: Backup function
- ADDED: added tool kitty (terminal emulator)
- CHANGE: Setup pentest project
- BUGFIX: fixed install_http
- ADDED: tool objection added
- ADDED: Moved from static setting.MOBILE_FOLDER to dynamic install-dir
- ADDED: additional arguments can be passed to tool parameter ---tool
- ADDED: Configuration file format was switched to json
- CHANGE: Refactoring
- ADDED: Migrated to pyproject.toml
- BUGFIX: load frida scripts
- ADDED: pipx installation support
- BUGFIX: wi-fi proxy switch
- BUGFIX: frida-server upload
- BUGFIX: fridump
- ADDED: 'decompile' option
- ADDED: 'tool' parameter and available tool listing
- ADDED: dex2jar tool
- CHANGE: Installation process for git and http file download
- REMOVED: removed MobSF parameter
- ADDED: http download from single and archive files
- ADDED: jadx tool
- ADDED: ChangeLog
- CHANGE: Updated URLs for locally installed tools
- BUGFIX: multiple minor bug fixes
- BUGFIX: MobSF installation and execution