Releases: CellProfiler/prokaryote
Releases · CellProfiler/prokaryote
Patch to FlowCyteReader
This fixes a bug in the FlowCyteReader caused by misinterpreting one of the TIF tags. The fix has been pushed to BioFormats, but this patch is here while waiting for the next release.
Fixes CellProfiler issue #1843
Minor fix - handle non-capturing regexps properly
Support numeric well rows
This is a very minor release to support CellProfiler issue CellProfiler/CellProfiler#1677.
1.0.7: Merge pull request #18 from CellProfiler/issues/16
Oh sadness bdist_egg hacks itself past using build, so this
- Modified to include prokaryote/prokaryote.jar and .txt file in data_files. This makes pip uninstall prokaryote clean those files up and it adds them to the list of files in the package so that application bundlers like py2exe and py2app can properly package them.
- Changed .travis.yml to use the TRAVIS_TAG environment variable to get the correct jar to upload.