This is my set of notes for the AWS Developer Associate Exams. It based on having done the SA Associate
Times shown as at 18-Jan-2019
- Revisit IAM / EC2 / S3 (5:26:18 - but content all covered in SA)
- Look at Serverless (2:26:45)
- Build something in Serverless (2 week project)
- DynamoDB (1:36:02)
- KMS and Other AWS Services (1:37:54)
- Developer Theory (2:50:50)
- Advanced IAM, Monitoring (1:15:42)
- Practice Papers (2 weeks - 5 mock tests allowing about 2 hours for each test and review)
Total Time: 10 weeks
- Free Test - June 2018
- Free Test CDA
- Test 1
- Test 2
- Test 3
- Test 4
- Test 5
- Use CloudTrail to monitor STS
- To use a role run
to get access as the role - If get error can use
aws sts decode-authorization-message
to get detail
- Managed Policies (owned by AWS, cannot be edited => copy to customer manage)
- Customer Manager Policy (only with own account)
- Inline policy (embedded into the User, Group or Role ==> Customer Manager generally recommended)
aws iam simulate-custom-policy
to test permissions. Need to get context keys to supply to CLI
- Authenticate with other internet providers (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon, SAML (Active Directory) and Open ID)
acts a identity brokers between AWS and internet providers- OAuth 2.0 flows
- Can customise look and feel (logo labels etc)
- Can hold user pool as well as other providers (built in signup, signin and guest users)
- Can have password rules and MFA requirements
- Verification code flow
- Has groups as well as users with mapping to IAM
- User logs into provider, get JWT token from broker (Facebook), cognito exchanges for temporary limited IAM token
Push Syncronization
with SNS to send user updates to devices- SAML
- Security Assertion Markup Langauge 2.0
- Endpoint
- SAML Federation for organisation SSO to AD
- Streams
- Allows access to data stored in Cognito
- Can detect compromised credentials on User Pool
- Use
Block use
in advanced security - Checks on Sign In, Sign Up, Password Change
- Use
- Fully managed orchestration service
- Run a docker container
- IAM Role controls access to resources (like an EC2) set at Task level
- Part of the VPC so usual VPC access
- Can use Securty Group on instances to isolate
- Often stick an Application LB in front of ECS
- Public url: https://[bucket].s3-website-[region]
- MultiPart upload - 3 steps: Initiate, Upload part, Complete
- Rough performance is 3,500 writes / second and 5,500 reads / second
- If encrypted will be bottlenecked by KMS as well (5,500 / second)
- Still use prefix if absolutely needed...
- To block unencrypted uploda need to us Bucket Policy Denying if no
- 503 errors can be when have millions of versions of a file - check inventory
- CloudFront TTL use minimum TTL and origin can add Cache-Control or Expires headers
- Can use a dead letter queue for failed function invocations
- Either SQS and SNS
- Function retried twice if invoked asyncronously
- Need to grant permission to lambda to
to SQS orPublish
to SNS
- Lambda defaults to 3s for timeout (max 15 minutes)
- Step function to orchestrate performing discrete functions or tasks and co-ordinate
- Lambda@Edge allows for code in front of CloudFront
- By default points at single version (pointer to specific version)
allows you to point at two versions- Controls percentage at each version
- Client ==> Method Request ==> Integration Request ==> Backend
- Backend ==> Integration Response ==> Method Response ==> Client
- Method are API interface and frontend
- Integration are where API interacts with bacekn
- Fast, flexible NoSQL db
- Single digit ms latency at any scale
- Fully managed
- Both document and key value data models
- Backed by SSD storages
- Encryption must be chosen at creation
