Cloud Compute (NIST defintion)
- On-demand self service resources
- Broad network access
- Resource pooling and elastic resources
- Measured service (PAYG or reserve)
Co-location of renting in shared facilites. Then moved towards to virtualisation, but still have to buy underlying machines setting it up and running. Google is a containerised architecture where resources are provisioned automatically.
Every company is a data company.
GCP meet you where you are from IaaS to PaaS to managed services
- IaaS: Compute Engine
- Hybrid: Kubernetes Engine
- PaaS: App Engine
- Serverless: Functions
- Managed Services
(SaaS offerings out of scope)
Worldwide network:
- 100 points of presence (edge locations)
- Multi-Region (Europe) - Region (Europe-West2) - Zone (like a DC, low latency with region)
- Can place some services in multi-region
- 15 or so regions
- Projects to manage groups of resources (globally unique ID, non unique name)
- Track resourcing and quotas
- Enable billing and mangage permission and APIs
- Collection of projects in a Folder (must be part of an Org Node)
- Collection of foldes in an Org Node
- Organisation Admin
- Organisation Policy Admin (broad control of resources)
- Project Creators (project level control)
- Linked to GSuite if you have one or use Google Cloud Identity
Environment goals:
- Carbon neutral
- Renewable energy
Open APIs in GCP
- uses Open Source APIs
Multi-layer security
- Designs and builds own data centres
- Limited access
- Multiple physical security controls
- Networking and Servers are custom designed
- Custom security chip (Titan)
- Encryption at rest and in RPC calls (auto encrypted)
- Hard drive encryption
- Second factors
- Google Front End
- Built in DDoS attacks
- Machine Learning in log in and network use
- Red team tests
Security Collaboration
- Google owns infrastructure security
- You are responsible for securing data
- Principle least privilege
Access to GCP:
- Console (Web UI)
- Has built in shell with SDK
- SDK (CLIs)
- gcloud (main SDK)
- gsutil (Cloud Storage)
- bq (Big Query)
- Available as docker image
- RESTful APIs
- OAuth 2.0
- Quotad and needs to be enabled
- API Explorer in Console
- Client Libraries
- Cloud Client libraries (community owned libraries that feel correct for language)
- API Client libraries (full feature set but less aligned with languages)
- Cloud Console Mobile App
IAM Policies can be on Org / Folder / Project and flow downwards - Who: Google account, group, service account, GSuite, Cloud identity domain - Can do What: IAM Role (collection of permissions) - On What Resource
3 types of roles:
- Primitive: Broad apply to project and affect all resources
- Owner (every thing including roles and permissions, set up billing)
- Billing Administrator (just control billing side)
- Editor (can change state)
- Viewer (examine)
- Predefined Roles: apply to a particular service in a project
- Custom Roles: allow you to define a precise set of permissions
- Primitive: Broad apply to project and affect all resources
Service Accounts
- Have an email address to identify them
- Use cryptographic material rather than password
- These need to be managed
- Compute
- Compute Engine (VMs)
- Kubernetes Engine
- App Engine
- Cloud Functions
- Storage
- Bigtable
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud SQL
- Cloud Spanner
- Cloud Datastore
- Big Data
- Big Query
- Pub/Sub
- Data flow
- Data proc
- Data lab
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language API
- Vision API
- Machine Learning
- Speech API
- Translate API
Cloud MarketPlace (formerly Launcher): pre-packaged solutions, estimate costs per month
- base images get patched but once deployed yours to manage
- Virtual machines
- Specify CPU, Memory, Storage size and type, GPU
- Custom size possible as well
- Flexibly resized
- Designed to offer fast and consistent performance
- Firewall attached to VM
- Storage
- Persistent disk: standard or SSD
- Local SSD disk (lost if terminated)
- Snapshot available
- High throughput available at no extra cost
- Pricing
- Per second
- Preemptible VM (Spot instances)
- Scaling
- Huge single instance
- Autoscaling for horizontal scaling
- Cloud Load Balancing
- Single global anycast IP
- Point of presence to LB
- Types:
- Global HTTP(S) (Level 7) - support URL level routing
- Global SSL Proxy (Level 4) - non-https ssl traffic (e.g. WSS), specific ports
- Global TCP Proxy (Level 4) - non-ssl traffic, specific ports
- Regional (TCP/UDP on any port)
- Regional internal (within VPC)
- Virtual Private Cloud Network
- connect resources to each other
- segment networks
- connect to internet
- Firewall:
- Firewall rules
- Can be on tags of resources
- Routing tables: static routes
- VPC are global (not regional)
- Subnets are regional but scan span zones
- Interproject:
- Peering to connect networks
- Shared VPC for full IAM control
- Interconnect:
- VPN tunnels (Cloud Router using Border Gateway Protocol)
- Direct Peering (Put a router in one of google's point of presence) - No SLA
- Carrier Peering (Use a carriers router in a PoP) - No SLA
- Dedicated Interconnect (Private circuits for trafic to GCP at PoP) - has SLA if done to spec
- Cloud DNS
- Managed zones then add/edit/delete records
- Cloud CDN
- On the VM in either persistent or local SSD
- Cloud Storage (S3 equivalent)
- Object storage within Buckets
- Unique key (URL)
- Serving web content, DR, direct download
- Immutable, new versions
- Encrypted at REST and access via HTTPS
- Buckets:
- Globally unique name
- Storage class and lifecycle rules
- MultiRgional: 99.95% SLA GeoRedundant
- Regional: 99.90% SLA Near compute engine
- Nearline: 99.00% SLA (Access less than 1/mth) Backup, longtail content
- Coldline: 99.00% SLA (Access less than 1/year) DR, Archive
- Region or multi-region
- IAM Policy and ACL
- Version rules
- Obejcts
- Files in a flat namespace
- ACLs
- Transfer in:
- gsutil (CLI), console
- Storage Transfer Service (online large batch) - source HTTPS, another cloud or another region
- Transfer Appliance (up to 1 PB - Beta, Snowball)
- Cloud Big Table
- NoSQL, wide-column database service
- Sparsely populated to store petabytes of data
- HBase API
- Support for streaming data in (Spark Streaming, Storm, Cloud Dataflow Streaming)
- Batch Processing in MapReduce/DataFlow/Spark
- Cloud Datastore
- NoSQL Highly Scalable
- App Backend
- Transaction support (unlike Big Table)
- SQL like query engine
- Cloud SQL
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server (Beta)
- Replicas: Read, Failover, external
- Managed backups
- Vertical (R/W) and Horizontal (RO) scaling
- Security: Firewalls, encrypted at REST and in transit in GCP internal
- Cloud Spanner
- Horizontally scalable RDBMS
- Strong consistency
- SQL ANSI 2011