Thanks for contributing! 😄
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
Note: Contributions should be made via pull requests to the dev branch of the repository.
The following are the guidelines we request you to follow in order to contribute to this project.
This project follows the gitmoji commit message system. Along with that, commit titles should be in the imperative present tense form (see this). The gitmoji-cli can be a useful tool to install.
For issues, please use one of the available templates.
The code should satisfy the following:
- Have meaningful variable names, either in
. - Have no issues when running
yarn run lint
. - Have a scope for easy fixing, refactoring and scaling.
- If applicable, have meaningful file names, directory names and directory structure.
Pull requests should have:
- A concise commit message.
- A description of what was changed/added.
You can contribute to any of the features you want, here's what you need to know:
- How the project works.
- The technology stack used for the project.
- A brief idea about writing documentation.
You can contribute by:
- Reporting Bugs
- Suggesting Enhancements
- Code Contribution
- Pull Requests
Make sure to document the contributions well in the pull request.
It is not compulsory to follow the guidelines mentioned above, but it is strongly recommended.