Releases: ChihuahuaChain/chihuahua
v2.4.1: reboot the puppy
What's Changed
- lints and linter ci, to make sure that basic issues are covered by @faddat in #52
- wasm by @faddat in #53
- bump tendermint by @faddat in #54
- dependabot by @faddat in #55
- update ledger-cosmos-go by @faddat in #57
- remove vue folder, dnm if we use vue by @faddat in #56
- Update .dependabot.yml by @faddat in #59
- Remove Starport & Omnibus by @faddat in #58
- go 1.19 by @faddat in #60
- Update build.yml by @faddat in #61
- annotate replaces in go.mod by @faddat in #62
- update by @faddat in #64
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.4.1
Note: This release contains state-breaking changes
- use wasmvm 1.1.1 (state breaking)
- use wasmd v0.29.1 (state breaking)
- Remove Starport / Ignite CLI (not state breaking)
- enable iavl fast node (likely the reason the chain could only make one block at a time)
Routine TLC:
- tendermint v0.34.22
Adverse events
This patch should work just fine. Validators should review the patch before applying it to their nodes. All validators should run this version, because mixed versions will lead to the same set of adverse events as before.
This patch could malfunction, even disastrously, but there should not be a risk to historical state of the chain. From the validator set, state exports should be made before applying the patch just in case. It would be wise to identify one or more operators of archive nodes, just in case.
If this patch either produces only one block, or burns more than it is expected to, validators should take the chain down again, and the highest VotePower validators would do well to carefully monitor the chain. Taking the chain down requires that 1/3 of VotePower go offline.
What's Changed
- Version bump to cosmos-sdk v0.45.9 by @lydia-pierce in #51
- Version bump to the official v0.28.0 of cosmwasm by @lydia-pierce in #51
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2
Main Changes
- burning mechanism burns 50% of all transaction fees
- pruning command integrated into CLI
- dragonberry patch
- Addprune by @lydia-pierce in #41
- setup a burning mechanism for fee collections by @tj327 in #42
- seperate 'start' command by @lydia-pierce in #43
- Addprune by @lydia-pierce in #44
- burn mechanism by @lydia-pierce in #45
- update upgrade handler by @tj327 in #46
- Burntxfees by @lydia-pierce in #47
- Add support for ledger nano s plus by @bjaanes in #50
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1
What's Changed
- fumpt by @faddat in #28
- Minimum Proposer Deposit Percent by @lydia-pierce in #33
- Set upgrade handler for minpropdeposit by @lydia-pierce in #34
- Update by @zdeadex in #32
- Enable static linking by @jim380 in #30
- Fixed typo in app.go by @lydia-pierce in #35
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2
v2.0.1 Chiwawasm
What's Changed
- Release/v1.1.x by @faddat in #11
- spin chihuahuad with statesync by @clemensgg in #14
- chihuahua v2.0.0 rc 1 by @evan-forbes in #17
- upgrade wasm to v0.27.0-junity-0 by @lydia-pierce in #22
- Lydia/wasm27upgrade by @lydia-pierce in #24
- Lydia/removeauthz by @lydia-pierce in #26
New Contributors
- @clemensgg made their first contribution in #14
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v2.0.1
Angry Andy
Angry Andy pre-release
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #1 Version bumps, add mainnet files, many improvements and fixes
- #2 Add a minimum validator commission of 5% based on proposal #1
v1.0.0 - 2021-12-18
v1.1.0 - 2022-01-XX (TBA)
v1.0.0 Release mainnet
Release mainnet