All analysis was conducted in R version 4.0.2 using the following script. Computations were performed on a MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and an i7 quad-core processor.
If you haven’t already installed the bioplotr
package, you’ll need to
do so to reproduce the figures below.
# Install bioplotr
# Load libraries
We begin by loading the clinical data.
# Clinical data
clin0m <- fread('./Data/0m_clinical_clean_v0.csv')
clin6m <- fread('./Data/6m_clinical_clean_v0.csv')
# Reduce to patient level
df <- clin0m[, .(Patient_ID, HEIGHT, WEIGHT, GENDER)] %>%
rbind(clin6m[, .(Patient_ID, HEIGHT, WEIGHT, GENDER)]) %>%
# How many patients?
## [1] 237
# How many missing values?
## Female Male
## 1 175 61
## [1] 21
We have 237 patients in this dataset. We’re missing GENDER
data for
one and HEIGHT
data for 21. Fortunately, these values can be reliably
Gender is well predicted by height and weight, as we can observed in this scatterplot.
ggplot(df, aes(WEIGHT, HEIGHT, color = GENDER)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_d3() +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_y_log10() +
Our extraneous blue point appears to be quite clearly in the female cluster. A logistic regression bears this out. However, before building this model, we remove the extremely short patient who may bias results.
# Recode gender as Boolean
dat <- df %>%
filter(HEIGHT > min(HEIGHT, na.rm = TRUE), !, GENDER != '') %>%
mutate(y = if_else(GENDER == 'Female', 1, 0))
# Fit model
f <- glm(y ~ log(HEIGHT) + log(WEIGHT), data = dat, family = binomial)
# How does the model perform?
plot_roc(dat$y, fitted(f))
The model achieves an AUROC of over 0.9, indicating very good fit. We
can now use this model to impute our missing GENDER
# Predict our missing point
predict(f, newdata = df[GENDER == ''], type = 'response')
## 1
## 0.9993331
The model predicts our unrecorded patient is Female
with 99.9%
# Impute gender
df[GENDER == '', GENDER := 'Female']
Height is well predicted by weight and gender, as we observed in the previous scatterplot. We can use that dependency to predict values for our missing data. First, we evaluate a number of predictive models using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Candidate models include splines and interactions.
# Fit models of variable complexity
f1 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ log(WEIGHT) + GENDER, data = dat)
f2 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ ns(log(WEIGHT), df = 2) + GENDER, data = dat)
f3 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ ns(log(WEIGHT), df = 3) + GENDER, data = dat)
f4 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ log(WEIGHT)*GENDER, data = dat)
f5 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ log(WEIGHT):GENDER, data = dat)
f6 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ ns(log(WEIGHT), df = 2)*GENDER, data = dat)
f7 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ ns(log(WEIGHT), df = 2):GENDER, data = dat)
f8 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ ns(log(WEIGHT), df = 3)*GENDER, data = dat)
f9 <- lm(log(HEIGHT) ~ ns(log(WEIGHT), df = 3):GENDER, data = dat)
f_list <- list(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9)
# Evaluate models
data.frame('Model' = paste0('f', seq_len(9)),
'AIC' = sapply(f_list, AIC))
## Model AIC
## 1 f1 -785.1740
## 2 f2 -783.3956
## 3 f3 -781.5284
## 4 f4 -783.8929
## 5 f5 -785.7787
## 6 f6 -781.4597
## 7 f7 -783.4562
## 8 f8 -778.3552
## 9 f9 -780.1560
The minimum AIC is attained by f5, so we use this to impute missing data.
# Impute height
df[, HEIGHT := exp(predict(f5, newdata = df[]))]
We check a final scatterplot to make sure things look right.
ggplot(df, aes(WEIGHT, HEIGHT, color = GENDER)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_d3() +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_y_log10() +
These results look plausible, and now allow us to use BMI in our downstream DEA models, which is an important predictor of disease activity in RA.
# Compute BMI
df[, BMI := WEIGHT / (HEIGHT / 100)^2]
# Write to clinical files
clin0m %>%
select(-HEIGHT, -GENDER) %>%
inner_join(df[, .(Patient_ID, HEIGHT, GENDER, BMI)], by = 'Patient_ID') %>%
clin6m %>%
select(-HEIGHT, -GENDER) %>%
inner_join(df[, .(Patient_ID, HEIGHT, GENDER, BMI)], by = 'Patient_ID') %>%