- Always across 3 DCs (avoids single point of failure)
- Global tables
- multi region
- multi master
- Consistency - Eventual (default - usual within 1s) or Strongly
- Model:
- Tables, Items (like a row), Attributes (like a column)
- Key: Name of Data, Value: data
- Documents in JSON, HTML or XML
- Stored by Primary Key (also called HashKey)
- 2 Types:
- Partition Key
- Used as part of hash to determine physical location data is stored
- No 2 items can have same Primary Key
- Composite Key
- Partition Key (HASH) and Sort Key (RANGE)
- 2 items may have same partition key but not primary key
- Same Partition Key stored together, then sorted by sort key
- Access managed by IAM
- Control access and creation
- Create role allowing you to get temporary access keys to access table
- IAM Condition allowing only own record access
- Use UserID as Partiion Key and then make access only if match
value name
- Two classes of Table
- Standard
- Global
- Supports indexes
- Performance boost as per SQL
- 2 Types: Local or Global Secondary Index
- Local Secondary Index
- Created at table creation (and fixed)
- Same Partition Key, different sort key
- Global Secondary Index
- Add whenever
- Different partition key and sort key
- Transactions (Reinvent 2018)
- ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable)
- Ideal properties of transaction
- All or nothing action across multiple tables
- Durable across system failure
- e.g. buying an item in a game
- ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable)
- Time to live
- Expiry time for data
- Stored as attribute in Unix timestamp format
- Reduce storage cost
- Automatically deleted at some point after (within 48 hours)
- Can filter in scans/queries
- Manage TTL lets you set attribute and lets you preview state
- By default All attributes
to get subset
- Query:
- finds by Primary Key (not necessarily unique)
- Option Sort Key name and value to refine
- Always sorted by Sort Key
- Can be reversed using
parameter - Only on Queries, despite name
- Can be reversed using
- Eventually Consistent by Default, need to specify for Strongly Consistent
- Can use secondary index as well
- Scan:
- Examines all entries in a table
- Can filter but applied after dumping entire data
- Slower than Query
- Lower page size to stop Scan from blocking access to tables
- Can run scan in parallel scans
- Logically divide table into segment and scan in parallel
- Impact on performance
- Additionally Get and BatchGet
- Retrieve by Primary Key(s)
- Specify in Read and Write Capacity Units (per second)
- 1 WCU = 1x 1KB Write
- 1 RCU = 1x Strongly Consistent Read of 4KB or 2x Eventually Consistent Read of 4KB
- Support for autoscaling
- On-Demand Capacity pricing (Reinvent 2018)
- Pay per request
- Use if Unknown or unpredicatble workload
- Can change price model once a day
- Write costs more than read
- Partial items round up
- ProvisionedThroughputExceededExceptions
- Request rate too high for capacity
- AWS SDK will automatically retry using exponential back off (feature of every AWS SDK)
- If hand rolled then use exponential back off approach
in query to get used capacity: NONE (off) / TOTAL / INDEXES
- In Memory cache for DynamoDB
- Write through cache - i.e. written at same time as Table update
- If present gets from Cache on read (Cache Hit)
- Otherwise does Eventually Consistent read (Cache Miss)
- Point API calls at DAX cluster rather than DynamoDB
- Read only boost
- 10x moves to microsecond performance
- Idea for Read-Heavy or burst performance
- Can use Elasticache as well if prefered
- Memcached or Redis
- Memcached is not Multi-AZ
- Redis has option of multi az redundancy
- Allows both Write Through or Lazy Load
- Have to watch for data becoming stale on Lazy Load
