The following requires IPython >= 0.13.
The following startup file creates a dated log file of all input and output in the log folder of the given profile. If the file already exists, it appends to it, writing a time stamp indicating the creation of a new session.
This code is an adaptation to IPython 0.12 of a similar logging setup floating around on the internet.
Put in a file in the startup/ directory of your profile. For example, ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
from time import strftime import os.path ip = get_ipython() ldir = ip.profile_dir.log_dir fname = 'log-' + ip.profile + '-' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ".py" filename = os.path.join(ldir, fname) notnew = os.path.exists(filename) try: ip.magic('logstart -o %s append' % filename) if notnew: ip.logger.log_write(u"# =================================\n") else: ip.logger.log_write(u"#!/usr/bin/env python\n" ) ip.logger.log_write(u"# " + fname + "\n" ) ip.logger.log_write(u"# IPython automatic logging file\n" ) ip.logger.log_write(u"# " + strftime('%H:%M:%S') + "\n" ) ip.logger.log_write(u"# =================================\n" ) print " Logging to "+filename except RuntimeError: print " Already logging to "+ip.logger.logfname
Now whenever you start a session with ipython --profile=default a session log will be stored in ~/.ipython/profile_default/log/