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Provider reference at header level of In-Network file #371

Answered by shaselton-usds
SCShuler asked this question in Q&A
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@SCShuler -- moved the "issue" to a "discussion".

The provider_references in the Negotiated Rate Details Object is an array of IDs referencing the provider_group_id in the Provider Reference Object that is found in the "header level" of the in-network MRF.

This is to say, I think the way it is set up is the way that you're asking for it to be set up.

An example would be the definition of a provider network at the "header level" (aka, the root node) that is used later in the file for a negotiated item/service. Please note that in the example, the ID being referenced is "1", but it could have easily been "2" that points back to an externally referenced provider network.

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This discussion was converted from issue #367 on February 02, 2022 20:20.