- Handle this by having a Time To Live in Elasticache (doesn't avoid, just lowers change)
- Lazy Load has less data being held so more resource efficient
- Use for RDS
- Initially permission EC2 or Lambda via IAM (DynamoDB Full DB)
- Create a table
aws dynamodb create-table
--table-name students
- Time order sequence of modification events (CUD)
- Stored for 24 hours
- Encrypted at rest
- Dedicated enpoint
- Trigger lambdas (lambda polls the stream)
- Near real time
- Creation of materialised views
- Key Management Service
- Main difference from CloudHSM is that KMS is shared hardware rather than dedicated
- Manage encryptions keys
- 2 roles - use (encrypt/decrypt) or manage
- Can add external users as well as IAM Users and Groups
- Included in EBS, S3, RDS, Redshift, Workmail, Elastic Transcoder and others
- Part of IAM
- Not global - keys are regional
- When creating a key - Key material can be from KMS or external
- When deleting a key
- First disable the key
- Then schedule deletion (within 7 - 30 days)
- Customer Master Key
- Metadata: Alias, creation date, description and key state
- Key material
- Can not be exported (need to use Cloud HSM if you want to export)
- Envelope Encryption
- Envelope Key (key used to encrypt data)
- Envelope Key is encrypted by the customer master key
- Data Key is decrypted Envelope Key
- Command
- KMS API Calls
- aws kms encrypt --key-id --plaintext <File/Text> --output text --query CipherTextBlob
- aws kms decrypt --key-id --ciphertext-blob <File/Text> --output text --query PlainText
- aws kms re-encrypt --ciphertext-blob <File/Text> --destination-key-id
- Take encrypted one, decrypt and then re-encrypt it
- aws kms enable-key-rotation
- Key will automatically be rotated once a year
- only is key material from KMS (not imported)
- Decouple components
- Oldest AWS service
- Webservice access to a queue
- 256KB of text (any format e.g. JSON/XML)
- Retention is 1 min to 14 days (default 4 days)
- Poll based system not a push based systems (use SNS)
- Can work as a buffer layer (producer faster than consumer)
- Could use length of queue to autoscale processors
- Messages marked as invisible while being processed
- If processing fails re-appears after visibility time out
- Default time out is 30 s
- Maximum time out is 12 hours
- Two Types of Queue
- Standard
- Delivered at least once
- Best effort ordering
- Nearly unlimited rate
- Exactly once
- Firt in first out
- Max of 300 tx / s
- Support message groups
- Standard
- Long Polling
- Doesnt return from request until either timeout or a message sent
- Reduces costs
- Compatible with JMS (v1.1) - only standard queues
- Delay Queues - can lag a message up to 15 minutes (default is 0). Can set on indiviual messages.
- Can have message attributes as well as payload
- Web service to send notifications
- Push to mobile devices, SMS, email, SQS or HTTP endpoint
- Also can trigger a lambda
- Simple APIs
- Grouped by topics
- Allows recipients to subscribe
- Support different target types and more than one subscriber
- Redundant storage across multiple AZs
- Push based (pub-sub)
- User can add filter policy when they subscribe to get subset
- Pricing
- $0.5 / 1m Requests
- $0.06 / 100k HTTP deliveries
- $0.75 / 100 SMS
- $2 / 100k emails
- Simple Email Service
- Automated emails (e.g. Marketing email, shipping email)
- Can receive email as well (to S3 or trigger SNS / Lambda)
- Not subscription based just need email of target
- Deploying and scaling Web Apps (or Docker environments)
- Deployment
- Provisioning
- Load Balancing / AutoScaling
- Written in Java, .Net, PHP, NodeJS, Python, Ruby, Go, Docker
- Packer to create custom environments using AMI and Platform.yaml
- Widely used platfroms Tomcat, NGINX, IIS, etc.
