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CANedge over-the-air manager (BETA)

This tool lets you manage multiple CANedge devices connected to your S3 server. It supports batch over-the-air firmware/configuration updates. The tool works on a single firmware version and single CANedge variant at a time.


  • Update Configuration Files (without updating the Firmware)
  • Encrypt device passwords
  • Migrate devices to new Firmwares
  • Migrate Configuration Files for MINOR/MAJOR updates
  • Validates updated configuration files using the device Rule Schema
  • Uses a user provided configuration migration function to update/modify configuration files

Project structure

The project structure is:

  • (main canedge manager module)
  • (canedge manager command line interface)
  • servers.json (example of S3 server details file)
  • config/ (configuration function examples)


Tested with Python 3.11.

Requirements: pip install -r requirement

Module usage

The CANedge module can be imported and used directly to update device firmware and configuration.

from canedge_manager import CANedge, CANedgeReturnCodes

# Create client connection to S3 server
mc = Minio(endpoint="S3_SERVER_ENDPOINT",

# Init a CANedge object
ce = CANedge(mc=mc,

# Update configuration for a list of devices
ce.cfg_update(device_ids_to_update=[LIST OF DEVICE IDs],

# Update firmware for a list of devices
ce.fw_update(device_ids_to_update=[LIST OF DEVICE IDs])

# Cleans unused Configuration and Rule Schema files

Command Line Interface (CLI) usage

The CLI is a simple front-end to the CANedge manager. The CLI supports batch firmware, configuration and clean-up operations.

Things to note:

  • The list of devices is created when the tool is started - to refresh the list, re-start the tool
  • When using the CLI, the configuration function needs to be written in Python
  • The config/ directory provides configuration function examples to be used as a starting point
  • It is recommended to initially test with one or a few devices before updates are applied to all devices

Typing python --help provides the following help:

usage: [-h] [-s SERVER] [-a ALIAS] -b BUCKET -f CFGFUNC -c
                      FWCUR [-n FWNEW]

CANedge Command Line Interface

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        A json file containing a list S3 server details (if
                        omitted, servers.json is used) (default: servers.json)
  -a ALIAS, --alias ALIAS
                        The alias of the relevant server from server to use (if
                        omitted, the 1st entry is used) (default: None)
  -b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET
                        S3 bucket name (default: None)
  -f CFGFUNC, --cfgfunc CFGFUNC
                        A user-provided configuration function applied during
                        the configuration update (default: None)
  -c FWCUR, --fwcur FWCUR
                        The Firmware file currently used on the devices to be
                        updates (*.bin) (default: None)
  -n FWNEW, --fwnew FWNEW
                        The Firmware file to be migrated to (*.bin) (default:


  • If the "-s" argument is omitted, the tool searches for a file named "servers.json"
  • If the "-a" argument is omitted, the tool will select the first server alias in server file
  • If used for firmware update to a new major / minor version, first run config to create a compatible configuration file
  • MinIO server configuration files can be used directly (-s argument)

The format of the S3 server file is:

  "ALIAS": {
    "url": "http://hostname:port",
    "accessKey": "ACCESS_KEY",
    "secretKey": "SECRET_KEY"

Note that the url (endpoint) shall include http:// or https://.

Running the above will connect you to the server and fetch a list of devices with specified firmware.

Once started, type ´help´ for more information on the available commands:


Documented commands (type help <topic>):
clean  config  exit  help  ls  update

Example on starting the CLI tool:

python -s servers.json -b office -f config/ -c firmware_01_08.01.bin

Example on using the CLI tool:

List devices:

   0, ID: 071E61AD, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 2218F2BC
   1, ID: 0DB63A93, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: D8CA618F
   2, ID: 0EEBBC43, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 3D550818
   3, ID: 12C1A48D, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 8C4E8370
   4, ID: 26AEB06C, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: F3CC41A8
   5, ID: 2FB30D1C, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: C5FCB62F
   6, ID: 3B912722, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 4C14CA13
   7, ID: 4B23D6A0, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 443BECCD
   8, ID: 51697F4D, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 3E7D99C3
   9, ID: A9110452, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 3BB5B899
  10, ID: ADC02130, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 6127A604
  11, ID: C8B4DC35, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: ABD94077
  12, ID: D2920F21, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: E8F96938
  13, ID: E04A72BB, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: DED0F604
  14, ID: F7261DAD, FW: 00.07.01, HW: 00.00, CFG_CRC: 8C4C5238

Configuration update devices 0-5:

(CANedge)config -r 0-5
- 071E61AD | Config updated
- 0DB63A93 | Config updated
- 0EEBBC43 | Config updated
- 12C1A48D | Config updated
- 26AEB06C | Config updated
- 2FB30D1C | Config updated

Configuration update device 6 with --dry argument (an unused configuration file is created):

(CANedge)config -r 6-6 --dry
- 3B912722 | Config updated


If the server uses TLS (https) and a custom certificate is used, it may be necessary to specifically provide the server root certificate. This can be done by setting the environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE.

Example on Windows: set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\Users\bob\Desktop\server_cert.crt


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

CANedge module

## [00.00.03] - 2024-09-03

### Changed
- Manager now only works with one CANEdge type/model at a time
- "device_type" (CANedgeType) input added to configuration functions

## [00.00.02] - 2019-10-02
### Added

### Changed
- Configuration function prototype changed. Now takes additional arguments "tools", "index" and "device_id"
- Configuration tools object now includes helper functions for credential encryption


## [00.00.02] - 2019-10-02
### Added
- Configuration change `config` command now takes `--dry` argument to create a test configuration file `config-XX.XX.json`. Eg. `config -r 0-0 --dry`