All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
7.2.0 (2023-10-10)
- Added a layout module that controls the layout of individual attack types within the console (8347482)
- Added a menu class to handle control flow of our menu system (2d1bcba)
- Added interactive boolean parameter to launch our new interactive console system (a6528cd)
- Added interactive class to drive generation and creation of our menu system (16cf002)
- Added logging and utils to project (24d34c3)
- Added logging support (6fb0101)
- Added new exports in init (034f631)
- Added new static variables to base class (9c08561)
- Adding campaigns attribute to Enterprise attack and related entities (ecf5eba)
- Adding docs requirement file (230b15b)
- Adding new URL for nist_controls_json (5d96b89)
- Adding poetry support for project (9b495e2)
- Bump minor version (48349f5)
- Bumped major version (b8f2fc2)
- Bumped patch version (725d181)
- configuration: Added internal method to save_config (12ccdeb)
- Simplified main interface to use new simple classes (cc0eda6)
- Updated format of properties within each framework (60e211d)
- Updated requirements to use data models and attrs (bac03ad)
- Added relationship property to the enterprise framework. Fixes #131 (09c8c02)
- Adding safeload of yaml file to config (1d08992)
- Adding tests for campaigns (40809bc)
- Adding warning of deprecation of PreAttack framework since it is no longer officially supported by MITRE. Fixes #126 (085828e)
- Bumped major version and update dependencies (41c5201)
- Bumping minor version (2d89017)
- bumping version to 6.1.2 (3937632)
- configuration: Updated config to save config when use_config is used. Also fixed issue with is_url method Closes #121 (9933bba)
- configuration: Updated validation of URLs and Paths in Configuration class (c73a7d3)
- Ignoring long line length in base class for logo string (db21818)
- Incorporating fix #129 (59ed9db)
- layout: Updated get_external_id method to use a different name than object as its parameter (30ae9b9)
- Removed the main and replaced with cli module (729707e)
- Update patch version (b4a5837)
- Updated format of configuration module (b0d2a09)
- Updated format to match isort and black (3e834c1)
- Updated imports of data models (3c19df1)
- Updated readme (48528e1)
- Updating campaigns tests (58a2c3d)
- Updating dependencies (2a446e6)
- Updating dependency in poetry.lock (ffb5a31)
- Updating imports in frameworks (d9a2c1d)
- Updating imports of pyattck-data again (8de8739)
- Updating examples (cbfd1f3)
- Updating to pyattck-data 2.1.1 (734da49)
- Updating to pyattck-data 2.4.1 (78a3576)
- Updating to pyattck-data 2.4.2 (71b69a9)
- Updating to pyattck-data latest version (e3bdea4)
- Updating toml (d3f57c6)
- utils: Modified logic in is_path method (57efb98)
- Added gif of new interactive menu system (5d138a3)
- More updates to docstrings (3889d80)
- Revamped documentation based on changes to project (267e047)
- Update with interactive console (f9b3a94)
- Updated changelog (b8c98b9)
- updated doc strings in attck and configuration classes (f367e45)
- Updated README (a5f1a4d)
- Updated README (4727349)
- Updating docs (e0e60a4)
- Updating docs (0fceda2)
- Updating docstring formatting in properies (7b3b2e2)
7.1.2 (2023-05-16)
- Updating examples (cbfd1f3)
7.1.1 (2023-03-06)
7.1.0 (2023-03-06)
- Adding campaigns attribute to Enterprise attack and related entities (ecf5eba)
- Adding tests for campaigns (40809bc)
- Adding warning of deprecation of PreAttack framework since it is no longer officially supported by MITRE. Fixes #126 (085828e)
- Bumping minor version (2d89017)
- Incorporating fix #129 (59ed9db)
- Updated readme (48528e1)
- Updating campaigns tests (58a2c3d)
- Added an interactive console menu system. You can access it by using the --interactive flag.
- Updated to pyattck-data 2.1.0
- Complete revamp and removed 70% of code base
- Added access to malwares from techniques (thanks aacienfuegos)
- Access deprecated attribute from all MITRE ATT&CK objects (thanks aacienfuegos)
- Updated documentation
- Improved support of ICS framework (thanks cohmoti)
- Bumped minor version
- Added new V10 data sources support
- Added ICS Framework
- Documentation updates
- Fixed issue with mitigations not being accessible in enterprise techniques
- Added ability to access nested subtechniques (or not) using
nested_techniques parameter when instantiating Attck object
- Fixed relationship links in enterprise malwares and techniques
- Fixed retrieval of id property in preattack actors
- Updated methods _set_wiki, _set_id, and _set_reference in each frameworks base classes
- Updated pendulum requirements version to have max version
- Updating pendulum requirements version
- Updated and modified docstrings across package
- Fixed issue with pre-attack and mobile attack technique id mappings
- Major update which includes external datasets to add additional context to MITRE ATT&CK
- Restructured and created enterprise object type for future expansion into other MITRE ATT&CK Frameworks
- Improved access and speed when accessing relationship objects
- Added configuration settings and optional loading of datasets from local file paths
- Fixed issue with appending techniques correctly
- Updated Documentation
- Updating Documentation with new reference links
- Initial release of pyattck to PyPi