- Can be within a VPC
- Can include additional resources such as RDS
- GUI driven
- Control of EC2 type
- EBS can fully manage or can take over full EC2 management
- Managed platform updates
- OS, PHP etc
- Control times
- Pay for and control of deployed resources
- EBS Deployment Policy
- All at Once
- All simultaneous
- All go out of service (not for prod systems, for test & dev)
- If fails would need to roll back
- Works on single instance
- Rolling
- Deploys in batches
- Performance impact as cluster shrinks by batch size
- If fails would need to roll back
- Rolling with Additional Batch
- Adds another batch
- Performance not impacted
- If fails would need to roll back
- Immutable
- Completely new fresh instances in new auto scaling group
- Once healthy moved to existing group and old terminated
- Preferred option for mission critical systems
- Roll back easy as just involves killing new ASG
- Works on single instance
- Blue/Green
- As per immutable but swap URL in DNS at end
- Create new environment, deploy to it, swap URLs
- All at Once
- Code and configuration in an S3 bucket
- Config written in JSON or YAML
- Called
folder .ebextensions
in top level of application source code bundle- Use to change the instance size (S3 file)
- Precedence: Default, .ebextensions, Saved Config, Settings directly applied
- Delete of environment deletes whole stack
- When using with RDS
- Good for Dev / Test as database coupled with environment
- For production, decouple and launch separately
- Additional Security Group on ASG
- Provided connection string configuration to application servers
- Can control what happens with
setting - e.g. Create snapshot to keep DB
- Every deployment creates a version
- Will hit version limit
- Use Application Version Lifecycle policy to delete old versions
- Each application can have multiple versions
- Periodic stuff use a
file - EB CLI allows for monitoring and working with environment
- Change environment to change runtime
- Streaming data from 1000s of sources simultaneous in small sizes (Kbs)
- Load, Analyze Streaming Data
- 3 Services
- Streams
- Data stored in Shards
- 24hr to 7 day retention
- Number of Shards controls capacity of streams
- Max of incoming write / 1000 and outgoing read / 2000
- Consumers read and send on
- Can only control order within a shard using
- Firehose
- No need to worry about shards or streams
- Completely automated
- Can use Lambda to analyse / transform
- Sends data to S3
- No automatic retention - either straight to Lambda, S3, Elasticsearch (+Splunk)
- If to Redshift via S3
- Analytics
- SQL queries as it exists in Firehose or Streams
- Store in S3, Redshift, Elasticsearch
- Streams
- White Paper
- Cloud9 - Code Editor
- Code Commit (Git) ==> Code Build (Build System) ==> Tests ==> Code Deploy ==> Envronments
- Code Pipeline links it all together
- CodeStart is the overall service for SDLC in cloud
- Git
- IAM based need to create Git credentials in IAM
- Notifications to SNS or CloudWatch
- Cross Account
- Create cross account IAM role
- Grant role access
- Provide ARN to users
- Fully managed code build service
- e.g. CodeCommit => Docker Build ==> ECR host on ECS
- Code in Git in Code Commit
- ECS Cluster running Linux ASG in a VPC
- Docker repository in ECR
- Docker build and then push to ECR (docker build, docker tag, docker push)
- Create a Task definition in ECS for image
- Create a Service to launch the Task in Cluster (allows control of placement of instances as wel)
- Controlled by
- Defaults to spec file in source code
- Can be hard coded in console (useful if cant change source code)
- Can be passed in
command (buildspecOverride
- Environment variables (
) section (Key Value Pair)- Constants or from Paramater Store
- Phases (
):- Install, PreBuild, Build, PostBuild
- Sequence of shell commands
- Specify output
- CodeBuild runs on a docker image
- AWS provide some standard one (Ubuntu)
- Can be any image
- Shortened logs in console, full logs in CloudWatch
- To access VPC resources need to add VPC-specific configuration
Deploy to EC2, on-premise of Lambda
Integrates with Jenkins, GitHub, CodePipeline
Config management tools Ansible, Puppet and Chef
Two deployments methods In-Place or Blue/Green
- In-Place (or Rolling update):
- One/Half/All instance at a time is upgraded
- Capacity loss, rollback involves redeploy
- Take out of Load Balancer during upgrade
- Not available for Lambda
- Blue-Green
- New instances created and deployed
- No capacity loss
- New instances added to ELB and then ready
- Much easier to switch back if problem (just ELB config)
- In-Place (or Rolling update):
Deployment Configuration
