+from collections.abc import Callable
+import numpy as np
+[docs]def mixture(
num_voters: int,
num_candidates: int,
samplers: list[Callable],
weights: list[float],
sampler_parameters: list[dict],
seed: int = None,
Generates a mixture of samplers. The process works as follows: for each vote, we sample which
sample will be used to generate it based on the weight distribution of the samplers,
then, the corresponding number of votes are sampled from the samplers and concatenated together
to form the final set of votes.
Note that votes are not sampled one after the other from the samplers but all at once. This
is important if you are using samplers that are not independent.
It is assumed that you pass samplers that are all about the same type of ballots (only ordinal
or only approval for instance). If you don't, the code will probably fail.
num_voters : int
Number of Voters.
num_candidates : int
Number of Candidates.
samplers: list
List of samplers.
weights: list
Probability distribution over the samplers, the sampler in position k has weight :code:`weights[k]`.
sampler_parameters: list[dict]
List of dictionaries passed as keyword parameters of the samplers. Number of voters and
number of candidates of these dictionaries are not taken into account.
seed : int
Seed for numpy random number generator.
Note that this is only the seed for this function.
If you want to use particular seed for the functions generating votes,
you should pass it as parameter within the :code:`sampler_parameters` list.
if len(samplers) != len(weights):
raise ValueError("For a mixture, you need to provide one weight per sampler, no more, no "
if len(samplers) != len(sampler_parameters):
raise ValueError("For a mixture, you need to provide one dictionary of parameters per "
"sampler, no more, no less.")
if min(weights) < 0:
raise ValueError("For a mixture, the weight of a sampler cannot be negative.")
if sum(weights) == 0:
raise ValueError("For a mixture, the sum of the weights cannot be 0.")
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
weights = np.array(weights, dtype=float)
weights /= weights.sum()
num_samplers = len(samplers)
samples = rng.choice(range(num_samplers), size=num_voters, replace=True, p=weights)
counts = np.unique(samples, return_counts=True)
num_voters_per_sampler = [0 for _ in range(num_samplers)]
for i, j in enumerate(counts[0]):
num_voters_per_sampler[j] = counts[1][i]
return concatenation(num_voters_per_sampler, num_candidates, samplers, sampler_parameters)
+[docs]def concatenation(
num_voters_per_sampler: list[int],
num_candidates: int,
samplers: list[Callable],
sampler_parameters: list[dict]
) -> np.ndarray:
Generate votes from different samplers and concatenate them together to form the final set of
Note that votes are not sampled one after the other from the samplers but all at once. This
is important if you are using samplers that are not independent.
It is assumed that you pass samplers that are all about the same type of ballots (only ordinal
or only approval for instance). If you don't, the code will probably fail.
num_voters_per_sampler : int
List of numbers of voters to be sampled from each sampler.
num_candidates : int
Number of Candidates.
samplers: list,
List of samplers.
sampler_parameters: list,
List of dictionaries passed as keyword parameters of the samplers. Number of voters and
number of candidates of these dictionaries are not taken into account.
Ordinal votes.
if len(num_voters_per_sampler) != len(samplers):
raise ValueError("For a concatenation, you need to provide one number of voters per "
"sampler, no more, no less.")
if len(samplers) != len(sampler_parameters):
raise ValueError("For a concatenation, you need to provide one dictionary of parameters"
" per sampler, no more, no less.")
for i, params in enumerate(sampler_parameters):
params["num_voters"] = num_voters_per_sampler[i]
params["num_candidates"] = num_candidates
all_votes = None
for num_voters, sampler, params in zip(num_voters_per_sampler, samplers, sampler_parameters):
if num_voters > 0:
votes = sampler(**params)
if all_votes is None:
all_votes = votes
elif isinstance(all_votes, np.ndarray):
all_votes = np.concatenate((all_votes, votes), axis=0)
elif isinstance(all_votes, list):
raise ValueError(f"The type of the votes returned by the sampler "
f"{sampler.__name__} do not match known types and thus cannot "
f"be used for concatenation of samplers. Did you mix-up ordinal "
f"and approval samplers?")
return all_votes