IPython's %pinfo (?) and %pinfo2 (??) interactive help commands use the pager to avoid flooding the shell with long blocks of text.
Here is a magic command to give the same behavior to Python's built-in (pydoc) help command (tested in Python 2.7):
from IPython.core import page def magic_help(self, s): """Retrieve the pydoc help for an object and display it through a pager. See http://stackoverflow.com/a/1176180/1410871 """ import pydoc import sys obj = reduce(getattr, s.split("."), sys.modules[__name__]) page.page(pydoc.plain(pydoc.render_doc(obj))) ip = get_ipython() ip.define_magic("help",magic_help)
After running this code from the interactive prompt or via your local config settings, you can send help through the pager like so:
import re %help re