set of rules as well as success/fail conditions -
file defines the deployment actions- Defines parameters for code deploy
- Same location as files to deploy
- EC2 (YAML):
: for future use, currently 0.0os
: windows or linuxfiles
to copy fromsource
Shell script to run (runas support and timeouts)
- Lambda (YAML or JSON):
: for future use, currently 0.0resources
: name and properties of Lambdahooks
: as per EC2 - e.g. to valdiate deployment at stagesBeforeAllowTraffic
- Can specify version of Lambda to be deployed
Code Deploy agent installed on EC2 or On-Premise machines
Service role in IAM for CodeDeploy controls permissions
- Download from AWS URL and run install
- Runs as service on AWS Linux
Example deploy a web app from S3 bucket to EC2
aws deploy create-application --application-name mywebapp
aws deploy push --application-name mywebapp --s3-location s3://bucket/ --ignore-hidden-files
- Next:
- Define deployment group which is set of target machines
- Choose Deployment type
- Choose ASG, EC2 by Tag, OnPremise
- Point at Load Balancer for config
- Create the Deployment
- Gives additional options about file overwrites
- Can override default roll back configuration
- CI/CD service
- Orchestrate build, test and deployment on code changes
- Links with Lambda, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Formation, ECS
- Source code from CodeCommit, GitHub, or S3
- Trigger by CloudWatch alert
- S3 enable versioning and trigger on new version
- Can integrate with Jenkins
- Infrastructure as code - Manage, configure, provision
- Version control
- Consistency
- Time and effort
- Defined in templates (YAML or JSON)
- Store in S3 (can be uploaded directly in console into S3 bucket)
- Sample templates from AWS
- Free to use
- Under management tools
- Dependencies built in sequence
- Managed as Stacks (build and delete)
- Structure:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
: specifies file format (only one supported)Description
- custom fieldsParameters
- Input values, provided at stack launch by userConditions
- Custom expressions to allow template to make decisionsMappings
- Define values in a dictionary key (e.g. RegionMap)Transform
- Include snippets of code from other files in S3 (, code re-useResources
- The AWS Resources you are deploying (required!)Outputs
- Outputs from the scripts, can be passed downstream
- Rollback on failure by default
- Can be disabled for debugging etc
- --disable-rollback from CLI/API
- Nested Stacks
- Allow for reuse of template within a template
- Part of
section as a Stack type - Must have
can haveParameters
- For EC2 can use
to install software on instances - StackSets extend stacks over multiple regions and account
- ChangeSets used to change running resources
- Cloudformation extension for serverless
- Simplified syntax
- Add a
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
line to template after Version- Tells AWS is SAM template
- Place yaml file in same folder as Lambda code
- Package whole lot including YAML to S3 bucket
- sam package: Package all the local resources for a SAM to s3-bucket (applies transform)
- sam deploy: deploys the serverless app using CF
- CloudWatch - monitor performance and logs
- CloudTrail - monitors API calls to AWS (think audit)
- AWS Config - records state of AWS environment and notifies of changes (think version control of environment)
- XRay allow you to trace through execution path
- Needs IAM permission to write to XRay
- Docker image in ECS
- Use interceptors to catch all HTTP requests
- XRay Lambda Environment Variables
- what happens if no trace ID (error log by default)AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS
- IP:PORT for XRay daemon
- To monitor ELBs look at the access logs
- Can aggregrate in CloudWatch using statistic sets
- Can monitor Compute (ASG, ELBs, R53 Healthcheck), Storage and CDN, Databases and Analytics
- Also monitors billing (alerts on threshold)
- Gathers logs into log streams
- EC2 Monitors by default (CPU, Network, Disk IOs, Status Check) every 5 mins (cost for every 1 minute)
- Cannot monitor by default RAM or Disk space - custom metric (minimum of every 1 minute)
- Stored indefinitely by default (including terminated instances)
- Can get data using GetMetricStatistics API
- Alert on all metrics, trigger an action including a lambda
- Can include outside resources of AWS - SSM agent and Cloudwatch agent
- Default EC2 metrics are 5 min (basic monitoring), detailed 1 min, High resolution metrics allow for 10s or 30s
- Alerts over multiple evaluation periods, control for period length, number of points
- For logs from EC2 need to install CloudWatch agent