We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
Role: Project Leader
- In charge of IntegratiNaon
- In charge of Deliverables and Deadlines
- In charge of Logic Component
- Features implemented:
- Code written: [functional code][test code]
- Other major contributions:
- Did most of the initial refactoring as well as code integration
- Set up Travis, Appveyor CI and Coveralls
- In charge of integration: Merge and pull request reviews
- In charge of administrative task: milestones, issues and tagging
- Implemented Natty Parser for dates
- Implemented multiple index for delete
- Components in charge of: Storage
- Aspects/tools in charge of: Testing, Git, Scheduling and Tracking
- Features implemented:
- Code written: [functional code][test code]
- Other major contributions:
- Creates issues and assign them to team mates
- Using DoIT application to find bugs
- Allowed user to execute previous command by InputStack
- Allowed user to undo/redo previous command using TaskManagerStack
- Helped with Documentation
- Implemented import/export with save/load command
Role: Developer
- In charge of Documentation
- In charge of Testing
- In charge of Model Component
- Features implemented:
- Code written: [functional code][test code]
- Other major contributions:
- Help team mates to understand and fix bugs
- Implemented smart search to better find tasks
- Implemented ability to sort task by attributes
- Implemented ability to mark task as completed/uncompleted by mark/unmark command
- Implemented ability to view completed/uncompleted tasks by done/list command
- Created SampleData.xml file for demo
- Added description and priority to tasks
- Code coverage and test code
Role: Developer
- In charge of Code Quality
- In charge of UI
- Features implemented:
- Code written: [functional code][test code]
- Other major contributions:
- Implemented shortcuts
- Implemented 3 List for task, events and floating tasks
- Designed the User Interface
- Scroll to task after dates
- Created help popup with command summary
- Added keyboard shortcuts for some commands
- Added colors to indicate task priority
- Added visual indication of wrong command
- Added visual indication of overdue tasks
We welcome contributions. See Contact Us page for more info.